Wisconsin absentee voting law changed months before election
By: amysikma (New York Post)

A Dane County Circuit Court judge who once said people who steal from big-box stores shouldn't be prosecuted ruled that disabled Wisconsin voters can request and download electronic ballots, a change that could cause election-administration problems in the battleground state this November.
Judge Everett Mitchell, who also serves as a pastor in Madison and ran for state Supreme Court last year — losing in a four-way primary — issued a temporary injunction last week covering the Nov. 5 election, effectively modifying a portion of the election-administration landscape in a state that struggled with absentee-ballot tabulation in the last presidential election.
Voters with print disabilities who self-certify they cannot read or complete a ballot without assistance can request electronic ballots from their election clerks, which they can complete with the use of assistive technology and mail back, thanks to the injunction.
The ruling leaves clerks in almost 2,000 municipalities with little time to make the adjustment.
Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul's deputy attorneys argued that the change in law could cause confusion and create security risks.
Wisconsin's election administration is somewhat decentralized, with 72 county clerks and more than 1,800 municipal clerks responsible.
Current state law allows military and overseas voters to request absentee ballots and mail the paper ballots back.
Before the injunction, disabled voters would have used the same process as any absentee voter: request an absentee ballot from a local election clerk, receive and complete the paper ballot sent via mail, and drop off the ballot at the clerk's office or mail it back.
Republican state legislators filed an appeal in conservative Waukesha County, arguing, among other things, Judge Mitchell is disrupting the status quo months before a major election.
Unless or until the appeal is upheld, clerks will be scrambling to adjust to the new absentee-ballot law in Wisconsin, with the specter of the 2020 presidential election and Donald Trump's Wisconsin lawsuit hanging in the background.
The Wisconsin Elections Commission declined to comment on ongoing litigation. The Republican National Committee election-integrity director did not respond to a request for comment.
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And so it begins.
Shades of 2020................The nervousness is palpable
Democrats won in 2020...
Yes, by pulling bullshit like this
It's the same candidates. Why start changing rules? What are Democrats afraid of (besides Trump)?
They realize that there is no hiding the failure they are running in the upcoming election. I expect a lot more bullshit like this.
Take it to the bank.........
Like making it easier for people with disabilities to be able to vote, thereby increasing voter turnout?
Only republicans seem to think that making it so more Americans can vote, is a bad thing.
People with disabilities are already eligible for mail in voting. Try another avenue.
Can't help it if some others are lazy and don't think it is important enough for them to have to go in person.
Did you even read what I wrote? From your reply I would guess that you did NOT.
Does that help?
Wow, are you calling disabled people lazy? I hope not because only a total asshole would do that.
They already have it easier. Mail in absentee ballot and no I was talking about perfectly healthy people who just can't be inconvenienced by heading to the polls.
Then why were the changes not made 3 years ago? Why this late in the game? It's not a new problem. The only new problem is the abysmal standing of the Democrats.
That's rich coming from somebody supporting those who claim certain demographics can't get IDs to vote.
You sound jealous.
Funny because neither the article, nor anyone else in this comment string were talking about "normal" people.
Ask the people who brought it up to court. The judge only ruled on an existing case.
Asshole it is. Where did I claim that???
Read it again. It says "supporting those who claim"
Read it again. It says, "coming from somebody supporting those who claim".
Still doesn't say that you claimed anything. Just the fact that you support THOSE who claim.
Read it again. I never said YOU claimed it.
And where have I ever made that claim? Why are you spinning so hard to try and dig someone else out of the hole they dug for themselves??
He posted and you just acknowledged that he is making a claim directly about me. A claim based on no factual evidence.
Not the point. Why are you opposed to making it easier for the disabled to vote???
The left's never-ending attempts to find new ways to commit fraud and steal elections.
Projecting again? You realize that the vast majority of the few actual cases of voter fraud were overwhelmingly republican.....right?
If that Judge said stealing from stores is acceptable, he probably approves of stealing elections too
The only way anyone can vote for Biden is if they honestly can say they didn't see the debate.
Even if they didn't see the debate, they would have still seen this doddering fool on TV wandering aimlessly around the stage or looking for people that just aren't there.
This should not be a surprise. The longer Joe stays in the race the more obvious it becomes that cheating is the only way to get him elected. Mitchell just did his part by making it easier.
….just how and where?…
lets start with this judge overstepping his lane.
the fact that Trump n cump lost 64 out of 65 Court cases that claimed stolen election, Guiliani and a few other LYING Trump attorneys and such lost law licenses and millions more as they made accusations, they had not evidence to support.
Hell, Fox was ordered to pay Seven hundred and like seventy five million or $775,000,000.00 so to Dominion i believe, the voting machine companies, for spreading LIES about stolen elections and non existent voter fraud.
So do tell, besides out of the mouths of LIARS, how you can claim voter fraud or election interference claims , as they have not been found, as in unfounded on facts, and in fact, LIES !
“…as in unfounded on facts,”
If it fails to meat the narrative, it becomes yet another stalking point.
So you opt for a deflection. None of that has nothing to do with the example I gave you.
you are already claiming election interference, and i exampled how that was bullshit when claimed in 2020, and until i see proof, i will again call bullshit.
I've been doing that for months. You're just now catching on?