
No More Death to America Wrapped in Star Spangled Propaganda

By:  PamelaDrew  •   •  12 years ago  •  3 comments

No More Death to America Wrapped in Star Spangled Propaganda


More than a decade after the 9/11 events unfolded live on on televisions around the world there's a divided reality about what happened that day and what was gained and lost in the time since then.

The Internet was in its infancy and media broadcasting was held in few large corporate hands; we individuals had very little power to capture and share information the way we do now.

What we know is the day marks a turning point in American power, but the turning point divides our realities.

In my eyes we witnessed a total failure of the most enormously funded military power on the planet.

Hijackings which had been a common threat throughout the 1970's made a return and hijacked commercial flights over an hour off course flew into two NYC icons as the world watched. It did very clearly mark a new divide between what I knew to be true and what the media asked or reported.


As the child of a WWII aviator, commercial pilot and lifetime flyer of small planes I knew first hand how the air traffic controllers register flight plans, monitor terminal control areas and track aircraft especially in the busy areas along the northeast corridor.

The ravages to the FAA controller ranks from the union busting victory by the Reagan Administration was common knowledge among those in the industry, but even that doesn't explain how none of this was noted as we watched the commercial flights strike the Twin Towers.

Unchallenged and undeterred by any military, undeclared as a potential problem by the FAA it was a clear breakdown in communication.

It was beyond belief that a Nation that spent more than the rest of the world combined could witness the event and then have the heart of US military leadership housed at the Pentagon theoretically unable to track or defend against a commercial aircraft intent on delivering a similar blow.

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It's unclear to me whether the Pentagon event was actually an aircraft because there are anomalies in the story and the studies that have followed. There was no video to show the actual event, which raises suspicions or at least creates room for questions. What we have is a hole that appears rather small for the plane and none of the markings on the ground or debris scattered as crashes typically have.

It also begs the question of how the impact of two identical aircraft can effectively spur the spontaneous collapse of WTC 1-2 and yes WTC7 while leaving remarkably little damage at the Pentagon.

But it's not specifically relevant to the narrative here as much as the idea of what questions are missing and what is offered as both the problem and solution. At every turn the answer is more government power and we have no one questioning who exactly does what under the guise of government nor what actions any of these institutions have done to deserve the powers tied to current responsibility much less greater freedom to claim they have performed basic service to the public and success earns the right to request greater powers.

Americans had seen a small plane fly into the White House by a drunk and disturbed individual who took to the air on September 11, 1994 and finally landed on the White House lawn. There was a National discussion of security around it in the headlines of every print media and television report. How is it possible that the insatiable spending in the name of America's Defense Department has totally ignored the most basic protections for the heart of our government?


What we should understand from Frank Corder, like Sandy Hook shootings and even 9/11 is that we can not always protect against an off balance individual with nefarious aims so we need to create ways to insulate the most vulnerable targets and create tools to respond.


Years after the Twin Towers were hit we saw a small plane crash into a residential building here in NYC. What it showed was that no steps had been taken to treat the source of the problem of strikes by small aircraft, instead we had implemented a vast system of bureaucracy that did more to curb civil liberties than to limit the problem of unfettered access to the air space above Manhattan.

Because it was a pitcher for the Mets the world assumes it was an accident, but the fact remains that anyone who wanted to load up with explosives could still fly freely above NYC and inflict a fatal blow to many of us living and working here.

The security put in place after 9/11 did absolutely nothing to deter an identical event from happening as it did with the White House in 1994 or 2001 or 2006 or now in 2013. What has been done in the name of security is to expand the vast covert power of a contractor run government and strip away the liberties we Americans have held as the key to what makes us unique and a model for free society.

Talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. What we heard as the official narrative from government was be afraid of terrorism, but not so afraid you stop feeding the travel and consumer goods economy only afraid enough to give government greater power to operate in secret and outside the laws put in place to protect individual rights.

An Orwellian bit of legislation named the Patriot Act was swiftly put forward to codify a covert expansion of powers. It is easy to be critical of Congress who have much to be faulted for in the slide into a police state we have now with Executive drone killings that take the Patriot Act and expand it to dictatorial or Imperial powers not seen for over 700 years.

But forgotten in the move to enact the legislation is how the Senators who objected were victims of anthrax threats. It was military grade, weaponized variety and not available to many in the world. It is added to the unsolved mysteries and unasked questions that mark the path from a transparent system of government where elected officials serve the public rather than control both our fate and our right to accountability and oversight.


