
When migrants beat cops and pols let them go, policing will get worse -- and will be less safe

Via:  Jeremy in NC  •  last year  •  77 comments

By:   rlmac (New York Post)

When migrants beat cops and pols let them go, policing will get worse -- and will be less safe
A gaggle of New York's newest made that clear over the weekend: The so-called asylum-seekers — all from Venezuela — battered two cops in Times Square Saturday.

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Today's America

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

It's Bash-A-Cop Week in the Big Apple.

A gaggle of New York's newest made that clear over the weekend: The so-called asylum-seekers — all from Venezuela — battered two cops in Times Square Saturday; four were arrested, processed and cut loose without bail.

A fifth was in custody Wednesday afternoon and police said three more were in the wind.

It's shocking — but it's the new normal.

Gotham's criminal-coddling City Council certainly underscored that point Tuesday — overriding Mayor Adams' veto of a bill meant to turn cops into report-writing robots.

These may seem to have been discrete events, but fundamentally they were not.

Yes, punks have been punching police officers since forever, and politicians naturally pander.

What's new is that today's pols are pandering to the punks, while the public pays the price: Blame it on progressive politics, and expect more of the same.

220-west-42-street-physical-75687528_e48216.jpg?w=1024 DCPI

Saturday's drama was straight-forward enough: Police say the border-hoppers were loitering in Times Square around 8:30 p.m. Ordered to move along, they attacked and beat two officers, then fled.

They all need to be deported, promptly — but that's a torturous process, so doubtless the attack will go down as just another insult to the notion of an ordered society.

Sort of like a couple of weeks ago, when Sahara Dula, 24, of Brooklyn rammed a cop with her Lexus - "I did it on purpose . . . F-ck the cops" - and walked bail-free on a low-level assault charge.

The list could go on, but why bother? Nothing speaks to the point as eloquently as the City Council's override of Adams' veto of the so -called "How Many Stops Act" — a pernicious piece of legislation intended to serve two main purposes:

  • Deflect street cops from what should be their main task — maintaining public safety — by burying them in paperwork, and;
  • Disrespect Adams by torpedoing a core campaign promise — to reverse rising crime rates by siccing cops on criminals.

The override parallels state-level legislation meant to take the heat off criminals — the 2019 bail "reform" bill and related changes to New York's penal codes — that immediately preceded the crime wave Adams promised to counter.

If this seems circular — that is, all part of a depressing cause-and-effect cycle — it's because it is. Ease up on criminals, and you get more crime; that seems simple enough.

The thing is, however, when cops are punished simply for being cops — and when cop fighters don't get what's coming to them because the law won't allow it — the result is fewer good cops and generally diminished quality policing.

What goes around really does come around — and the public suffers.

The Times Square border-hoppers need to be rounded up and sent packing back to Venezuela — as a matter of simple justice, of public safety and as a message to criminally inclined newcomers who see cops as punching bags.

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Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC    last year

Results of the policies of the Democrat "leadership".  

Notice the (m)ass media isn't covering this.

Professor Quiet
1.1  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @1    last year
Results of the policies of the Democrat "leadership".

According to FBI statistics , nationally, 60,105 law enforcement officers were assaulted while performing their duties in 2020.

Assuming the same number will occur this year, that means that 60,104 were by American citizens.  And you think the media should cover just 1 of those incidents???

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1    last year

And none of that has nothing to do with illegals assaulting law enforcement then being let go without consequence.  

Professor Quiet
1.1.3  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @1.1.1    last year
let go without consequence

Are you claiming that DOJ interfered with the local courts preventing them keeping the arrested suspects in custody?  Or are you upset that NY city has the gall to handle things they way they want to?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.7  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.5    last year

They don't tend to vote for Democrats?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.8  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.3    last year
Are you claiming that DOJ interfered with the local courts preventing them keeping the arrested suspects in custody?

What I said is pretty clear.  If you don't understand it, go look for help.  

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.9  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.5    last year

I can't think of a single reasonable excuse. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.10  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.3    last year

At least one of the suspects has two recent priors:

Yorman Reveron has two prior arrests. In November, he allegedly assaulted a Nordstrom Rack employee attempting to stop him from shoplifting. And last month, he is accused of punching a Macy's employee trying to stop him and two others during a robbery at the Herald Square location.

Looks like he is acclimating to US metro shopping customs.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
1.1.12  Right Down the Center  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.5    last year
Why would anyone defend assaulting police officers?

They are planning to go "shopping" later?

