Harvard professor says 'all hell broke loose' when his study found no racial bias in police shootings | Fox News
By: Nikolas Lanum (Fox News)

There goes the narrative............POOF

A Harvard professor said that "all hell broke loose" and he was forced to go out in public with armed security after he published a study that found no evidence of racial bias in police shootings.
During a sit-down conversation with Bari Weiss of The Free Press, Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer discussed the fallout from a 2016 study he published on racial bias in Houston policing.
The study found that police were more than twice as likely to manhandle, beat or use some other kind of nonfatal force against blacks and Hispanics than against people of other races. However, the data also determined that officers were 23.8 percent less likely to shoot at blacks and 8.5 percent less likely to shoot at Hispanics than they were to shoot at whites.
When Fryer claimed the data showed "no racial differences in officer-involved shootings," he said, "all hell broke loose," and his life was upended.
Fryer received the first of many complaints and threats four minutes after publication.
"You're full of s—t," the sender said.
Fryer said people quickly "lost their minds" and some of his colleagues refused to believe the results after months of asking him not to print the data.
"I had colleagues take me to the side and say, 'Don't publish this. You'll ruin your career,'" Fryer revealed.
The world-renowned economist knew from comments by faculty that he was likely to garner backlash. Fryer admitted that he anticipated the results of the study would be different and would confirm suspicions of racial bias against minorities. When the results found no racial bias, Fryer hired eight new assistants and redid the study. The data came back the same.
After the report was published, Fryer lived under police protection for over a month. He had a seven-day-old daughter at the time and went shopping for diapers.
Former Harvard President Claudine Gay, who made headlines for refusing to say if genocide of Jews was against Harvard policy during a congressional hearing, was also accused of multiple accounts of plagiarism.(Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
"I was going to the grocery store to get diapers with the armed guard. It was crazy. It was really, truly crazy," he said.
Fryer, who became the youngest tenured Black professor at Harvard at age 30, was suspended for two years from the university in 2019 after he allegedly engaged in "unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. He continues to deny the allegations.
At the time, then-Harvard dean Claudine Gay claimed Fryer's research and conduct with other employees "exhibited a pattern of behavior" that failed to meet expectations within the community.
"The totality of these behaviors is a clear violation of institutional norms and a betrayal of the trust," she said.
Gay resigned from her position as Harvard president in early January after widespread plagiarism allegations and criticism of her testimony to Congress, where she failed to fully clarify whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates Harvard's policies against bullying and harassment.
Weiss, referencing Gay in her conversation with Fryer, asked him if he believes in karma.
"I hear it's a motherf---er," he replied.
Harvard did not return Fox News Digital's request for comment,
Nikolas Lanum is an associate editor for Fox News Digital.
No Trump, Fascism References, Memes, Source Dissing.

