Joe Biden Stung as Black Voters Want Him Replaced - Newsweek
By: Khaleda Rahman (Newsweek)

A large number of Black voters think President Joe Biden should not remain in the presidential race, according to recent polls.
Biden is facing escalating pressure to step aside following the June 27 debate against former President Donald Trump in which he repeatedly struggled to complete sentences.
The 81-year-old president's rocky performance sparked panic among some Democrats about his age and capacity to serve another term as president and beat Trump in November. A growing chorus of Democrats is now calling on Biden to step aside and be replaced at the top of the Democratic ticket ahead of the election.
Biden has repeatedly insisted he will stay in the race. He received a warm welcome at a Black church in Philadelphia on Sunday as he worked to reassure voters and save his embattled reelection campaign.
However, two recent polls found that Black voters—a demographic that helped send Biden to the White House in 2020—think Biden should not stay in the race.
Recent polls have shown Biden is losing support among Black voters, a critical part of his base. While Black voters still overwhelmingly back Biden over Trump, small shifts in voting patterns could ultimately sway races in crucial battleground states and affect the outcome of November's election.
Newsweek reached out to the Biden campaign via email for comment.
President Joe Biden speaks at Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 7. Recent polls show that Black voters don't think Biden should remain in the presidential race.President Joe Biden speaks at Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 7. Recent polls show that Black voters don't think Biden should remain in the presidential race.Alex Wong/Getty Images
A nationwide New York Times/Siena College poll conducted between June 28 and July 2 found that 47 percent of Black voters think there should be a different Democratic nominee, while 43 percent think Biden should remain as the party's nominee.
Overall, that poll found 60 percent of registered voters think there should be a different nominee. Democrats were split—48 percent said Biden should remain the nominee, while 47 percent said it should be someone else.
Meanwhile, a CBS News/YouGov poll conducted during the same period as the Times poll found that 42 percent of Black voters think Biden should not run for president, while 58 percent think he should. Overall, 69 percent of voters think Biden shouldn't run, but only 41 percent of Democrats said the same.
However, both polls found that a majority of Black voters would still vote for Biden over Trump: 73 percent told the Times survey they would vote for Biden if the election were held today, while 77 percent said they would cast their ballot for Biden in the CBS News poll.
Other polls have also found Black voters are continuing to back Biden, while Trump's remarks about migrants taking "Black jobs" during the debate may have caused him damage among the demographic.
A CBS News/YouGov poll that surveyed voters between June 28 and 29 found more Black voters thought Biden had "won" the debate: 39 percent said Biden did the better job, 25 percent said Trump did, and 35 percent thought it was a tie. That poll found 55 percent of Black voters thought Biden should be running, while 45 percent said he should not.
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And so the story goes................"PLOP"
I am sure Biden will not have a problem with those polls since the blacks that don't want him to run probably aren't really black. S/
Biden can't afford to lose any Black voters. If predictions of Trump getting 20% of the Black vote pan out, he's in serious trouble. He's also lost support among Hispanics, and both Jews and Muslims are unhappy with him for his wishy-washy position on the Gaza war.
Many elections are won or lost by just a few thousand votes in close races in swing states. Biden might have fooled the electorate the first time around by pretending to be a moderate, but the actions of the last 4 years have proven that he and the Democrats are not representing the will of ordinary citizens, plus the undeniable fact that that he is totally unfit to continue in office. Americans as a whole are not easily fooled or deceived twice by the same lies.
Normally, since Muslims are such a small percentage of the population, their votes would be of little importance in a general election. (I was surprised when I found out the #-- they are only about 1% of the total U.S. population!
But they may still be crucial in this (presidential) election. Why? Because there is a big concentration of Muslims in one state-- Michigan (mainly Dearborn). And that's important as that's a key state.
(Most would never vote for Trump of course-- but they may not vote for Biden (if he's the nominee) either. They may just stay home and not vote-- or write in some unknown person.
And in a very close election in Michigan that may just be enough to push Michigan into the Republican column.
You might be surprised.
Well ok-- that's speculation on my part. (They why I said "most").
It might be a difficult choice for some: on one hand Biden is seen as "pro-Israel". But on the other hand, Trump actually restricted Muslim immigration, which had more of an actual impact.
(Sometimes when people are conflicted on an issue they eventually pick one side. But often they don't-- rather they just avoid making a choice-- they just don't vote).
I have several good friends who are Muslim and live in that Muslim dense area of Detroit. Dearborn area.
It’s pretty similar to most other places. Business owners tend to be more conservative and employees tend to be more liberal.
You aren’t wrong though. Like most big cities more liberal than conservative.
Maybe Joe should get up there and say it one more time:
"They want ya all back in chains!"
That is funny as shit, glad i got to see it before Jim had to have it removed.
Well there is a lot of activity taking place in the D circles. I hope they hit critical mass soon. Either galvanize behind Biden and push him over the finish line, or pick a better candidate and run the quickest damn campaign ever.
Although I have serious doubt that an alternate candidate would work this late in the game, and can appreciate the D's conundrum, I personally would love to see the Ds put forth a great nominee such as Tim Walz or Josh Shapiro and then include a solid V.P. Even keeping Harris is not bad for continuity, retaining the demographics, and likely campaign financing. A strong ticket of youthful, experienced, grounded moderates would give the Ds a chance to keep Trump out of the presidency.
The situation sucks. There is no clear, good approach. But it is clear to me that keeping Trump away from the presidency should be priority one for any rational thinking adult.
I wonder if they would be happy, if Biden and Harris are pushed out and a new candidate from elsewhere in the party is thrust forward at the convention?
Depending upon the candidate, I could be very happy.
If the DNC is unable to force Biden out of the race, might we see a democrat (or at least from the left) third party candidate try to emerge?
That would be a hell of a turnaround wouldn't it?
Does the Biden controversy on the left help or hurt RFK Jr in the number of votes he will get.
Will more normally Dem voters just stay home versus voting for Biden, how will that affect down ticket races?
Lots of interesting questions to be answered in the coming weeks.