From Trump Bump to Trump Slump: Ratings suffer as liberals avoid news after election | Fox News
By: Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough (Fox News)

'I'm speechless': Hosts react to CNN, MSNBC takes on Trump victory
'Outnumbered' panelists discuss the media's outrage over Vice President Harris' election loss.
Several outlets have seen ratings plummet following Donald Trump's victory over Vice President Kamala Harris as some liberals have decided to tune out the news media and avoid updates on the president-elect.
MSNBC posted its lowest ratings in 25 years in the week following the 2024 presidential election with an average of 487,000 total viewers. CNN managed only 337,000 average total viewers to finish fifth among cable networks.
"It's depression. Fatigue. or some are just tired of being lied to with some of the most hyperbolic dishonest rhetoric you will ever see on any network. And there are so many other options for not just liberals but all news consumers out there in the form of podcasts or huge free speech platforms like X. Those viewers may not come back this time," Fox News contributor Joe Concha told Fox News Digital.
The Washington Post reported on Sunday that liberals were turning off the news in their cars, on their phones and at home.
"I pretty much stopped on a dime," Brandon Wilson, a California professor, told the Washington Post of his news consumption after Harris lost. The outlet reported he regularly tuned into MSNBC on SiriusXM.
Wilson was particularly frustrated by the "the finger-pointing and bashing of the Democratic Party," in the days that followed Trump's win, according to the outlet.
"We're all absorbing a lot about what this win is going to mean, and the last thing I need is a lot of things that raise my blood pressure," Wilson told the Post. "Like blaming the candidate for some obvious problems with the electorate, like misinformation and disinformation."
It's a far cry from the "Trump Bump" for the media after Trump's win in 2016, which stunned the world and particularly press outlets that confidently predicted a Hillary Clinton victory. Progressives and anti-Trumpers flocked to subscribe, tune in and listen to liberal newspapers, networks and podcasts in the four years that followed.
It's a different situation in 2024 where Trump's victory, while still surprising to some, is far less of a shock given how tight the race was and that he'd pulled it off before.
"I just don't even want to know what kind of outrageous thing he's going to do," Michelle Mullins said after telling the Post she started listening to audiobooks in lieu of news podcasts. "I'm resigned to, 'He's going to do outrageous things, and we'll deal with it when he's gone.'"
Andrew DelPonte told the Post that he read all the pages of Project 2025 before the election, but said he turned off his Apple News alerts, as well as stopped listening to NPR in the wake of the election.
"I don't need to hear the day-to-day preparations about what they're doing to strip away rights for millions of Americans every day," he told WaPo.
President Joe Biden meets with President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
The New York Times' Ginia Bellafonte also wrote a column on New Yorkers tuning out the news and noted that it was clear in the cable news ratings. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow's show on Nov. 11 had about half of the viewers it had in the month prior, she wrote.
Writer Emily Listfield told Bellafonte she was yelling at her phone while listening to liberal podcast "Pod Save America" the night after the election and realized it might be better for her to avoid her news sources.
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris gives remarks alongside U.S. President Joe Biden at Prince George's Community College on August 15, 2024 in Largo, Maryland. Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)(Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
"I was going to a movie with a friend last weekend, and she asked which of three releases I was interested in," she told the "Big City" columnist. "I had to explain that I couldn't risk looking — opening the news app to see reviews — so she would have to summarize them for me."
MSNBC's four-hour long morning show, "Morning Joe," hosted by Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, has seen a drop in viewership following their announcement that they met with the president-elect at Mar-a-Lago after he was declared the winner.
Brzezinski, Scarborough and all of their daily guests regularly criticize Trump and have even likened him to a fascist dictator.
"Morning Joe" has averaged 1.1 million total viewers from 6-9 a.m. ET in 2024, but the Nov. 18 episode's audience fell to 769,000.
The audience shrunk again with 683,000 average total viewers tuning in on Tuesday, Nov. 19, and it shriveled even more on Wednesday when it averaged only 618,000 total viewers.
Fox News' Brian Flood contributed to this report.