That's gonna leave a mark.................
Yup it was Claudine Gay who tried to censor him, and it was Obama who tried to save Gay's job.
Sure, Obama was our first DEI President. Probably not our last unfortunately.
The great divider. Remember his coalition?
Yep, government by community organizers …..
There is no problem with DEI, if you want to be someone who brings people together. Just think about it. Diversity, equity (for all), and inclusion is what we are in the United States. We are not one and the same. We are a multiplicity of beings in this country. Thus, we don't look like most nations, especially those nations that won't let "others" become citizens from outside the country. Stop laboring to make a toxic word out of DEI!
Wow. You meant that to be low and sarcastic, but that community organizer best the GOP and didn't even get impeached for doing so (in eight years)!
The problem with DEI is that it puts emphasis on the wrong things. A person's experience and qualifications are more important than checking a block to meet some bullshit about a person's skin color or what ever the feel good item is for the day.
You want more people from a specific demographic represented in the work place. Encourage them to get the needed experience and qualificaitons. Don't demand they are hired just because they are (insert feel good item of the day).
DEI is Affirmative Action 2.0.
DEI emphasizes a positive change in our society for the better! People such as yourself keep going on and on about how people should get involved in society and then pounce on them for getting involved in society. The amount of labeling and name-calling is obscene. Do get priorities straight!
Furthermore, I won't let you denigrate affirmative action in my "presence" either. As some of the amazing progress that lifted "Americans" out of the ghetto were do to affirmative action used for GOOD! It was/is a tool that serves the nation well.
As for our White citizens, you lose nothing in the majority to minorities, simply because they succeed. The country succeeds as goals are met and not just slighted!
Only if you place the feel good item of the day over experience and qualification.
People like myself hire based on experience and qualification not DEI or Affirmative Action. There is too much riding on our jobs than appeasing some special interest group.
They are. Just because you don't like them isn't my concern.
Oh no!!!! What will I ever do?!?!?! Oh, that's right, same thing I always do. Dismiss your rants about me as pathetic and lacking experience and / or qualification.
That is one-man's negative perspective. Try the positive approach. Incidentally, unless you have departed from the human race. . .feelings follow you all day though out the day. Heck! Feelings even dog your steps here.
You hire and fire based on qualification (merit). I suppose we will never know for sure about any of it. We only have your word for it. [deleted]
I do. I place experience and qualification over skin color and what ever the feel good item of the day is. Hasn't failed me yet.
You need me to explain what "qualification" means? I mean, it's not that hard to figure out.
You can find out. All you have to do is figure out what Company I work for, where in the Company I work and apply. Just remember, I won't even consider you if you don't meet the minimum qualifications and experience.
Full of shit. I have no interest in what you do for yourself or anybody else. You brought you UP AND INTO a message TRADED off by another writer addressed. So deal with yourself!
How in this world did you come to that conclusion?
More ad hominem attacks, I see. Yawn.
Nope ….. on numerous levels
Nope. Matter of fact.
There were no facts provided. Just Rhetoric.
Facts are always self evident to those who chose to see them through unbiased eyes.
More rhetoric. Less facts.
Diversity is only good if it is natural and not forced. Forced diversity such as favoritism based on race, religion, etc is flat out wrong. You can't favor one group of people over another and claim to be a free society. Notice you left that word out in your description of the Untied States- free.
Equity instead of equality. There is a major difference between the two.
Achieving equity creates inequality. You can't take from one group and give to another. Marxism was a complete failure.
Ask Asians trying to get access to college scholarships and entrance how equity is working out for them.
As for inclusion. Inclusion is what has brought us boys having rights to use girls bathrooms and locker rooms. And to compete again against CIS girls in female sports. Look at all of the good done by that./S
What ever happened to "My freedom ends where yours begins"?
"Affirmative action has gone stale and useless.".
Yep, used and abused far too much.
I don't even know which 'end' to start with this. Let me take a breath and. . . okay, wade in:
You started out with: "WTF" - I don't appreciate it. I am not amused by it as your opening. You are free to add it to your comment and I am free to tell you that I find it gratuitous in this case.
Diversity in our country expresses itself as a multiplicity of peoples who are from across over a hundred nations, but whom CHOOSE to be ONE together in a larger community . This is undeniable.
Our nation has had its 'enduring' problems with tribalism and its related companion themes. It is beyond the scope of this thread, nevertheless.
I left nothing out, because I mention freedom/liberty/privilege in plenty of my comments—so much so that I can leave it out from time to time to avoid excessive repetition and over-saturation. That written, our freedom (yours included) is not free as evidenced by the many laws governing activities and behaviors in our country. Please RESPECT this and not vainly return with a 'fury' of freedom platitudes.
What I wrote in my comment about this:
Pay attention, this time, to the wording "for all." It means we should be good to each other as ONE PEOPLE (out of many-One) interested in the wellness and fairing of themselves. We are One people who can AFFORD to make sure we all do well. Because when that happens: everybody not just one group or the other 'wins.' Put another way: If you want to be One people time is ripe to act and talk like it!
Equity is not about outcomes, first and foremost.
Equity is a "leveling of an otherwise KNOWN unlevel playing field or fields. That is, our system of capitalism-good as it is-allows for gross inequalities for millions operating within its doctrine. Thus, like a good legislature/government/court people plead their individual lack to the larger community to get out from under all sorts of stubborn economic and social problems that arise inherently in capitalistic settings.
I will leave the Marxism statement/rendering you suggest for discussion out of my remarks, because it is beyond the scope (and a leap) of equity and equality in a country that has a capitalistic economy.
Please consider the above point before you lash out in reply. Because I do not wish to get embroiled in a definition dispute for its own sake.
The Asians/Transpeople discussion is for another article and should be reserved.
So much for DEI. He's not stereotypical enough to be diverse I guess.
See 2.1.3.
See 2.1.20
He went against the lefts narrative. Of course there would be threats of violence..
That's hilarious coming from Gay.
Youtube comment:
The officer never apologizes to his victim, who is apologizing (in agony) profusely. When one is shot at so 'completely' (and survive) you will reflect on the why and how come.
That fact is fine. . . (if white people are okay with being shot (at) by police in such large numbers). . . but, it says nothing about the experience(s) of the others wounded/kill. They and their kin and the general public ask "WHY?" . . . as is the case in the relevant video at 5 above: WHY?
I don't want to be "black-handled" by any Police (because s/he disapproves of my being), at-known "twice" as much so. Nor beat. Nor "some other kind of force" - just because of my skin.