GOP Voter Registration Four Times Higher Than Democrats in Pennsylvania - Newsweek
By: Martha McHardy (Newsweek)

Uh oh...........

CLOSE X By Martha McHardy US News ReporterFOLLOW
Voter registration among Republicans is four times higher than it is among Democrats in Pennsylvania, according to new data.
Decision Desk data shows that GOP voter registration surged in July, with more than 21,000 Republicans signing up to vote. In contrast, only 5,000 Democrats registered to vote in July 2024.
The data also shows that since November 2020, the number of Democrats registered to vote in the state has decreased by more than 320,000. Meanwhile, the number of Republicans registered to vote has also dropped, but by a much smaller margin, with 1,400 fewer voters since 2020.
Pennsylvania is among the 30 states, including the swing states of North Carolina, Nevada, and Arizona, which register voters by requiring a political party designation. If voters refuse to choose a party, they will remain unaffiliated.
Overall, three million fewer people are registered to vote now compared to November 2020, when there were 121 million registrations, according to Decision Desk HQ. The drop is unsurprising given that The National Voting Rights Act (NVRA) allows states to conduct voter roll clean-ups between elections.
However, Decision Desk HQ data shows a discrepancy in the drop in registered voters between the parties, with the Democrats losing 3.5 million registered voters nationally, while the Republicans have gained 141,000 registered voters.
Meanwhile, in 28 of the 30 states that require voters to register with a party, Republicans have net more voter registrations than Democrats (Colorado and California withstanding), picking up more than 225,000 registrations in the first 21 days of July.
For example, Florida has 1 million more Republican registered voters than Democrats, AP reported, with 5.3 million active Republican voters in the state compared to 4.3 million active Democratic voters.
Evan Power, the Florida Republican Party chair, said having this large of a voter registration edge is a win for the Florida Republican Party, which he touted as "the most successful party in the nation."
Nikki Fried, chair of the Florida Democratic Party, called the voter registration edge "empty rhetoric."
"While Florida Republicans have spent years dismantling voting rights to inflate their numbers and take victory laps on the voter registration gap, it hasn't stopped Florida Democrats from winning elections like the Jacksonville Mayor's race or flipping State House District 35, both wins that demonstrated a growing lack of enthusiasm for the Republican Party and an increasing number of Independent voters rejecting extremism in Florida," she said in a statement to AP.
Despite the discrepancy in registered voters between the parties, Democrats are starting to pick up in terms of voter registration after Biden ended his re-election campaign, according to Decision Desk HQ, meaning Democrats may see a surge in voter registration nationally in August.
The last few months before election day are always the most fruitful for voter registration. Based on state registration reports provided by election boards across all 50 states, there were more than 6 million new voter registrations in the three months leading up to election day in 2020.
Voters depart a polling place during primary voting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in Kennesaw, Ga. GOP voter registration is four times higher than Democrats in Pennsylvania.Voters depart a polling place during primary voting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in Kennesaw, Ga. GOP voter registration is four times higher than Democrats in Pennsylvania.Mike Stewart/AP
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Wow. Where is the enthusiasm? Well, it could be I guess, that many of them registered in 2020 so they could get Biden in by VFC. (Voting From Couch)
This is for one month, July only. Let's see #s for August and YTD...
All that and it has absolutely nothing to do with voter registration.
I see you're still wishing upon a star!
When You Wish Upon A Star - sung by Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards) (
I love the heading, Biden drops out.....the truth is Biden was forced out by the democrat overlords in a desperate attempt to retain power. The ruling elite just told 85 million Biden voters to go fuck themselves.
Prove it.
Joe Biden admits he was forced out of presidential race
Joe Biden admits he was forced out of presidential race | — Australia’s leading news site
Why Biden Was Really Forced Out of the Race,
Why Biden Was Really Forced Out of the Race, According to Anita Dunn - POLITICO
Biden admits he was pushed out of presidential race, name-drops Pelosi in first interview since exit
Biden admits he was pushed out of presidential race, name-drops Pelosi in first interview since exit (
Does it matter? As much as some right wing populists think it might, I don't see anyone on the left really caring about it.