Hanna Panreck is an associate editor at Fox News.
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Just....can't.......handle.........the ...........truth
I tried to help them. I exclusively watched MSNBC on election night.
Well, that's one
"Like blaming the candidate for some obvious problems with the electorate, like misinformation and disinformation."
Yep, it's the old electorate issue, couldn't possibly be an unfit and unqualified candidate issue.
They still can't seem to get it
Yep, and he still won, go figure...
Yes, he beat the Democrat's unfit unqualified candidate that never won a single state during the primaries. In fact she dropped out before the Iowa caucus in 2020.
Democrats don't trust their sheeple to know what is best for them. They haven't had an honest primary since 2008. Since then their candidates are selected by party fiat.
Must really suck when Democrats tried to rig 3 presidential elections; and lost two of them.
Even more galling for them to Trump twice.
That alone probably feels like a death knell. They don't know how to accept and get over it.
One could argue they really lost all three …..
I saw this, or something like this the other day. I'm sure many of those people are avoiding 'doom scrolling' through their news bubbles.
There is one overwhelming reason why "liberals" are in shock, and the "never trumpers" too. They cant believe that their fellow Americans would actually vote to put the worst person ever to run for president back in office. That explains it almost entirely. No wants to think ill of fellow Americans but now we have no choice.
It is a bit sickening knowing what we are immersed in. I have a feeling that Thanksgiving is going to be weird for a lot of people who thought they knew their family better than they did. Those formerly higher opinions we had of our relatives will now be questioned as we wonder whether they are part of the moron majority. I have a nephew who I suspect has fallen into the Joe Rogan mentality. Not looking forward to finding out.
I go my brothers for Thanksgiving. He has four adult children and 14 grandchildren , many of them teenagers. With spouses they amount to about 18 people not counting the littler kids. Plus a few in laws, spouse brothers and sisters etc. Maybe there will be 22 or 23 people there teenage or over. I will be the only one there who is not a Trump fan. I'm sure , since they dont see each other all the time and may not have since the election that they will be happily talking about it at some point. A few years ago I may have gotten into an argument about Trump with some of them, but this time I'm just going to watch the football and eat.
My nephew and possibly his brother are the only ones at our thanksgiving who might be guilty of the dumbest mistake of their lifetime. The rest of us would sooner take a bullet than make that mistake.
The thing that always kills me about my extended family is that none of them are having a hard time in life. They all have good jobs and solidly middle class lives . They have great kids. My brother is actually rather well off (multi millionaire) . They all have a lot of friends . I dont quite understand what they have to bitch about to the extent they would flock to Trump. I say I dont quite understand because I do understand a big part of it - almost all of them are somewhere on the broad spectrum of racism.
Would also have been the only non-Trump fan so decided to stay home, drink and watch football.
Doubtful, very doubtful.
Excellent plan.
The answer is in your comment if you look deep enough
And past actions from most liberals.
Well then they weren't paying attention, were they?
Right. Definitely cast scorn on anyone who disobeys your voting instructions.
You have a who gives a fuck attitude about the whole thing. We get it.
I have a "calm the fuck down until something actually happens" attitude, combined with a "you have enough actual things to worry about, don't borrow worry from future shit that will probably never happen" attitude.
Let Marcus Aurelius help you here:
And finally....
Enjoy your thanksgiving. Memento Mori.
I know all about Marcus Aurelius.
How about the prayer to St Francis ?
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi (Prayer for Peace)
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Without question or pause
To be willing to march, march into hell
For that heavenly cause
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
C’mon man! Are you kidding us here?
Those first two prayers are the last advice many of my friends on the left are following. The last …..
The only thing that shocks me is how bad the Trump triggering is for many of my fellow Americans. It’s completely FUBAR. 100%
MSNBC is on the block, maybe Musk will buy it and make the anchors where shock collars, every time they lie, we will get a fact check in real time.
Maddow in a shock collar …
Oh good grief.
Donald Trump's name engraved on the cover of a Bible he is selling for $70 each. I think he is the one Jesus would chase out of the temple.
