Former CBS staffers call for 'outside investigation' into '60 Minutes' controversy: 'There's a problem here' | Fox News
By: Joseph Wulfsohn (Fox News)

CBS airs different parts of Harris answer to same '60 Minutes' question
CBS aired one part of a Kamala Harris answer to a question about Israel from its '60 Minutes' correspondent on Oct. 6, and then aired a shorter, different part of the answer a day later.
Former CBS News staffers are reportedly calling on the network to launch an external probe into the ongoing "60 Minutes" editing controversy.
CBS News has been at the center of outrage after it aired an edited clip of Vice President Kamala Harris during its primetime "60 Minutes" election special Monday that was different from a preview of the unflattering exchange she had with veteran correspondent Bill Whitaker that was widely panned by critics.
"I think there should be an outside investigation," a former CBS News journalist told The New York Post on Thursday.
"Obviously, there's a problem here. If they care about journalistic integrity, they would conduct an investigation or release the full transcript," the ex-CBS journalist added.
"60 Minutes" aired an edited exchange between correspondent Bill Whitaker Vice President Kamala Harris for its primetime election special after airing the Democrat's unflattering comments in a preview clip.(Screenshots/CBS News)
"Their credibility has been called into question and their impartiality has been called into question," a second source told The Post. "Don't you need a full-throated review of what went wrong?"
According to The Post, the CBS sources suggested the network bring back Al Ortiz, its former standards and practices executive director, to conduct an outside review. Ortiz retired in 2012 after working at CBS for 43 years.
CBS News did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment.
Former CBS staffers are calling on the network to launch an outside probe to look into the "60 Minutes" controversy, according to The New York Post. (Getty Images)
The controversy stems from an exchange Harris had with Whitaker about the Biden administration's relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with one answer released in a preview clip that aired on Sunday's "Face The Nation" and another in Monday's primetime special.
Harris was mocked by conservatives Sunday for offering a lengthy "word salad" when she was asked why it seemed like Netanyahu wasn't listening to the U.S. However, the vice president's lengthy answer didn't make the version that aired on Monday night and a different, shorter, more focused answer to the same question was shown instead.
"Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region," Harris responded in Sunday's "Face the Nation" version.
Sometimes interviews are edited to save time, but when CBS aired the interview on Monday night, Harris was shown giving a different response to the same question.
"We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end," Harris said instead.
Former President Trump slammed CBS News for its "unprecedented scandal" and called for the network to lose its broadcasting license.(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio; Screenshot/CBS News)
Critics have accused CBS News of aiding the Harris campaign by cleaning up her messy answer for the network's primetime audience.
Former President Trump blasted CBS News, calling for the network to lose its broadcasting license over what he declared "the single biggest scandal in broadcast history."
"A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes," Trump wrote Thursday on Truth Social. "Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal."
"TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE," he continued. "Election Interference. She is a Moron, and the Fake News Media wants to hide that fact. An UNPRECEDENTED SCANDAL!!! The Dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the Election? WOW!"
The Harris campaign insists it had nothing to do with the edit, with an aide telling Fox News Digital, "We do not control CBS's production decisions and refer questions to CBS."
Joseph A. Wulfsohn is a media reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to and on Twitter: @JosephWulfsohn.
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So does that interview, with these revelations, become a campaign contribution?
You know you fucked up when you staff is calling for an outside investigation.
How was cbs ever alllowed to host a debate?
between editing interviews to protect Harris and the the current struggle session over dokoupil’s interview of cates that revealed racialist commissars vet the questions hosts ask, it’s clear that cbs is more of progressive activist organization than anything else.
They were allowed because the DNC knew how shady they were.
I think the Republicans allowed it to expose CBS as another group of bloggers who are far from impartial. Just like we've seen from MSNBC and CNN.
And it worked.
I'd just like to see a debate hosted by someone at least attempting to be objective.
To be honest, they would be hard pressed to find anybody to do that.
It appears obvious now that Harris had all the questions before hand, since she doesn't have the ability to answer the simplest of questions posed to her.
Evidenced by her “town hall” last night where she used a teleprompter
If she wins, she will need a teleprompter when talking with ANY foreign leader since she doesn't have the ability to think on her feet.