Last night Trump said "he (Biden) is close to a vegetable"
they are going to shove that back up his ass.
Trump wants to say whatever he wants and he expects everyone to just take it.
Biden was "forced" out because he cant campaign with energy any more. He is still perfectly capable of being president, but may not be able to win the presidency . Just look how Trump has sunk like a rock since someone younger with the energy became the nominee.
To me? No, but then I am not the one that brought it up.
Of course the left doesn't care, what point is there of having a primary and counting votes if you are just going to appoint someone based on polling. Which party is a threat to democracy again?
That is complete and utter bullshit. He was forced out because of the abysmal debate performance that showed the entire nation that he has declined significantly, and the poll numbers reflected it almost immediately.
You keep saying it as if it does.
Over simplifying the nomination process doesn't make your point either.
The one with a 900 page manifesto that requires people to ignore the rule of law and the Constitution to enforce.
OMG not the 2025 boogieman again, One party held an election while telling the world that their nominee was fit and ready to go. they party voted and chose a winner, when his poll numbers dropped they told the voters that they know better and basically told them to fuck off you will vote for who we tell you too. you can try to spin it how you want but those are the facts.
The voters voted, the voters chose their nominee and the ruling elite overruled them. PERIOD!
Trump has several of these people in his staff including some writing policy.
You mean one party is too scared to deal with the befuddled mess of an elderly narcissist with a penchant for vengeance? Yeah... we know. I guess he's not so stupid though, he used his power for a hostile takeover of the RNC so he could funnel down ticket campaign money to his cover legal expenses. It's why party moderates are running away and endorsing Harris.
And yet nobody cares, except the right wing populists trying to make it a thing.
the debates are part of campaigning, duh.
If you are a partisan you may be able to look at that way, there are several sane republicans who aren't flaming narcissists who would stand a far better chance against Kamala and Tim, but you see there is 1 little issue, trump won the primary by getting the most votes so the party is supporting the democratically elected candidate, and thus supporting democracy...Not so much for the chicken little party who screams democracy is at stake while the do everything in their power to undermine it.
Still failing John, you all said Biden was fine until the polls came in, Who won the democrat primary again?
First of all, I assume that Biden did indeed quit due to pressure. It was his decision to quit (nobody took actions) but clearly pressure was applied.
You should read articles you link instead of just going with their titles.
Party leaders: I will beat you to death if you don't give me your money.........Biden: Hands them his wallet......democrats response........he gave me the money willingly, nobody hit would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
Make a serious comment.
I stated that Biden was pressured to leave. This is obvious. Now if you have evidence that Biden was forced out by some process then deliver it. Biden has stated (even in your links) that he decided to leave because him staying was going to harm his party downstream. He did NOT state (admit) that he was forced out.
To wit, Biden's chances looked grim after the debate. Many in his party called for him to step aside (pressure). Biden eventually realized that by staying in he would likely not stop Trump (imagine his legacy at that point) and, on top of that, would weaken the political power of his party.
It was a rational decision for Biden to step aside given the reality of the situation so in spite of his great desire to remain, he chose to step aside.
I made several serious comments, i'm just not going to humor your endless comments about trump and your justification for undermining the democrat process to beat a dead horse. so carry on by yourself.
You obviously have no argument.
try not to cry because Trump has a younger opponent.
you can still dump trump for vance
I can find where several people who were in his previous administration have helped to write the Project 2025 documents, but I cannot find where any of the writers are on his current campaign staff. Do you have that information or were you trying to say that previous staff were involved in the writing of?
Project 2025 is a nice boogieman for the other side to use but in truth there are groups that write all sorts of "plans" for the administration should their side win. Sometimes pieces are included but most times it's just a wish list from a particular lobbying group. I don't worry too much about the so-called Project 2025 as much of it would require Congress to pass laws to enact and also wonder how much would be tied up in the courts.
Not if you actually support democracy.
OH NO!!!! He said mean things!!!! But yet, he's not wrong.
Isn't that the party of "preserving democracy"?