
NYC's booming underground migrant economy exposes the true disaster of Biden's open border

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  last year  •  7 comments

By:   Post Editorial Board (New York Post)

NYC's booming underground migrant economy exposes the true disaster of Biden's open border
Immigration policies that admit vast numbers of low-skill workers are a plague on Americans in low-skill jobs, warned the late, great Barbara Jordan.

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By Post Editorial Board

Immigration policies that admit vast numbers of low-skill workers are a plague on Americans in low-skill jobs, warned the late, great Barbara Jordan — the Texas congresswoman who chaired President Bill Clinton's immigration commission back in the 1990s.

Open borders make a welfare state unworkable, warned America's leading Socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders — before he started toeing the new Democratic Party line amid his 2016 presidential run.

Warnings fully vindicated by The Post's Isabel Vincent's deep dive inside the city's cash-based underground migrant economy.

Migrants from Africa and Latin America, many if not most with little English, are taking underground jobs as food delivery drivers, construction day laborers, cooks and cleaners.

Some illegally use others' work papers, or fake IDs, to work "legally"; others find employers willing to hire off-the-books so they can pay less.

And some run illegal businesses as street vendors, selling to other "asylum seekers" — or as quasi-beggars vending candy on the subway.

An Ecuadorean migrant, wearing her baby on her back, sold candy to passengers at Grand Central Station on a recent afternoon. Stefano Giovannini

Not to mention those dealing drugs, shoplifting and so on: In the wake of the migrant attack on cops in Times Square, it's plain the city is now hosting some new migrant criminal gangs.

With a wink from the Biden administration, they broke the law to come here; how surprising is it that they'd keep breaking laws now that they've arrived?

Especially when prosecutors like Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg can't even manage to enforce the law against migrants who assault police officers.

Let's be clear here: Even getting them all the right to work legally won't do much.

Fine, a few thousand can to do farm work upstate, and Gov. Hochul wants lowers job qualifications to let migrants fill up to 4,000 state jobs, such as caring for disabled individuals, custodial work, etc.

But that's a drop in the bucket of the 160,000 or so migrants — and, again, comes at the expense of low-skilled longtime New Yorkers who'd take those jobs.

Heck, working well-paid construction jobs here requires all manner of certificates — and how many migrants are worth hiring for New York's ever-rising minimum wage?

Overwhelmingly, these migrants come to America because they can earn more here than back home, even working illegally: If they can't find legal work even with the right papers, many will still work underground.

And with a ready supply of workers willing to work off the books, the underground economy will grow a demand for them, just as New York's legal non-union construction industry already outstrips the unionized one.

"It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest," said Rep. Jordan.

That's a responsibility the current leaders of our democratic society plainly aren't willing to face.

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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    last year

Just what we needed in the US.........

Not to mention those dealing drugs, shoplifting and so on: In the wake of the migrant attack on cops in Times Square, it's plain the city is now hosting some new migrant criminal gangs.
Senior Expert
1.1  George  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1    last year
migrant criminal gangs.

Just call them unions and the democrats will line up to support them.........For a donation.

Professor Principal
2  JBB    last year


charger 383
Professor Silent
3  charger 383    last year

The Feral Cats are going wild

Professor Expert
4  Nerm_L    last year

According to Democrats like Eric Adams, just give 'em work permits and everything will be fine.  But Democrats care more about welfare recipients than about workers.  What Democrats aren't telling the pubic is that work permits includes eligibility for welfare to illegal immigrants.  Giving illegal immigrants work permits will actually increase government outlays.

Illegal immigrants who actually make it without government help are stealing public money from the pockets of the rich.  A lot of welfare benefits only provide services; the beneficiary doesn't get any money.  The money goes into the pocket of the service provider.  Democrats' welfare has also been about making the rich richer.  

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Nerm_L @4    last year
According to Democrats like Eric Adams, just give 'em work permits and everything will be fine

And don't forget the credit cards.....................

Professor Quiet
4.1.1  arkpdx  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @4.1    last year

And smart cell phones


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