
The first of twelve. A Beer Exchange memoir. Summit Dunkel Weizen

By:  Pedro  •   •  13 years ago  •  8 comments

The first of twelve. A Beer Exchange memoir. Summit Dunkel Weizen

2_blogs.jpg Actually, i received thirteen beers. Thanks Larry! Three were Summit "Dunkel Weizen" (Batch 9, Unchained Series), which i have tried today. A Dark Wheat Ale (and an accurate German translation as well). This particular brew holds true to the classic characteristics of a Dark Wheat...a somewhat complex flavor with a balancing low bitter quality. It also carries that fruity taste that is often compared to banana bread of all things. To me, this brew is an interesting study in how to craft an exact representation of a precise style. Very tasty. I like it a lot.

Summit is brewed in St Paul, and i assume that is Larry's backyard, lol. There isnt an alcohol percentage listed, so i assume it is the stock percentage, which would be an average of 5.5% (i guess it is a little less, but i could be wrong).

I will update this as i try the others.


jrBlog - desc
Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    13 years ago

Awesome Peter and I'm glad ya got them ok!

Great description too!

That wheat Is a good one. Their unchained series can sometimes go really fast and this one appears to be, as there were no more on the shelf or cooler and store staff had to pull from the back. I love their take on the style, that slight toffee really did me in.

btw the alcohol is 6%

Beer Specs:

{Limited Release}


Original Gravity: 14 Plato

Alcohol by Volume: 6.0%

Color, (deg. L.): Dark Caramel

Bittering Units: 18

Malts Utilized: White Wheat, Vienna, Munich, Cara Wheat, and other imported malts

Hops Utilized: Tettnanger

Yeast: Authentic Bavarian wheat beer strain


Professor Quiet
link   author  Pedro    13 years ago

Wow, that is very precise info. I like it. I wonder if i think everything is low point these days lol. Gotta stop drinking so many 10%ers. :)

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    13 years ago

I don't know, I just looked it up even though I've already had a couple of sixers since it came out and I thought it was around five too. Not too many folks making a dunkel wheat and I wonder why? It's a very nice beer!

Professor Quiet
link   author  Pedro    13 years ago

It is nice. I think in many ways, brewers are afraid to stray from the standards until they have become more established, and then they tend to make smaller batches of the less well known and/or experimental ones.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    13 years ago

So then is the style more difficult or does it bear too high a standard? I know that I am in a very limited market and that could be part of it. I am hearing about more and more micros all the time but there just aren't any close too me. There are some in Minnesota but mostly down south and east. When I do have to go those directions I look around first so I can experience the local brew. Great brews out there and wish I had moreaccessto morevariety.

Freshman Silent
link   Arch-Man    13 years ago

Love the brown foam! Smile.gif

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    13 years ago

In Grand Forks last evening enjoying a dunkel wheat with a bro and his pups ...


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    13 years ago

Got your beers this morning Peter and thanks; what a great selection!

I'll be doing a little tasting this evening...the hard part is deciding which to go for first. They all look great. I already know that the Epics are like premium crafted, maybe I'll save them for last. Or maybe I won't LOL!