Trump campaign casts fresh doubt on September debate with Harris over microphone dispute | News |
By: Kristen Holmes, Priscilla Alvarez and Shania Shelton (KIMT News)

No changes. Period.

(CNN) — Former President Donald Trump's campaign is casting fresh doubt on whether a September 10 debate will take place on ABC amid a dispute over the rules, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN.
Trump's team, according to the source, would like for the microphones to be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak, as was the case during the first debate with President Joe Biden.
And Trump himself took aim at what he called the "biased" network Sunday evening, complaining about reporter Jonathan Karl and a panel of "Trump Haters" on his Truth Social platform. "Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?" the former president asked.
The Harris campaign is requesting that ABC and other networks seeking to host a potential October debate keep microphones on, according to a senior campaign official, marking a change from the June debate when the then-Biden campaign wanted microphones muted except when it was a candidate's turn to speak.
"We have told ABC and other networks seeking to host a possible October debate that we believe both candidates' mics should be live throughout the full broadcast," Brian Fallon, the Harris campaign's senior adviser for communications, said in a statement.
"Our understanding is that Trump's handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don't think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own. We suspect Trump's team has not even told their boss about this dispute because it would be too embarrassing to admit they don't think he can handle himself against Vice President Harris without the benefit of a mute button," he said.
Trump's campaign has argued that when they agreed to the ABC debate with Harris at the top of the ticket, they were agreeing to the same guidelines of the previous debate.
"Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate," Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller said in a statement. "The Harris camp, after having already agreed to the CNN rules, asked for a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements. We said no changes to the agreed upon rules."
The Harris campaign pushed back on Miller's claim that it was seeking for the candidates to be seated with access to notes.
The ABC debate was officially agreed upon earlier this month, though Trump has repeatedly called for a revised setting, including a "full arena audience" debate hosted by Fox News.
Still, both candidates have been engaged in practice debate sessions. Harris is set to visit Georgia this week, aides said, along with a limited number of campaign stops as she focuses on debate preparations.
Trump, for his part, has enlisted one of Harris' former 2020 Democratic primary rivals, former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. Harris and Gabbard had several notable exchanges during the Democratic primary debates, where Harris criticized Gabbard for her foreign policy views while Gabbard challenged Harris' record on criminal justice.
This story has been updated with additional information.
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Notes? Seated? Opening statements? This isn't a trial dumbass. While I am sure you would be more comfortable, it isn't all about you. Flexing those errant VP muscles?
Good grief, even on something as simple as setting up rules for a debate you leap to calling Harris a "dumbass", accusing her of being narcissistic ("it isn't all about you"), and being a bully ("Flexing those errant VP muscles?").
In setting up the rules for a presidential debate, both sides make their requests and then negotiate. None of this is unusual.
Interesting to see if Trump uses this as an excuse to back out of the debate ... even if the Harris camp drops their changes.
I doubt Trump wants to face Harris.
He isn't the one wanting to change up the format.......................
So what? They make their request. If the other side does not agree then the request dies.
There is no need to spin anything. If Trump backs out of this debate simply because of Harris' requests it will be quite obvious that he does not want to debate her.
Requests are normal. This is not unusual. You are trying to make a big deal out of an entirely normal protocol.
Harris is an ignorant bitch who is looking for any excuse to escape having to defend the Biden/Harris legacy because she lacks the intelligence to think on her feet, your comments defending her are borderline propaganda for the DNC.
And if the tables are turned? What say ye then?
Do you support Kamal's attempts to control every aspect of these debates?
Why is she afraid to come onto Fox? Bret Baier and Martha McCallum are not exactly far right foaming at the mouth conservatives
No point in reading anything else you write on this topic.
Hyperbolic claims abound. This is normal. She made requests. This is a negotiation.
I would expect Harris to agree to debates (even on Fox) if her campaign believes it is the best use of her time. I am not privy to the inner campaign workings.
If Harris backs out merely because her requests are rejected (no other reasons) then that would be significant.
You keep on defending Trump yet do not care which one is elected.
What, specifically, do you have in mind? Be specific if you want me to opine.
Then why agree to the debate? Or did you miss that part? Now the question is why would the Harris campaign want to change the rules? A lot of speculation from both sides as to why. You just seem to take offense at the spculation about Kamalalalala's abilities.
