
Migrant Caravan Heads for Border, Hoping to Make It Before Election - Newsweek

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  3 months ago  •  32 comments

By:   President Biden (Newsweek)

Migrant Caravan Heads for Border, Hoping to Make It Before Election - Newsweek
The journey from one end of Mexico to the other, over 1,800 miles, could be for nothing if Donald Trump wins the U.S. election, some migrants said.

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Migrants making their way through Mexico en route to the southern United States border say they want to cross by November, in case legal routes are closed off to them if Donald Trump wins the presidential election.

Hundreds of people from around a dozen countries left Mexico's southern border on Sunday, heading north on the 1,800-plus mile journey to one of the border crossings with the U.S.

Some told the Associated Press that they were hard-working people who just wanted to reach a better life in America, but they feared a second Trump term would put a stop to that.

"We are running the risk that permits (to cross the border) might be blocked," Miguel Salazar, a migrant from El Salvador, told the AP.

Trump has promised tougher border controls and mass deportations as part of his 2024 campaign.

Migrants walk along the highway through Suchiate, Chiapas state in southern Mexico, Sunday, July 21, 2024, during their journey north toward the U.S. border.Migrants walk along the highway through Suchiate, Chiapas state in southern Mexico, Sunday, July 21, 2024, during their journey north toward the U.S. border.AP Photo/Edgar H. Clemente

The permits that Salazar mentioned would come from U.S. Customs and Borer Protection's app, CBP One, which allows asylum seekers to make appointments at border crossings, but only once migrants reach Mexico City or northern parts of the country.

In June 2024, around 41,800 appointments were made through the app, but more than double that number made the crossing illegally.

While there are just under four months until the presidential election and six before the next president takes office, the path through Mexico has become harder and more time consuming for migrants in recent months.

Authorities there have been trying to ease the pressure on the U.S.-Mexico border, with President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador arguing in June that his policy protected migrants from a "risky" crossing to the north.

His successor and mentee, President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum, is widely expected to hew closely to his policies when she assumes office in October.

Migrants walk along the highway through Suchiate, Chiapas state in southern Mexico, Sunday, July 21, 2024, during their journey north toward the U.S. border. Migrants walk along the highway through Suchiate, Chiapas state in southern Mexico, Sunday, July 21, 2024, during their journey north toward the U.S. border. AP Photo/Edgar H. Clemente

Some of those joining this latest caravan in Ciudad Hidalgo, close to the border with Guatemala, found out about it on social media, including Cuban Oswaldo Reyna, 55.

Reyna spoke out against Trump's claims that migrants were invading the U.S.

"We are not delinquents," he told the AP. "We are hard-working people who have left our country to get ahead in life, because in our homeland we are suffering from many needs."

Migrants walk along the highway through Suchiate, Chiapas state in southern Mexico, Sunday, July 21, 2024, during their journey north toward the U.S. border. Many are hoping to make it by November's election in the...Migrants walk along the highway through Suchiate, Chiapas state in southern Mexico, Sunday, July 21, 2024, during their journey north toward the U.S. border. Many are hoping to make it by November's election in the U.S. More AP Photo/Edgar H. Clemente

New arrivals from South America, who have often already hiked hundreds of miles across difficult terrain, gather in southern cities waiting for permits to travel further into Mexico, some seeking asylum there, while others want to make it to the U.S.

The International Rescue Committee said in June that many struggled with misinformation about legal pathways to asylum or immigrant visas, either in the U.S. or Mexico, while many women and children suffer abuse on their journeys.

At the U.S. border, crossings were sharply limited by President Biden in June, when he introduced a cap on asylum seeker allowances.

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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    3 months ago

Before November.....................ELECTION

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2  Jeremy Retired in NC    3 months ago
Trump has promised tougher border controls and mass deportations as part of his 2024 campaign.

They want to take advantage of the Biden / Harris failures at the border.  They KNOW Trump will do what is supposed to be dont with the border.

