
Cass Report proves gender affirming surgery is a monstrous lie

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  11 months ago  •  24 comments

By:   Post Editorial Board (New York Post)

Cass Report proves gender affirming surgery is a monstrous lie
A new report from the UK shows that everything we've been told by the gender extremists was evil, kid-hurting nonsense. Even as a 15-year Dutch study recently confirmed that transgenderism among children is largely a fad.

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And there you have it...............

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Post Editorial Board

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Back to Reading Published April 15, 2024, 3:27 p.m. ET As Miranda Devine notes, British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass's 388-page review warns, "Gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations." AP/Brett Coomer

As ever more science debunks the myth of "gender-affirming care," how many more American kids will be victimized before our elites admit they made a terrible mistake?

The latest: The Cass Report from the UK's National Health Service recommends that no one under 18 get hormone drugs and that "great caution" should be exercised with patients under 25.

This, when "experts" over here are still pushing not just hormones but irreversible surgery for kids experiencing gender dysphoria.

Even as a 15-year Dutch study recently confirmed that transgenderism among children is largely a fad.

As Miranda Devine notes, British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass's 388-page review warns, "Gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations."

Cass slams the World Professional Association for Transgender Healthcare guidelines for transitioning children as lacking "developmental rigor and transparency."

Cass also slams health-care practitioners who "abandoned normal clinical approaches" in prescribing puberty blockers to troubled young people; the kids should first get screened for neurological conditions, autism and mental illness.

Her report also debunks the myth that kids denied these treatments will kill themselves.

And warns: "There are few other areas of health care where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behavior. This must stop."

Ideologues, in other words, are protecting actual Dr. Frankensteins maiming sexually-confused kids.

And New Yorkers are asked to write this madness into the state Constitution.

The Equal Rights Amendment on the November ballot — sold as codifying abortion rights — could strip parents' rights to veto their kids undergoing transgender surgery or going on puberty blockers.

Wake up, America, especially liberal America: You've been sold a disgraceful bill of goods.

Stop obsessing about winning the culture war, let science prevail and do what's right for the kids.

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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    11 months ago

Well go figure..................the truth will set you free............

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1    11 months ago

"Cass also slams health-care practitioners who "abandoned normal clinical approaches" in prescribing puberty blockers to troubled young people; the kids should first get screened for neurological conditions, autism and mental illness. Her report also debunks the myth that kids denied these treatments will kill themselves."

Professor Principal
1.3  Hallux  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1    11 months ago
the truth will set you free....

Which/whose truth might that be?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    11 months ago

Medicine has been captured by psychopaths pushing an outcome  because it fits their partisan desires.

Anyone performing these  sterilizations upon children going forward should be jailed.

Professor Guide
4.1  Tacos!  replied to  Sean Treacy @4    11 months ago

Who is being sterilized? Jailed for what?

Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    11 months ago

From what I’ve seen (I’ve actually downloaded the report and read multiple reviews of it - not just the NY Post) the report has some issues with it. Any part of it that might be critical of trans treatments is being pounced on by conservative media as “proof” that gender transitions are part of some liberal hoax or fad. The report does not go that far. While Dr. Cass has arguably been somewhat anti-trans in her approach or conclusions, she does acknowledge that patients are going through genuine difficulties, and she does try to come off as respectful throughout.

It’s a kind of meta analysis (an analysis of multiple studies) which is generally a good thing, but Dr. Cass has arbitrarily excluded any research that isn’t randomized or double-blinded, etc. Often, this can be a good choice, but holding to this standard on this issue doesn’t make a lot of sense. How are you going to randomize or do blind studies on hormone treatments for developing people? You can’t. You’re not going to give one 10 year-old hormone blockers, and another a placebo, and still be wondering a year or two later who got what. Nevermind the ethics of experimenting on kids going through a crisis like this.

So, we end up with somewhat limited data for the meta-analysis. A lot of positive data from longitudinal studies are excluded.

Unfortunately, this will translate into government policy and restrictions on personal medical choices (that was sort of the point of doing the report in the first place, so, mission accomplished). There are many medical situations where doctors and patients are just trying to do their best to figure out what works for the patient. I myself, wonder if maybe some people are rushing into transition options when they could try something else, but it is not my business - nor that of government - to try and restrict patient options just because I’m skeptical.

Freshman Silent
5.1  JumpDrive  replied to  Tacos! @5    11 months ago

I also down loaded the report and looked for the phrases in the seed above. E.g.

"Gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations."

I couldn't find this in the report. Neither the word "shaky" nor the word "foundations" is in the report.

...UK's National Health Service recommends that no one under 18 get hormone drugs and that "great caution" should be exercised with patients under 25.

This isn't in the report, and doesn't appear to be UK's policy -- the Report does use the phrase "extreme caution" in Recommendation 8:

NHS England should review the policy on masculinising/feminising  hormones. The option to provide masculinising/feminising hormones from age 16 is available, but the Review would recommend extreme caution. There should be a clear clinical rationale for providing hormones at this stage rather than waiting until an individual reaches 18.

Then there's the fear-mongering -- I see lots of sources on the right saying the following, but not indicating how verbiage in the ERA would be used:

The Equal Rights Amendment on the November ballot ... could strip parents' rights to veto their kids undergoing transgender surgery or going on puberty blockers.

The seed appears to be BS.


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