To date the details of the anthrax investigation are largely classified and publicly available evidence suggests the anthrax source is US Military. Staff at the White House had been on a regime of CIPRO, the antidote for anthrax exposure since the 9/11 attacks but efforts to get details of that are unanswered. 2

Why is threatening the life of Members of Congress and public use of weapons like anthrax not given the scope of investigation we have seen for Wikileaks? Who stood to benefit from the passage of the Patriot Act if indeed it was a tool to aid in hunting terrorists, what terrorist would want to help arm the hunters? What does it say about who America's enemies are and who benefits when fear is selectively employed to move us to a more secret state with KGB style domestic spying while those who have the access to all the relevant classified information are shown to be little more than liars who feed a Military Industrial Complex?

Why is Bradley Manning tortured and jailed now for 1000 days without trial for exposing war crimes as torturers and Banksters go free? Why is hacktivist Jeremy Hammond held without bail for liberating emails that show a US government intelligence contractor is spying on activists as the criminal contractor continues to be funded with taxpayer dollars?

We have seen attacks of 9/11 parlayed into a War on Terror and fear used to launch a war on an entirely unrelated Nation of Iraq. We have seen torture and CIA black hole prisons from Gitmo to places around the globe and war crimes go uncharged or unpunished. We have witnessed the looting of our economy by casino like banks that are also funding terrorism and laundering drug money with impunity.

What changed with 9/11 was the bold move of the criminal covert powers, past Presidents had warned Americans to beware of now controlling the propaganda to advance their aims, but with a growing power of the people to connect with one another and challenge that.

We the people are a force in our own right now with social media and Internet access and digital images that can go from a phone to the far corners of the globe in a matter of seconds. The old guard of propaganda folled corporate media might have been able to squeak by with selling 9/11 as a license to usurp power under claims of security for some of the people, but not all.

Those who question have grown as the abuses of a corrupt regime have become harder to hide. It's the ultimate joke to imagine that these elite desk jockeys think a black man in the White House is enough of a veneer of liberal Patriotic inclusiveness to make us swallow the draconanian reality of his Executive Orders granting Internet censorship of CISPA and military arrests without charges or council undr NDAA 1021.

Every day the numbers who see the Star Spangled Propaganda working to bring death to the America we love and they have made some progress, but ain't gonna happen on our watch. In the end the truth is incontrovertible and the tables are already starting to turn.

We know the tipping point has been reached to air details of the Iraq War lies and crimes that have been public knowledge in the web world for many years. The move to truth is nothing more than a corporate appetite for viewers and the revenue it draws and the appetite for les is exhausted so the truth will follow us as far as we push it.

Hat's off, kudos and thanks to every person who has blogged and protested and made efforts to spread the truth for these many years, we wouldn't have gotten here without each and every voice so take heart but don't stop we have miles to go but the uphill trek is about done. 3


1. Offician National Acadamies of Science Anthrax findings updated 2011


2. Nice historic reference of Downing Street Memos, Patriot Act, anthrax and related PR supporting covert powers in the name of a war on terror. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/frameup.html

3. Salon report of Maddow "Special" Lies that led to Iraq war


4. For perspective on MSNBC Breaking News - DeClassified Archives 2007 How Curveball & Fake Intel helped launch Iraq War


5. History Commons ~ A phenomenal open source project that came to be from original research surrounding 9/11 and grew to a broader archive of invaluable timelines and references to use and hopefully contribute time or financial support as you can!

http://www.historycommons.org/aboutsite.jsp 54_blogs.jpg 55_blogs.jpg 56_blogs.jpg 57_blogs.jpg 58_blogs.jpg 59_blogs.jpg 60_blogs.jpg


jrBlog - desc
Freshman Silent
link   author  PamelaDrew    12 years ago

Oooh yaay got it all to work so now hope y'all read & enjoy! Grin.gif

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago
Pam this an excellent piece of journalism. I think you should also publish it in the forum. Of course you would have to discuss it the and that would be your choice. I'm in the car right now but I would like to address some of the 9/11 facts as I was an eye witness to it.
Freshman Silent
link   ScarlettSonja    12 years ago

Great article Pamela! I enjoy it when you post. Glad to see you here.