The teleprompter was for the Unavision "moderator".
The teleprompter had the host's introduction on it in Spanish.
Moreover, when Harris began to respond to the question posed'
the teleprompter changed to a timer.
Did Harris Use Teleprompter During Univision Town Hall? |
Edited photos are absolute poison in news circles yet polished interviews are just fine ... right up there with exploding pickup truck gas tanks.
No no nope no nope no nope sorry no nope no. If you are Trump or support him, you don’t get to say shit about anything that might or not have happened with the 60 Minutes interview of Kamala Harris. Why not? Because Trump was too big of a pussy to even go on the show.
Was that it? or was it a wise decision to avoid a program that would obviously edit the content? I wouldn't give an interview to a station with no integrity.
Sounds like Loser talk.
No, sounds like a sound campaign decision to avoid a piece of shit network that covers for a bigger piece of shit candidate. She is an ignorant fool that has to be edited to sound semi coherent. that is what a loser is.
I'm sorry you can't accept this, but any presidential candidate who is afraid of CBS is a fucking pussy.
You are the one projecting fear on the presidential candidate for showing good judgment, what is telling is that Kamala is so stupid she can’t handle a moron like Hannity or Waters? How fucking stupid is that washed up old hag?
There's so much insanity and irrationality in that rant, it's no wonder you support a felon for president. He's 20 years older than her, but you describe her as the old hag? Like, fuck facts, right?
Trump and his supporters whine like no one else in the history of American politics. Every time a journalist says something they don't like, it's fake news. Every time a government agency says something they don't like, that's fake too. It's all an imagined liberal media/deep state conspiracy. We've never seen such an epidemic of irrational bellyaching in our history (e.g., "don't call me racist just because i'm a racist). You want to be part of it? Go ahead, but don't expect the grown ups of the world to have any patience for it.
When you start attacking Harris for not being brave enough to handle Hannity that might make some sense.
Hannity is an avowed Republican supporter and all he does is opinion. 60 minutes is an actual news program with actual journalists. Only an extreme right-wing perspective could force the two into the same category.
But the one who is afraid of Fox isn't? Yeah right!
Does Fox have a news - not opinion - show like 60 minutes that has invited both candidates to do interviews?
That’s rhetorical. We both know there is no such thing, and no such offer has been extended.
So, CBS just airing certain clips of an interview with Harris is bad but Fox using small clips of Trump that make him look good to their viewers and fawning over Trump for days pretending he won the debate against Harris is "journalistic integrity"? This seed is the height of hypocrisy.
So much wrong in that comment, did anyone here say Fox was good? so you support a station editing out a candidate's actual answer and inserting a different one?
I think they clipped the rambling and left the more cogent conclusion to her answer, likely for two reasons. One, every show like this which is not billed as a live interview has the network cutting parts they feel have no relevance or run too long, and two, like every supposed "News" network nowadays, attempt to present the candidate in either a favorable or unfavorable light based on the leaning of the network. Fox clearly leans rightwing conservative, so they selectively show clips of Trump that make him look good while choosing not to air his rambling incoherent rants. CBS leans left and I don't that's any surprise and no more egregious than any other network. You have a plethora of rightwing media, what's wrong with having left leaning media? You guys can do it, but the left isn't allowed to?
Amazing. Imagine telling people 20 years ago 60 minutes journalistic reputation would fall so far that by 2024 it would be considered no different than Hannity
A plethora? there is fox, and what? CNN? MSNBC? CBS? NBC? ABC? all the late night talk host? What is the plethora of right wing sources that aren't fringe like RT. or newsmax? daily Kos? alternet?
Why would they do that? If it were truly her answer they would have played the entire answer rambling and cogent on the show. You are stating your wishful thinking that Harris isn't that big of an imbecile with nothing to back it up.