The permits that Salazar mentioned would come from U.S. Customs and Borer Protection's app, CBP One, which allows asylum seekers to make appointments at border crossings, but only once migrants reach Mexico City or northern parts of the country. In June 2024, around 41,800 appointments were made through the app, but more than double that number made the crossing illegally.

So they are under the impression that having an appointment means they can cross the border whereever and whenever they want?

"We are not delinquents," he told the AP. "We are hard-working people who have left our country to get ahead in life, because in our homeland we are suffering from many needs."

Then there is no issue as long as they cross the border LEGALLY.  That's the key.  Cross where you are supposed to and you'll have nothing to worry about.  

Professor Guide
3  MrFrost    3 months ago

Weird how these things always show up around election time. Like clockwork. LOL 

Just more fear mongering from the right. Fake news. 

Junior Silent
3.1  squiggy  replied to  MrFrost @3    3 months ago

Yea. All the radical conservatives at Newsweek herded up a few thousand marchers for a photo op and phony story.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  squiggy @3.1    3 months ago
e radical conservatives at Newsweek herded up a few thousand marchers for a photo op and phony story

Yep, you can point to endless stories in left wing outlets and you'll get the same talking points regurgitated. 

Professor Guide
3.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.1    3 months ago

Yep, you can point to endless stories in left wing outlets and you'll get the same talking points regurgitated. 

So you are seriously going to say that migrant caravns stories do NOT show up every single election cycle? Really? jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

Regular as clockwork, just like the fabled war on Christmas every November/December. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.3  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.2    3 months ago
So you are seriously going to say that migrant caravns stories do NOT show up every single election cycle?

Damned right they "show up". Pols need to know what they have created and think long and hard about the coming election. People are pissed.

And all Democrats have is "But Trump"

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.4  Sean Treacy  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.2    3 months ago
usly going to say that migrant caravns stories do NOT show up every single election cycle

Good God did you type that with a straight face? The stories show up because the caravans show up.  

you don't really believe NBC is making them up do you? 

Professor Guide
3.1.5  evilone  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.3    3 months ago
People are pissed.

According to exit polls in the mid-terms - some people are pissed. Some people remember Trump had his sycophants in the House kill a particular bill giving a lot of things Republicans wanted here because it takes some of his thunder. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.6  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  evilone @3.1.5    3 months ago

We always get to see the major part of those bills but never the underlying bullshit they think they can push through due to the urgency of the major part and the fact no one is looking.

Professor Guide
3.1.7  evilone  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.6    3 months ago

We we know the Republicans in the Senate that worked on the bill were pissed that Trump publicly killed it for political reasons. You and I discussed it here at the time. 

Here's a link to fact check on the bill itself - 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.8  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  evilone @3.1.7    3 months ago
 it included $60 billion in aid for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel.

I rest my case.........................

Professor Guide
3.1.9  evilone  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.8    3 months ago
I rest my case.........................

Both of those items got done, but additional border security did not. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.10  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  evilone @3.1.9    3 months ago

Part 2?? And they may have gotten done but had nothing to do with border security and therefore should NOT have been a part of that bill.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.11  Sean Treacy  replied to  evilone @3.1.5    3 months ago
ts in the House kill a particular bill giving a lot of things Republicans wanted here because it takes some of his thunder. 

The  bill that Republicans  opposed because it did nothing and would actually make things worse?  A point Biden subsequently proved  by using the power Congress had already delegated to him to issue an executive order that  had  stronger limits than were in the bill. 

Junior Expert
3.1.12  George  replied to  evilone @3.1.9    3 months ago
but additional border security did not.

So Biden didn't sign an EO that was more stringent than the senate bill was? seems the republicans got a better deal on border security by letting Biden do what he claimed he didn't have the authority to do.

Professor Guide
3.1.13  evilone  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.10    3 months ago

Come on, Jim, your deflecting. While you and I can agree lawmakers should pass clean bills, we are both smart enough to know this is how the sausage gets made. Israel and Ukraine spending was what Republicans could dangle in front of Democrats to get them to vote for border security.  