Professor Quiet
1.1.13  Ozzwald  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @1.1.8    last year
What I said is pretty clear.

The words were clear, it just doesn't make sense.  But at least you are consistent.

Professor Quiet
1.1.14  Ozzwald  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.10    last year
At least one of the suspects has two recent priors

What's your point?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.16  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.14    last year

That while awaiting trail for the first assault, he may have committed two more.  Why is he released on his own recognizance?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.17  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.16    last year
Why is he released on his own recognizance?

Democrat Policies.

Professor Quiet
1.1.18  Ozzwald  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.16    last year
Why is he released on his own recognizance?

Why don't you ask the republican judge who ordered it?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.19  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.18    last year

Here  is Jhoan Boada one of the released illegal aliens


He knows why he was released.

Professor Quiet
1.1.21  Ozzwald  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.1.19    last year


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.22  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.21    last year

It never was an insurrection or as Joe Biden called it an erection!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.23  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.21    last year
And here are some of the insurrectionists, rioters, and police assaulters that Trump plans to pardon if he is re-elected.

One distinction is that many of these folks weren't released upon arrest, but held, triad and convicted.

Jhoan Boada was released.  Yorman Reveron has two prior arrests. In November, he allegedly assaulted a Nordstrom Rack employee attempting to stop him from shoplifting. And last month, he is accused of punching a Macy's employee trying to stop him and two others during a robbery at the Herald Square location. Also released.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
1.1.24  Right Down the Center  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.21    last year
What's your point?

What is yours?  His photo is about people in the article, yours seems like a pretty lame diversion attempt.

Professor Principal
1.1.25  JBB  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.21    last year


Professor Principal
1.1.26  JBB  replied to  Right Down the Center @1.1.24    last year

We get it, selective outrage...

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
1.1.27  Right Down the Center  replied to  JBB @1.1.26    last year
We get it, selective outrage...

Do you have any issue with what they did or their lack of punishment?  Where have I ever said I don't think all people should be held responsible for their actions?  Or are you just throwing something out there hoping it will stick?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.28  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.21    last year

Is that what some here call whataboutism?

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.1.29  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.28    last year

Meets the rather stringent criteria............

Professor Quiet
1.1.30  Ozzwald  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.1.22    last year


Professor Quiet
1.1.31  Ozzwald  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.23    last year
One distinction is that many of these folks weren't released upon arrest, but held, triad and convicted.

That's a lie.  Most were released after being arrested and their trials took place months or even years later.  Only those accused of the most violent offenses were kept in jail.

Professor Quiet
1.1.32  Ozzwald  replied to  JBB @1.1.26    last year
We get it, selective outrage...

Yup, they see 1 crime being committed by a non-American and they are full of outrage.  However they completely ignore the same crime being done thousands of other times by Americans.

Only Americans can commit crimes in MAGA America, and they're okay with that.

Professor Quiet
1.1.33  Ozzwald  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.28    last year
Is that what some here call whataboutism?

No, it is called pointing out right wing hypocrisies.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.34  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.31    last year
That's a lie.

No, those charge just charged with entering a restricted building were released until trial.  Those charged with assaulting a police officer spent time in jail. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.35  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.33    last year

I call it diversion.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
1.1.36  Right Down the Center  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.32    last year

Do you have any issue with what they did or their lack of punishment? 

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
1.1.38  Right Down the Center  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.32    last year
Yup, they see 1 crime being committed by a non-American and they are full of outrage.  However they completely ignore the same crime being done thousands of other times by Americans. Only Americans can commit crimes in MAGA America, and they're okay with that.

Sound familiar to white on black crime vs black on black crime?  That is called  pointing out LWNJ hypocrisy.

Professor Quiet
1.1.39  Ozzwald  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.34    last year
No, those charge just charged with entering a restricted building were released until trial.

You did not separate them in your claim, I did in mine.  That's why what you said was a falsehood.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.40  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.32    last year
Yup, they see 1 crime being committed by a non-American and they are full of outrage.

Many see a crime being committed by somebody who should not be here in the first place.  But Democrat shit policies (Traitor Joe, Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul's shit policies) and has allowed him to run around NYC (now California) committing crime. 

THAT is a determination that you are leaving out of all your arguments.  For once at least be honest.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.41  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.39    last year

Whatever Ozzy.

Professor Quiet
1.1.42  Jasper2529  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.5    last year

Maybe they agree with Bragg's no bail policies? Maybe they agree with Hochul's and Adams' sanctuary policies for illegal aliens? 