Do you think that juvenile name-mangling like this in some way makes your point stronger?
For me, whenever I see this kind of crap I take the balance of the comment less seriously.
What if Trump didn't budge and Harris refused to debate would it still be obvious that she doesn't want to debate him? That seemed a bit easy to discern.........if one wanted to.
See @1.2.11
Ever notice how some people ask vague questions to give themselves wiggle room? Thus, if you want me to answer a question, be specific.
She agreed to debate. Given the agreed upon debate she is negotiating the rules. This is normal.
My comments have argued that Trump supporters are making a big deal out of nothing. Pay attention.
Rules were also agree upon. Pay attention
Your comments are just as I stated. Pay attention
Yes, Jeremy, and it is perfectly reasonable for Harris to request changes. Trump does not have to agree.
You are (ridiculously) making a big deal out of nothing.
Harris is the only presidential candidate I will consider. Trump is entirely unfit for office.
But as I have stated, I like the Harris-Walz team. They are positive, youthful, energetic, presidential, etc. and that is something the nation needs. In addition, I hope they magically pull off a landslide in the hope that such a defeat will kick start an epiphany in the GOP so that it can start recovering.
You misspelled "installed" candidate.
You left out part of the problem. But lets ignore that little fact and run with the unproven "Trump's unfit" nonsense.
They're the ones that set the rules. Have the Democrats realized Harris could be as bad as Biden?
And you can't answer the question as to WHY she wants the changes.
They think the rules never apply then cry when they are.[✘]
True, I do not have access to her mind nor can I access the minds of those managing the campaign.
What I can do, however, is note how ridiculous Trump supporters are making a big deal out of nothing. But, then, they do not have much material and have a great need to do something since Trump damages his own campaign each time he opens his mouth.
A 12-step program will be required and unfortunately they are chained to their 'higher' power.
That's interesting. Based on your comment history you appear to have access to Trumps.
So take it up with them.
Opinions will vary.
You are simply making up bullshit claims now. My comments are based on what Trump has done, not on what he is thinking.
And Joe Biden is capable of running for office.
‘Funny, but I suspect if Trump wanted to change the rules, the comments sure would be different and how he is scared to debate her..’
He is not the one wanting to change the rules but the comments are still the same as you describe.
No one that really is prepared
to debate would want to change the rules last minute.
She does not want to debate because Trump will make her look like the dumbass she is
The Chicken Shit's gotta chicken shit...
Yeah, she should be ashamed.
She's a chicken shit, I agree.
She also wants to change the rules so Trump's mic will be turned on when she is speaking. She's desperate for Trump to interrupt her so she can play the victim. That's how she thinks she win the debate.
I would think that she (and her campaign) want to enable Trump to illustrate his terrible demeanor. Allowing him to interrupt and be a prick like he was in 2020 is certainly something that Harris can parlay into an advantage. He acts like a petulant child and she remains cool and keeps making points. That would be a very good debate strategy.
Yet they were the ones who demanded the mics off to begin with and Trump agreed.
Do you ever hold Democrats to their word?
If she were capable of that, she'd actually talk to the press.
It's been about 40 days since the winner of the Democratic Primaries was pushed out and replaced by his vice President and she's not given a single interview yet. They want Trump to have a mic so she doesn't have to talk and can play the poor, bullied victim who wasn't able to communicate because of mean Trump.
Trump is not going to win by virtue of supporters whining about Harris talking to the press. It is yet another feeble attack of low significance.
Get off your simplistic stereotype and go by what I write.
Probably not , because Harris voters tend to be either toadies for authoritarianism or low information idiots who vote for vibes. Arguing that a candidate for President should explain herself and her policies to voters won't work with either group.
ff your simplistic stereotyp
As you defend the boss selected, not elected, major party candidate (who didn't even run for the position) refusing to answer questions about her policies sixy odd days before the election....
Irrelevant. Nobody cares. Another feeble attack.
To quote Just Jim, "exactly"!
right. i agree. As I said, , Harris voters tend to be either toadies for authoritarianism or low information idiots who vote for vibes so they don't care.