In Trump's America, thanks to his voters, this is all perfectly normal , and Jesus would be the oddball.
If you really love Trump you will buy the one with his inauguration on the cover, AND the one with the date of his assassination attempt on the cover.
It's all a big grift to him. The bible, the shoes, the trading cards. He's just making money for Trump. The rest of us are on our own.
Are you pitching a fit because a businessman is selling products?
Trump would sell you into slavery if he could make a buck off it.
Trump is not a democrat so probably not.
Why would he support slavery? He's not a Democrat.
But back to my question, your answer appears to be that you are, in fact, pitching a fit because of a businessman is selling products.
What else would anyone expect? The election is over. The drama is over. Of course ratings have gone down.
This time around, the loser isn't making a spectacle of themselves by lying about the result and pretending the election was stolen from them. This time, in keeping with over two centuries of tradition - minus what happened in 2020 - grownups accepted the result and got back to work.
Shocking, I know.
I don't think she's smart enough. I also think even the Democrats are smart enough to know they got their asses handed to them across the board.
I'm going to need some proof with reliable links.
I'm just giving the benefit of the doubt. Anybody would be hard pressed to prove Democrats are smarter than a 5th grader.
You find something about Trump’s response to the 2020 election to be “smart?”
You mean challenging election results? That's happened throughout the history of the US. The only thing that changed was that time the Democrats tried prosecuting the challenger.
No, not at all! By all means, challenge election results - when you have actual evidentiary grounds for a challenge. When you lose over 60 court challenges in a row, and even your closest advisors are telling you you lost, you know the “challenge” is just bullshit.
No, I was talking about Trump’s two straight months of lying to people that the election had been stolen, and then based on that lie, urging people to go protest the counting of electoral votes that he knew was perfectly valid.
But you already know that, right? You understand that Trump lied and lied and lied some more and got millions of his followers to believe those lies. You understand that his dishonesty was an unprecedented breach of honesty and decorum in the peaceful transfer of power that this country has prided itself on for almost 250 years. You know that, but you’re still going to pretend there was anything legitimate about Trump’s behavior post-2020 election.
Not on the left they haven't. The triggering is far from going away and most are still stuck in the anger stage.
Only cultists will tell their followers to shun family at holidays because they voted for someone, tell their husband/boyfriends they are no longer having sex, shave their heads, etc
It's not conservatives and Trump supporters doing this.
Source? You can link us to all the court challenges Kamala Harris has filed? You can show that she didn’t concede and didn’t congratulate Trump on his victory? You can show us the rallies complaining about a stolen election?
(why do I waste my time?)
Pay attention.
"Only cultists will tell their followers to shun family at holidays because they voted for someone, tell their husband/boyfriends they are no longer having sex, shave their heads, etc
It's not conservatives and Trump supporters doing this."
I notice you didn't argue against this. Because it's true?
You want an argument? You haven’t earned it.
You made a claim and I asked you to support it with a source. You gonna do this basic thing? Or are you going to just continue to deflect with more bullshit?
Grownups don't pull the shit Democrats have the last eight years and counting.
Illegally spying on a political opponent based off of a political hit piece paid for by the Clinton campaign; the entire Russian collusion hoax; two faux impeachments; Blinken's fabricated letter signed by 51 current and former intelligence officials that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation; the FBI stationing agents at social media companies to monitor "disinformation" and get conservatives banned or deplatformed; Pelosi hand picked TDS driven Jan 6th committee; lawfare; secretary of states illegally trying to keep Trump off of ballots; Democrats first trying to keep RFK junior and leftist third parties off of ballots- then refusing to let RFK junior off the ballot in swing states when he dropped out; and an election official in PA illegally counting votes that the state Supreme court deemed invalid.
Democrats are definitely not the grownups; nor are they acting like it with their rhetoric. Guess bomb threats, like assassination attempts, against Trump and his potential cabinet members are just part of normal political discourse for Democrats/leftists.
I don’t know if you skipped this part, but the seed and the thread are about what has happened since the election. Sounds like you want to talk about something else. Maybe seed a different article.