So far, at least 4 of those illegal alien thugs used fake IDs to get bus tickets and are allegedly on their way to California. Bragg and Hochul are hoping they'll come back for their court dates ... LOL!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.43  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.18    last year
Why don't you ask the republican judge who ordered it?

What is the judge’s name?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.44  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.43    last year
What is the judge’s name?

They don't have a clue.  It was a pathetic knee jerk reaction to try to distract from the actual problem.

Professor Quiet
1.1.45  Ozzwald  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1.43    last year

What is the judge’s name?

Look it up for yourself.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.46  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.45    last year

I couldn't find it but you must have to label him a repub, please cite the link.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.47  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.45    last year

You don't have a clue.  The "republican judge" comment (1.1.8) was nothing more than pathetic BULLSHIT.  

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.1.48  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.45    last year

Perhaps you were mistaken when you labeled the judge a repub.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2  Vic Eldred    last year

Last night Curtis Sliwa vowed to return the Guardian Angels to patrolling Times Square. Unfortunately, if they harm any of Biden's precious migrants it will be the Angels who get prosecuted. The left has finally accomplished its primary objective: the breakdown of law and order in the US.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @2    last year
Unfortunately, if they harm any of Biden's precious migrants it will be the Angels who get prosecuted.

That would only occur if one of those bottom of the barrel liberal prosecutors catchs wind of it.  I doubt the NYPD would file charges if they are assisted with handling illegals.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1.1  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1    last year
I doubt the NYPD would file charges if they are assisted with handling illegals.

I agree on that point, but we saw what happened with the former Marine who defended people on the subway.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.2  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.1.1    last year

yeah, I forgot about that bit of bullshit.  

Professor Quiet
2.1.3  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.1.1    last year

He's spoken out about these illegal thugs.

Professor Quiet
2.2  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @2    last year

I saw him, too, and he was rightfully pissed off!

Professor Quiet
2.3  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @2    last year

Ironically, Sliwa was on Hannity last night. He was in Times Square, and his Angels nabbed an illegal alien thug on camera!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3  Sean Treacy    last year

The illegal being released on no bail after attacking a police officer and giving everyone the finger pretty much sums up Biden's America

Senior Expert
3.1  George  replied to  Sean Treacy @3    last year

Only if he is able to go back to government supplied hotel room and free food and healthcare, I wonder if he is in one of the rooms that they threw a veteran out of?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  George @3.1    last year

It is telling that the Obama administration and Traitor Joe's administration fined US Citizens for not having healthcare insurance but gives it away to people who shouldn't be here.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4  Sparty On    last year

Glad I don’t live in one of those sanctuary shit holes.    They reap what they sow though and much worse is likely coming.    Enjoy your Bidenomics heretics …..

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    last year

And four of the illegals  have already escaped to California...

Who could have seen this coming?

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.2  Right Down the Center  replied to  Sean Treacy @5    last year

California deserves them.  Maybe Gavin and his kid will help them shoplift from Target. 

charger 383
Professor Silent
6  charger 383    last year

And, the politicians who welcome these foreigners into our country do not want US Citizens to have our guns to protect our selfs after they get away with beating up the police. 

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
7  Mark in Wyoming     last year

Just read , 4 of the 5 charged, went to a Catholic relief org using fake names and story to get tickets to California.

Have to wait and see if they show up for their court date.....won't hold my breath.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8  Vic Eldred    last year

This article has been up almost 24 hours.

Please note: Not a single member from the left has condemned this attack on NYC cops in broad daylight on a Saturday in Times Square by illegal migrants.

No of them has even acknowledged that this incident has taken place. With time they may even deny the fact that it did take place. We now live in a time when illegal migrants are allowed into the country, given shelter as well as other benefits and go unpunished for attacking police officers. In NYC police officers were even denied the night sticks that could have enabled them to fend off such an attack.

Yesterday, Raymond Arroyo, on behalf of Fox News, interviewed New Yorkers and asked them who they thought was responsible for the incident. All blamed Joe Biden and a few of them even identified themselves as lifelong democrats. The question that didn't get asked was if they had voted for Letitia James for AG of New York? She only ran on one thing. Maybe they didn't care what she ran on or what she did on the New York City Council. Maybe they simply voted for her because she was the democrat running for NYAG. Maybe it is that easy for the left. They need only get their candidates to win a low turnout democratic primary election. In the case of Letitia James, she won a three-way race with 40% of the vote in the primary.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
9  Right Down the Center    last year



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