Of course, if you told those same toadies and the "independent media" that the republicans were going to switch out their elected nominee for a more electable candidate after the primaries and then hide the selected candidate from media and literally do no interviews or press conferences, they would be screaming about democracy dying in the darkness and what have you.
Instead we get from those people "why should a candidate explain her positions and answer questions before an election? That's crazy!|
That's the thing they can't talk around. The media wants to help them. They know it. They know she should have had multiple interviews since the election winner was pushed out for her. They just can't trust her to talk without a script and they know their voters are either too ignorant to notice or Harry Reid disciples who laugh and justify lying to voters because "they won."
‘It is yet another feeble attack of low significance.’
sounds just like democrat surrogates and the actual Harris campaign
I dont think its going to matter if the microphones are left on or not, Trump will make a fool out of himself either way.
I doubt that the Trump campaign will allow the mics on. Probably would happen only if Trump overrides them.
Don't know that rule came from the Democrats for the debate Biden made an ass of them?
The Trump campaign would be wise to keep the mics off as a mechanism to dissuade Trump from interrupting like he did in 2020.
Trump, however, likes the mics open so he might override his team. He has stated publicly that he has no problem with the mics being open.
Or it's a good way to keep Kamalalalala from cackling through the whole thing. Like she does in every interview.
Then why did he agree to have them cut off?
That would be a question for Trump. He recently stated he has no problem with mics being open.
I recommend you pay closer attention to reality and put less credence in fantasy. Juvenile name-mangling advertises a comment that has no merit.
As I explained before, there are many problems to be fixed. An administration picks its priorities. We can disagree on whether they picked the right priorities, but if you think that an administration is remiss if it does not fix all problems then your reasoning is beyond naive and unrealistic.
It is difficult to say what Harris will do. As I noted, she is liberal and thus one should expect liberal policies. I will likely disagree with a number of her policies. I expect to also endorse some of her policies too.
Regardless, the Harris-Walz team is energetic, presidential, youthful and I am convinced will do what it thinks is best for the USA rather than for themselves. In contrast, the Trump-Vance team is led by the oldest nominee for PotUS in US history, is rabidly unpresidential, and has a negative doom & gloom fear-mongering campaign. On top of that, Trump is a vindictive curmudgeon, malignant narcissist, pathological liar and is the only PotUS in US history to engage in fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to steal a US presidential election.
I was explaining why problems that existed four years ago were not fixed. In short, an administration will necessarily select the problems to tackle. This should be obvious.
Oh, I am paying attention to reality. Hence why I made the statement.
Then you do not understand that the USA faces myriad problem and that every administration has to pick the problems it will work on. Thus at the end of every administration in US history there are always problems that remain.
Sure just like he did against Biden......................./S
Trump always makes a fool out of himself because he always makes outrageous lies. He did so during the debate (just look at the fact checking of same). If Trump behaves the same way with Harris instead of Biden, chances are better than average that Harris will be cogent while Trump will engage in lies, attacks and other petulant behavior.
The word salad nonsense has been shown repeatedly to be nothing but partisan hyperbole. If you think Harris is only capable of word salads then you clearly are not paying any attention to her many speeches this past month.
You think her reading a teleprompter rebuts that claim?
I recommend you pay closer attention to reality and put less credence in fantasy.
Again, if you think that all she does in her speeches is read from a teleprompter then you are not paying attention.
Without the teleprompter, she is as bad as Biden. Quite a team you support there.
She should and DOES. Here is an example of off teleprompter...........
Zero interviews and zero press conferences since being selected as the nominee by party bosses six weeks ago. Only scripted appearances.
Yep, Kamala can’t seem to stray from script and Donald can’t stay on one..
Fox News is about 20 times more prejudiced against Democrats than ABC is against Trump, the only one I can think of on ABC is noticeably anti-Trump is Stephanopolous. Fox has at least 10 hosts that are more biased than ABC anchors.
Yesterday Tom Cotton completely steamrolled Jonathan Karl, hosting ABC This Week. Karl let him get away with everything Cotton wanted to do.
Karl was desperately carrying water for Harris and got steamrolled because Cotton had receipts and didn't let Karl get away with lying. Karl couldn't be more in the bag for Harris if he wanted to be. It's just the facts got in Karl's way.