Petey Coober

Reply to the previous blog here

By:  Petey Coober  •   •  13 years ago  •  17 comments

Reply to the previous blog here

I am writing this blog to inform our new members about the blog practices of one of our members .

He wrote the following blog [just prior to this blog] :

The first and only comment in it [by the writer] was :
[[Any questions?]

But it was all an illusion . Comments must be approved by this blogger . He is the only one on NT who does not permit open access to comments . What do you say ? Comments are allowed on my blogs [and on everyone else's ] . Since you can't leave real questions to him about his blog , feel free to leave them here .


jrBlog - desc
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    13 years ago

Calling a member that word, is a CoC violation. You can disagree with him, but you can't call him names.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

What I said in my writeup was a question about what such an action could be construed as . And I think everyone can agree with the philosophy of having no douchebags . Right ?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    13 years ago

The question can be asked, but the commentary leads in only one direction.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

The commentary I invited by my title [Reply to the previous blog here] is fairly specific . If anyone has comments that they can't make on that blog they can make them here . Would you rather they go to the activity feed ?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    13 years ago

It's not allowed on the activity feed. It's in the CoC. That is what "Heated Discussion" for. And there are many reasons to approve comments, like that they are not on enough to moderated, since on the blogs the individual moderates, and so they put it on moderate until they return. It doesn't mean that they are trying to pull a fast on on ya.

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    13 years ago

So, no vinegary substances in plastic or cloth allowed? Now what am I supposed to have for breakfast?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    13 years ago

Something healthy like sponge and seashellomelette.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

Whatever are you two talkin't bout ? [:~ P

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

Bruce , did you have any comments in response to his closed comment blog ?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    13 years ago

My turn. These blogs are aprivilegeand not an entitlement. I expect adults to behave like adults. Yes, blogs are supposed to be untouchable, when people use them for the way they were intended, which is for personal expression, not personal attacks. If you all don't learn that, I can remove all blog posts from the front page, and they will only be found on your homepages. Don't force my hand on this issue.

I have removed all offensive remarks. You can disagree with each other without this turning into a mudfeast. I hope that I have made that clear. I won't tolerate CoC violations, especially ones that show up on the font page.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

[[For the record, Perrie, I'd like you to delete Rich's blog entry, here, since it's a direct attack on me]

You talent for censoring comments is all too apparent . As to me not being allowed to make comments on your blog posts ... no big loss . I was attempting to prevent the disagreements from spilling over to the activity feed by allowing comments for your blog here . If you've got a problem with that then you have got to stop acting like Stalin in controlling all propaganda . I will continue to give space to those that want to respond to your censored blogs everytime you have the gall to put in a comment like :
[[Any question ?] but then not allow comments . Lame to the Nth degree .

[[My advice? Grow a pair and quit whining about it.]

Try following your own advice . Grow a pair and allow comments .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

[[Yes, clearly "no big deal". This is only the second blog entry you've posted in two months attacking me for moderating my own blog. Because it's "no big deal".]

Duh ... It's no big deal for me . But this site has many members who might want to comment on your blogs . I guess you just don't care about them ...
Frankly , I don't have any need to comment on your blog . In fact I'll go so far as to make you a deal :
I will agree to not comment on any of your blogs [as long as they are not about me] if you open comments to everyone else . How's that for fair ?

[[Let's be honest, your decision to go on and on about what a douchebag I am for moderating my own blog has fuck-all to do with "attempting to prevent disagreements from spilling over to the activity feed". ]

My , what a short memory you have . That is EXACTLY what happened the last time the blog war flared up [back when they were on the center of the main page] . You turned off comments and they spilled over to the activity feed . One more thing . You don't moderate your own blog . You merely censor comments .
That is the coward's way out . If you don't have enough time to properly moderate then DON'T PUBLISH IT !

[[I think the real reason why you've resurrected this already dealt with complaint of yours is that NT now has quite a few more members than it did two months ago, and you felt it was a good opportunity to see if you couldn't recruit a few more people to be anti-iarnuocon.

