Biden Says He Was Still VP During COVID and Obama Sent Him to 'Fix It'
By: Jake Lahut (The Daily Beast)

And so it continues....................

"When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic," the president said.
Jake Lahut
Politics Reporter
Published May 20, 2024 12:24PM EDT
Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters
President Joe Biden erroneously claimed on Sunday he was still serving as vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaking at a dinner for the NAACP in Detroit, Michigan, Biden went on a tangent proclaiming he was on the ground in the state to help out as the virus raged on, at the request of former President Barack Obama.
"And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic," Biden said. "And what happened was, Barack said to me, 'Go to Detroit, and help fix it.' Well the poor mayor, he spent more time with me than he thought he was ever going to have to. God love you."
Biden was referring to Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, who took office while Biden was still VP back in 2014.
The president has spoken previously about the bond he struck up with Duggan, dating back to a meal they shared in Detroit shortly after the mayor won his 2013 election.
In the report from Special Counsel Robert Hur, which cleared Biden of any criminal charges over his handling of classified documents, the president also appeared to be confused about when his term in office began and ended.
"In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse," Hur said in his report. "He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ('if it was 2013—when did I stop being Vice President?'), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ('in 2009, am I still Vice President?')."
The Biden campaign did not immediately return a request for comment.
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And all the time yelling to boot..............his cornbread ain't done in the middle
Biden did a bang up job on Covid if killing Americans was the goal, He had vaccines and treatments his entire presidency and still managed to kill more people than trump.
And by his own standard, he should have stepped down with that many COVID deaths.
Perfectly normal
He is totally UNFIT.
Getting harder and harder to say Joe would do less damage than Trump as president. Expect an article or two trying to declare Trumps mental collapse is worse than Joes.
Expect that article will cover up all of Traitor Joes mental issues, gaffes and lies. But then again we see them daily.
I mean which is worse? A guy who has spent his life inventing heroic stories for himself and is clearly in cognitive decline? Or arguably the biggest narcissist/asshole to ever get anywhere near the White House, and who also, by the way, is totally incompetent at the job.
It’s a legitimate question. This is our actual choice.
Assuming one doesn't vote third party I would think voting for whose administrations accomplishments better aligned with the individual.
“…It’s a legitimate question.”
And a surreal circumstance in which no concerned citizen should ever be subjected, but must be willing to shoulder some of the blame.
We find ourselves in a total vacuum of leadership…from candidate to party to legislator. Abhorrent.
I think that's ultimately more about Congress than the White House, and that branch is even more dysfunctional.
e find ourselves in a total vacuum of leadership…from candidate to party to legislator. Abhorrent.
Because both parties have decided that admitting the other side was correct about someone on their side (neither is fit for office) is impossible and so long as their candidate caters to their partisan demands (Morehouse college speech) they will defend them beyond the point of rationality. That their candidate's faults drive the other side to distraction is a positive. It explains both parties nominating and sticking with Hillary, Trump and Biden despite other candidates in both parties being manifestly better suited for office and even more electable. Better to stick it to the other side and risk losing with someone the other side detests.
“Better to stick it to the other side and risk losing with someone the other side detests.”
Perhaps the most accurate description of the current morass in which we find ourselves. And also the saddest and most terrifying thing one could imagine.
Sadly there are those that don't believe there is a 3rd party option.
Most everyone knows that there is always the option to vote third party. We have had third parties since well before any of us were born.
What we do not have in 2024 is a viable third party candidate. (Viable = could realistically win the presidency) The closest is RFK Jr. and he can at the very best only be a spoiler.
Thank your for backing my comment.
Who are these people who you think do not know that one can vote third party ... who "don't believe there is a 3rd party option"?
Joe Biden is timeless; therefore, ageless. This is what happens when a politician tries to be all things to all people for over 50 years.
I swear to God, this guy needs to retire.
So, - like most people, I assume - my reaction to this initially, was along the lines of “what the actual fuck is he talking about?” I theorized (hoped) that maybe he had just had a word slip, and substituted “pandemic” for something else. For example, back in April, he switched “June” and “January” - not that big of a mistake, since they both begin with J.
So I thought maybe when he was VP, Obama did send him to Detroit to solve some problem - just not the pandemic, obviously.
Well, the major thing that happened in Detroit in those years was the bankruptcy. Did Obama send Biden to Detroit to solve their bankruptcy problems? No! But incredibly, that didn’t stop Biden from inventing the story, which he delivered in 2019, during a Democratic primary debate .
So, this is what happens when a guy who has been full of shit his whole life goes senile. He invented a bullshit story, and years later, his addled brain has now confused that lie with a completely different topic.
What a mess.
I sometimes forget a name or why I went into a room, but Covid was 3 years after the Obama administration.
”And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic,” Biden said. “And what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit, and help fix it.’ Well the poor mayor, he spent more time with me than he thought he was ever going to have to. God love you.”
Perhaps Hur was right:
“In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse,” Hur said in his report. “He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013—when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’).”
To answer the main question...I think Trump will start to repair some of the damage that Biden and the progressives have done. No need to go into detail of what they have done wrong since we see examples of it every day. I can't see the Dems winning unless they replace Biden, like right now. Hopefully the Republicans will be able to keep the House and win a handful of seats in the Senate.
When it comes to lying, Trump is a poor mans Biden.