
Biden's Bridge Project With No Clear Purpose - The Artistree

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  last year  •  3 comments

By:   The Artistree

Biden's Bridge Project With No Clear Purpose - The Artistree
In 2020, Joe Biden addressed concerns about his age, stating he viewed himself as a bridge. As he delivered his State of the Union address four years later,

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Interesting comparison

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Ashley White

Credits: Bloomberg.com

In 2020, Joe Biden addressed concerns about his age, stating he viewed himself as a bridge. As he delivered his State of the Union address four years later, the question arises: where does Biden's bridge lead?

It doesn't seem to lead to a younger, fresher Democratic nominee in 2024. Despite doubts about his age, Biden is determined to be the Democratic candidate for the upcoming election, believing he's the only one who can defeat Donald Trump. This leaves the country facing a choice between two candidates viewed unfavorably by many.

Biden's Bridge Project (Credits: AP News)

Biden's bridge also doesn't seem to connect to a healthier political environment. His State of the Union address highlighted the deep divide between Democrats and Republicans, with frequent references to his predecessor. The partisan atmosphere doesn't bode well for a less vitriolic general election.

Furthermore, Biden's leadership hasn't led to a safer world. From the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the crisis in Ukraine and the Middle East, America's global standing has faltered. Issues like illegal immigration have exacerbated security concerns among voters.

Biden's Bridge Project (Credits: ABC News)

Rather than bridging generational and political divides, Biden has left the country at an impasse. His policies are met with skepticism, and his job approval ratings are low. Despite some positive economic indicators, many Americans don't credit Biden for any improvements in their lives.

Even Biden's proposed initiatives, like the idea of establishing a pier in the Mediterranean for aid to Gaza, raise questions about feasibility and effectiveness.

His emphasis on progressive messaging in the State of the Union reflects a response to divisions within his party but may not resonate with a broader audience. If Biden doesn't change course soon, he may find himself being the bridge to another Trump term.

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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    last year
In 2020, Joe Biden addressed concerns about his age, stating he viewed himself as a bridge. As he delivered his State of the Union address four years later, the question arises: where does Biden's bridge lead?

Now that is some "infrastructure" that needs a lot of work.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    last year

Biden is the bridge to nowhere. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3  Jeremy Retired in NC    last year

So, in reality he's as stable as the Fern Hollow Bridge in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.


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