I listened to both clips and the one that they ended up cutting out wasn't horrible, it wasn't anything to be really embarrassed about, it just wasn't as concise as it should have been and would leave the less informed not quite sure of what she was trying to say, she finished her thoughts strong which is the part they left in. I think they should have left it unedited because it was really no big deal, the hay being made out of cutting it short has become the talking point now instead of everyone just going "Huh?" for half a second. So no, I don't think they should have cut it but I don't see it as any sort of big deal especially when it happens on Fox ALL THE FUCKING TIME, they do their best to only present Trump as Presidential and never air his rambling incoherent nonsense. The only difference is they don't release a clip first with him rambling then release a second clip showing only the somewhat coherent part of his answer. The only reason this is being talked about is because they showed two versions of the clip and now the rightwing Trump supporters can feign outrage.
It was probably just edited for time. Suddenly, because it's an opponent of Trump, they want to pretend time isn't a factor on television. It must be part of the liberal media conspiracy to destroy America, or some such bullshit.
Really? When has Fox edited an interview of a Republican candidate to substitute an answer to another question in favor of the one the Republican actually gave?
Does Fox have a prerecorded news program that requires editing for time, like 60 minutes? If they did, would you even know what the editing looked like?
At least you know Harris' answers were edited because CBS didn't keep it a fucking secret. They actually showed the clip that has your knickers in such a twist. It's out there for you to whine about because CBS put it out there. It wasn't uncovered by some whistleblower or undercover agent. Acting like they're covering something up doesn't make any fucking sense. CBS is the reason you know about it.
Then don't edit answers to questions, omit the entire question if "time" constraints of 10 seconds make such a difference.
The original anwer went viral because it was so dumb. Then, when it comes time to show it on 60 minutes in from of a larger audience, it disappears without a trace and an edited version is substituted. The original answer was already a story by time 60 minutes aired, the only possible reason to take down the part of an interview that was actually newsworthy and gaining traction was to protect Harris. News organizations don't disappear news making quotes if they are acting rationally. That's literally their reason for existence.
If you can't see that, there's really nothing to be said.
This is the ONLY reason the answer was edited.
Time constraints had nothing to do with it.
Wait. I’m gonna need a minute…I think my head just exploded.
You’re mad they edited an answer for time (even though you got to see a longer version in the promo). You see it as some kind of coverup.
But you’d be ok with them omitting “the entire question.”
Holy f…
Would have been more honest and......gasp......journalistic.
Editing an answer to make it something it wasn't vs just taking out the whole question. The former is deceiving the audience, the latter is not.
hey edited an answer for time (even though you got to see a longer version in the promo). Y
Pay attention. They showed a completely different answer when they showed it on Face the Nation Sunday morning. When her nonsensical answer went viral, they showed a completely different answer when they aired it to the larger audience on Sunday night. The original portion, that was driving the discussion on Sunday, disappeared on Sunday night.
Again, you seem to be missing the point that news shows are designed to show the most relevant news to their audience, if you know, their goal is present news and not curated quotes to protect a candidate. The word salad response was the NEWS to come out of the interview (at least until CBS refused to show it on their show with the largest audience, at which time that became the story.) \
See, not showing relevant news is a bad thing for a news organization to do. Got it?
u’d be ok with them omitting “the entire question.
I'm sorry. I think my head is going to explode. You think showing an edited, partial answer to a question is more honest than showing he complete question and response? OF course they should only show complete questions and answers.
Excellent points
You weren’t there and you haven’t seen the full raw video. None of us have. None of us probably ever will. That’s standard procedure for shows like this, but you want to pretend something special happened here. Promos and aired programs differ all the time. What appears to be an answer to a question in a promo, might not be at all.
But you have to try and find a scandal here because you need to deflect from the fact that Trump was too chickenshit to even do the show at all. He’d rather be free to make up bullshit stories about hurricane response or Haitians without having to answer for it. And you know they would ask him about it. Trump knows. That’s why he pussed out.
That doesn’t bother you, but some perceived discrepancy between a promo and an aired interview is a fucking crisis for you. Your priorities are out of whack.
You can’t be helped if you won’t face reality. It’s a 60.Minute.Show. It’s even called that. They even run a stopwatch to remind you of that, but somehow this simple fact eludes you.
The PD and D is undeniable with some.
One could argue poor editing or the fact that 60Minutes on Youtube has different directors than 60 Minutes and Face the Nation.
For whatever reason, two included the bolded Harris response and one did not.