It'd be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic.]

You are unbelievably full-of yourself ... Here's what's pathetic ... really deeply pathetic . Making a comment
[[Any questions ?] but then not allowing questions . DUH !

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

Well , I see that you have finally opened up comments on that blog . This is probably just a strategy to make me look like I am prevaricating about you . But I can verify to all who bother to read this that I made a comment on that blog ... it never showed up in the comments .

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    13 years ago

I've watched the screwed up moderation process in action, here, for too long to open my own blog up to the nonsense that you allow and promote. As far as I'm concerned, there will always be at least one blog that is properly moderated according to the CoC-- mine.

Well here is a test in ethics, Iar. That comment seems to be a jab at me and the other mods. Who is this comment directed to? It's quite insulting from my standpoint.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

[[What's coming through loud and clear, though, is that it truly offends you that you don't control all aspects of the site. ]

When delusions start coming through loud and clear it is time to visit the psychotherapist ...

[[Let's be clear-- deleting all the insults you've attempted to post on my blog is preciselywhat moderation is all about.]

Again with the "clear" . Since I am no longer required to moderate you I can say whatever I like within the CoC .
I have been pretty good about that . You OTOH have been quite a troublemaker . You do it in a way that is juston the line of the CoC . How clever of you ...Oops maybe not . You did step over the line and were purpled out .

[[simply because you throw yourself on the ground and kick your little feet over it.]
Yup . there you go again ... so you're calling me infantile now ? Coming from you I take that as a compliment .

[[Since that time, you've attempted to insult me in my own blog several times. ]

I have the comments on record . You are simply lying . They were not insults like what you have done above repeatedly . Apparently you think those feeble attempts are going to make me assume the fetal position , kind of what you are doing with my comments on your blogs . Anyone who puts a comment in his own blog :[[Any question ?]but restricts the questions that are asked is basically such a wimp that I felt the need toinform the NT community about it .

[[other than to point out when you're being an ass-- like now]

More feeble insults . Is that the best you've got ? What a waste of time you are . And furthermore you waste an incredible amount of energy on my moderation style . How many times do I have to say this :I DON'T MODERATE YOUR STUFF ANYMORE . If you flame all over someone I am not responsible for dealing with it . And based on that I am also not inclined to help you out when someone flames on you [even though I can ] . Frankly it is not worth the time and energy to deal with your infantile temper tantrums over and over ...

[[You see, I don't have to cut a dealwith you to keep you off of my blog. You're off it, and you'll stay off it.]

Not like I needed an excuse to avoid your meaningless rants .

And yes I am in complete agreement with Perrie that your comment was an insult to her and the rest of the moderators on this site . Don't like it ? Feel free to leave . If things are so bad what is keeping you here ? Nothing that I can see and yet you keep coming back like a rotten bleep.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   author  Petey Coober    13 years ago

Jesus H. Christ ... give it a rest . I am not about to be replaced anytime soon . I know you have a tremendous opinion of your own abilities and believe you have the grasp of all the issues above what everyone else has . But I have seen your blind side on issues . Your extreme intense focus rejects the other side of the argument quite often even if there are valid points there .

[[I'd like you to delete Rich's blog entry, here, since it's a direct attack on me]

It is an honest opinion , something you choose to take as an insult instead of as constructive criticism .That's your problem , not mine . I guess you can't help but act like an ass when it comes to defending your public image . If you had any idea how negative it really is you might change your tune but apparently it is not in your nature to accept criticism .

And if you are going to attack my moderation , try cleaning up your own act as a commenter if you want to have credibility . You are always tap dancing around the CoC . I guess hanging around in the Dennis McCann crowd has gotten you into bad habits . You learneddemagoguery from the master . I can't say you are the only one who does that but you are the only on who hasn't got the guts to accept honest disagreements . We don't believe in censorship at NT but you insist on it .