Chief Justice Roberts turns down Democrats' request to discuss Alito controversy and court ethics
By: Just The News
Chief Justice John Roberts on Thursday rejected a request from Democratic senators to discuss Supreme Court ethics as well as the flag controversy involving Justice Samuel Alito.
This decision comes shortly after Alito said that he would not recuse himself from high court decisions involving former President Donald Trump, according to The Associated Press.
"I must respectfully decline your request for a meeting," Roberts wrote, according to the outlet.
Alito is facing backlash over an upside down American flag flying outside of his home in Virginia. Another flag, called the "Appeal to Heaven" flag, was flown outside of a different house owned by the Alitos. The Supreme Court justice said his wife was responsible for the upside down flag.
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No Fascism References, Memes
So the Democrats hissy fit over a neighborhood tiff from 3 years ago won't get the desired results they want.
Way more polite a response than the request deserves.
Not surprising that the democrats in the Senate don’t understand separate but equal. Fucking morons.
All of this BS story about what a flag meant pushed by the dishonest New York Times.
It generated the week of headlines they wanted and creates the impression there is something "corrupt" about Alito for casual consumers of the news. So mission accomplished.
They run similar substance free attacks every spring as the big cases in the Court's year are announced to undermine the Court's credibility. It's all about manipulating perception.
They tried with Thomas. That didn't work. Now they are trying with Alito. They are desperate to have a chance for Biden to appoint at least one Justice before he goes away next year.
How did we ever let such people have power?
Can you imagine a second term of appointments for another Trump administration?
That would be like "Making America Great Again!"
I wonder if Biden loses in November if they will try to force Sotomayer out before January? And is that why the party so concerned about ethics won’t remove Menendez?
Because Democrats only care about staying in power. Morales, rules, ethics, laws, and the Constitution don't matter.
To be fair, both parties are more concerned about staying in power. IMO that's why it took so long for the Republicans to kick Santos out of Congress as it further eroded their numbers in the House. If the Democrats kicked Menendez out today, it would leave the Senate with 47 Democrats, 49 Republicans and 3 Independents.
Let me correct. As of today the Democrats hold 47 seats in the Senate as Senator Joe Manchin has formally re-registered as an Independent.
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin registers as an independent | CNN Politics
And our friends on the left will be in full attack mode now on Robert’s.
How dare he have the temerity to not fall in line with one of their kooky fantasies.
How dare he …..