Petey Coober

Important differences between Grouply and Ning

By:  Petey Coober  •   •  14 years ago  •  18 comments

Important differences between Grouply and Ning

Before you start posting your flaming comments all over the place on Ning
[not that you would do that]
you should be aware of these fundamental differences .

First of all there are a lot of differences between a forum post & a blog post . A forum post is a lot like what you are used to on Grouply . Comments start at the top and newer ones are added below that . Also , you can edit your comments on forum posts but only for 15 minutes .

Blog posts are different . The older comments start at the bottom and the newer ones are above them . Very important difference : You cannot edit your comments on blog posts at all ! That means if you get carried away & say something you would later regret - too bad . We are all stuck with reading your vicious bile [not that you would do that] .

Next we need to cover enhancements to text . Grouply spoiled all of us by making it far too easy to add many varieties of enhancements to text . Not so on Ning . Changing the font size seems to be impossible at this time . The standard font size=" command in HTML has no effect . Perhaps someone with more knowledge of HTML can come up with another way of doing this .

Then we have color changes . Fortunately Feronia revealed the method for doing that in the test 1 post by Perrie . I suggest you read her comments there .

When you post your own forum thread or blog you supposedly do have more control over enhancements . I will let you know more after I find out about it myself .

Lastly , since we seem to be stuck with the use of HTML to add color enhancements , here is a quick intro on how to enter HTML commands . In the comment box one of the selection icons at the top says "HTML" . Click on it and the comment box background should change color . Now you can enter your HTML commands . When you are finished click that same icon again . The comment box should change back to a white background . Now you can add other enhancements using the menu choices .

Feel free to ask questions or make comments below but remember : this is a blog post . That means you can't edit your comments once you post them ....


jrBlog - desc
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago

Hey, very good of you to do this article. True, there are these differences and I think that many of us have grown used to those functions. But we no longer have to put in 'By Lines" we have groups, we know who is on line by the little green dot next to our names, and it's much easier to track discussions and blogs installments. We also have great homepages.

I tried to get a site that had everything. It seems that it just doesn't exsist, without me spending thousands... and that isn't going to happen unless I become independently wealthy. So, I hope that most of you will not mind giving up some stuff to gain some stuff.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

I'm happy to inform you that you can edit your own blog after you publish it .

We still haven't solved the font size problem but that will only be a big problem to A. Mac !

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Perrie ,

So far so good . I am actually fairly happy with what I've got to work with .
And may I be the 1st to congratulate you on a good venue choice ....
The layout is very clear and user friendly too . Nice work !

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago

I'm so glad that you like the new streamlined layout. I thought that people might miss the tabs, but once I found thecategoryfunction, I liked that much better. This is actually version 5 of this site. I decided to give up the old look and start anew. The CoC update will be coming along soon!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Thnx Feronia . I'm still waiting to see if A Mac blows a gasket because he can't

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Thanks you 2 . I'm gonna go check on that AM thing .

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    14 years ago

#$ ^%$ an @#% $^ #$%^ to #E$%#$^$ ^#$ ^%^%^#$%^$%^&$^&$%^&$.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago



You know I speak @#&&%^#!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

^%$ an @#%

I guess you didn't agree with that part ?! . Couldn't you just say phuket ?

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    14 years ago

oh Phuk Mi.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

"oh Phuk Mi"

That must be some little town in Thailand which I've never heard of . How quaint ....

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    14 years ago

It is a nice little place. Idyllic if you will.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Good night Pete . It's past my bed time .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago
you have posted a few things that the rest of us regretted though.

So Randy :

[not that you would do that]

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

I have little doubt about that . But once again , it is the rest of us that have the regrets ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Mike ,

Have at him !!