Professor Guide
3.1.14  evilone  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.11    3 months ago
The  bill that Republican  opposed

Republicans wrote it. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.15  Sean Treacy  replied to  evilone @3.1.14    3 months ago
epublicans wrote it. 

no, "Republicans" didn't. James Lankford participated in negotiations. 

Junior Expert
3.1.16  George  replied to  evilone @3.1.14    3 months ago

Do you have a link to that?

Professor Quiet
3.1.17  Ronin2  replied to  evilone @3.1.5    3 months ago

You mean the bipartisan trash border bill that anyone who read it rejected it?

The one that allowed 5000 plus illegals a day into the country- not including children and got aways for 7 straight days; or 8,500 in one day; before the border would be required to be shut down? The one that would allow Biden to hire hundreds of far leftists immigration judges to speed process entrance into the US? The one that would hire a thousand new border agents to handle the increased influx of illegals entering this country after the bill passed?

That is assuming that Biden would enforce the law; when he hasn't enforced our borders or immigration laws that are on the books.

Also, Biden signed an EA that was far more stringent than what the bill promised to do. So why give Biden billions to turn the border into a Democrat processing center; when spending nothing accomplished far more?

Funny how for three years Biden fought against all of the Trump immigration policies- and refused to enforce our laws; but suddenly come election time he is able to do something? The complete and utter BS is real. This is just a band aid until after the election; then it will be business as normal for the Democrats at the border.

But hey; another caravan of illegals is heading our way. Seems they know the score. They need to get across now before a potential Trump victory. They know full damn well Biden isn't going to do shit to stop them.

Professor Quiet
3.1.18  Ronin2  replied to  evilone @3.1.7    3 months ago

Who gives a fuck if a bunch of Establishment Republicans are pissed?

They sold their souls to get something passed.

As stated; in this case no bill was better than this bill.

Junior Expert
3.1.19  George  replied to  George @3.1.16    3 months ago

Here is a list of all the Bills in the Senate for the last 1 and 1/2 years, can someone show me the Border bill written by republicans?

U.S. Senate: Commonly Searched for Legislation (118th Congress)

Professor Guide
3.1.20  evilone  replied to  Ronin2 @3.1.18    3 months ago
Who gives a fuck if a bunch of Establishment Republicans are pissed?

Those who don't vote MAGA. 

Professor Guide
3.1.21  evilone  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.15    3 months ago
no, "Republicans" didn't. James Lankford participated in negotiations. 

Hahaha not playing this game with you Sean. While Harris will get hammered on immigration policy (and rightly so) she will always be able to fall back on Trump killing this bill for political optics.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  MrFrost @3    3 months ago
Weird how these things always show up around election time.

And they always support the Democrats.  

Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    3 months ago

The right and Trump always try to make "migrant caravans" ride to their rescue. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4    3 months ago
he right and Trump always try

Yep, Newsweek is in the tank for Trump.

Funny how outlets reporting on reality always lead to claims of conspiracy from some progressives.  

Professor Principal
5  JohnRussell    3 months ago
Hundreds of people from around a dozen countries 

terrifying .


Junior Silent
5.1  squiggy  replied to  JohnRussell @5    3 months ago

How about 80,000 illegals from June 2024?

"In June 2024, around 41,800 appointments were made through the app, but more than double that number made the crossing illegally.  

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
6  Drinker of the Wry    3 months ago
Hundreds of people from around a dozen countries left Mexico's southern border on Sunday,

I wonder how Newsweek did the headcount.

Professor Quiet
6.1  Ronin2  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @6    3 months ago

Same way they counted people at the presidential inaugurations and rallies; and Million Man March.

They took a small sample of the size and density by drone; and multiplied the square area of stupid. Then applied the factor of how far left or right they are and what point they were trying to get across. 

That is why the left thinks there were 75 million plus Jan 6th rioters; and only "Mostly peaceful protesters" during the Summer of Love. 


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