12 Countries That Give Biden the Highest Approval Ratings
By: Gillian Manning

There is some real heavy hitters on that list................/S

You may have passed enough signs in your town to get an idea of how your neighbors are feeling about America’s leadership. So let’s take a look overseas instead.
Gallup, a polling company, recently released its 2024 Rating World Leaders Report , for which it surveyed people age 15 and older in more than 130 countries. Survey questions sought respondents’ opinions on the job performance of international leadership.
While the median global approval rating of U.S. leadership under President Joe Biden is 41%, some countries are far more commending. Survey participants from the following countries gave America’s leadership a well-above-average approval rating.
People in this country who :
- Approve of the job performance of U.S. leadership : 84% (which is a decrease of 6 percentage points from one year prior)
- Disapprove of the job performance of U.S. leadership : 6%
- Said they don’t know or refused to answer : 10%
The U.S. has been a strong supporter of Kosovo for decades, having backed the nation’s efforts to gain independence from Serbia in 2008. America has sent around $2 billion of dollars in support to Kosovo since 1999.
Despite a historically strong relationship, however, recent developments have led to some tension between the two countries. For instance, Kosovo’s government recently banned the use of the dinar , the Serbian currency, in its territory. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar said at the time the decision to ban ethnic Serbs in its territory from using the dinar was “an emerging humanitarian issue that we need to address immediately.”
People in this country who :
- Approve of the job performance of U.S. leadership : 81% (which is an increase of 16 percentage points from one year prior)
- Disapprove of the job performance of U.S. leadership : 14%
- Said they don’t know or refused to answer : 5%
Gallup surveyed Israelis two weeks after the Israel-Hamas war started in October 2023. Israelis gave a record-high approval rating of 81% to U.S. leadership at the time.
Israel exports more products to the U.S. than to any other nation, according to the World Integrated Trade Solution’s 2021 data. The biggest import Israel receives from the U.S., on the other hand, is capital goods, which includes things like machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools
People in this country who :
- Approve of the job performance of U.S. leadership : 80% (which is an increase of 6 percentage points from one year prior)
- Disapprove of the job performance of U.S. leadership : 12%
- Said they don’t know or refused to answer : 8%
The U.S. and Guinea had a good relationship until the West African country’s 2021 military coup, which the U.S. condemned.
The U.S. played an important role in Guinea’s fight against the 2014-2015 and 2021 Ebola epidemics. America still provides health assistance but ended assistance to the Guinean military.
Gallup survey respondents in the following countries also gave a high approval rating — at least 70% — to America’s leadership:
- Togo : 78%
- Cote d’Ivoire : 76%
- Congo : 75%
- Mauritania : 73%
- Poland : 73%
- Chad : 72%
- Ghana : 71%
- Liberia : 70%
- Nigeria : 70%
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No Trump, Fascism References, Memes, Source Dissing.

Can't believe Iran isn't above 90%.
Maybe because the "vig" that Biden charges for the big guy is more than 10%?
Brandon is still the Great Satan. He is just a very helpful Great Satan.
Today must be a slow news day...
Congo : 75% Approval Rating. Finally, something for Joe to run on.
“The horror! The horror!”
A knob polisher piece being reported by Money Talks News reeks of irony. Goes to show Biden has the best approval money can buy. Thank you, taxpayers.