'We'll Vigorously Push Back': Dem Rep Talks Impeachment Before Inauguration | The Daily Caller
By: dailycaller
Hello 2015
Democratic California Sen. Adam Schiff hinted Monday on CNN at the possibility of impeachment just weeks before President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.
During an appearance on CNN's "January 6th: Congress Certifies the Election," Schiff said that they're ready to "fight" Trump and repeat what they did to Trump during his first term. Schiff's comments come at a time when Trump has not yet taken office for his second term and was only certified as president Monday.
"We keep a focus on trying to get positive affirmative things done for the country. But a lot will depend on how he chooses to govern. If he violates the law, if he violates the Constitution, if he abuses his office, we will vigorously push back, fight back, stand up to him, as we had to do during his first term in office," Schiff said when asked about prioritizing legislative efforts over investigating Trump.
Schiff played a significant role in Trump's impeachment inquiry during his first term as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Schiff was appointed as one of the impeachment managers and led the prosecution team.
Trump was acquitted by the Senate in Feb. 2020. The Senate voted to acquit Trump after all Republicans, except for Republican Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, voted to clear him of the abuse of power charge.
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And so it begins...........again and already.
The retardation will never stop, Anybody have any idea when Adam the shit will release the evidence he has always claimed to have on trump? it might have been useful in the first 50 impeachment hearings, maybe hill have better luck as a senator.
Schiff is the biggest scumbag in Congress, which says a lot.
If the Democrats had taken back the House and held the Senate I think they would have impeached the pos very early in the new term. But they didnt, and its just all talk now.
Because Democrats don't believe in elections they don't win; the Constitution, or our laws.
They have proven it repeatedly.
They are a shit stain on this country.
The shit stain is the Republican senators that didnt vote to remove him from office in his first two impeachments.
You mean the two faux impeachments that both violated House rules; just like the shit stained, Pelosi TDS driven Jan 6th committee?
If the impeachments were for more than hurting the Democrats fragile egos then that may have happened.
For an actual reason this time or just more bullshit like the last two?
And for what? Making them cry? They did that before.
Back in 2016, as soon as Trump won the Presidency, David Ignacius was on "Morning Joe" and called the 2018 midterms the "impeachment election."
Trump hadn't even been sworn in.
The won’t be any impeachment for the next two years, at least. Republicans elected a convicted felon, so “high crimes and misdemeanors” obviously are not a problem for them.
Again, point out where states have the right to enforce federal laws? Especially when it is combined with two state misdemeanors that the statute of limitations ram out on.
If you can find it then Garland and Mayorkas will be toast for going after southern states for enforcing their borders and immigration laws.
The case never should have been allowed to be brought to trial. Perion, end of story. Only a TDS driven Democrat judge that didn't follow the Constitution or the law allowed it. Couple in a hand picked TDS driven jury by the judge, and his failure to follow a Supreme Court ruling on unanimous verdicts.
Merchan wanted Trump found guilty no matter what; and he did everything in his damn power to make it happen. Including ignoring the Constitution and law.
Sorry, but your "opinion" doesn't matter shit to reality. Trump won the election (despite Democrat lawfare; trying to keep Trump of state ballots illegally, weaponizing the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and IRS against him; and two faux impeachments) ; and it wasn't just Republicans and Conservatives that voted for him.
Democrat shit stains should be flushed for what they put this country through for the last 9 years and counting; but this is America and we have a tendency to let shit stains hang around forever.
I am sure Democrats and the media will do everything in the power to give voters Trump fatigue by 2026. Reality of Democrats running this country into a ditch will be forgotten.
And THAT is what will get the whole thing overturned in appeal. Merchan, should also be removed from the bench for such blatant violations.
WTF? Why? Why would I need to point that out? I’d didn’t claim anything remotely like that.
A "Shady Chance" Trump will be impeachment.
That is all that needs to be said to ensure that we all know stupidity is happening.
I am so tired of the partisan politics that have overtaken Washington. The idea that their first order of business is to 'push back' against the other side, all done at the expense of 'We the People'. This has been going on for many years now. I have to wonder when will the people get tired of the bullshit and start 'mass firing' their elected officials.