Rainbow Warrior

New here...

By:  Rainbow Warrior  •   •  12 years ago  •  5 comments

New here...

Today I got to spend a little time getting to know the technology here and find my way around. I have found two good friends from News Vine, which is dying... it was a good place until I believe NBC/GE wanted to put it into slow death mode, mission accomplished!

As an Internet Marketing guy, and keen to help worthy causes, I have done much with Idle No More and have recently been helping March Against Monsanto, which was shared in 250 cities around the world and included close to 2,000,000 participants.


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Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

Hi Rainbow Warrior,

Let me introduce myself. I am the Resident Adviser here. I am so glad that you are here! I have been involved with a friend against GMO's and of course that means Monsanto. I am also very interested in any ideas you have on improving the site.


Rainbow Warrior
Freshman Silent
link   author  Rainbow Warrior    12 years ago

Hi Perrie,

We are fighting against a rigged system that consolidates wealth and power for the few at the expense of the manyand at theexpense of our ecosystems and the quality of life for many generations to come.

Being so new here, I don't have much feed back for improvements to the site yet... but its awesome that you are open to ideas.


Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

I'm in solidarity here. I like these folks. Is INM an offshoot of the AIM movement? The grand chilren of, so to speak.


Rainbow Warrior
Freshman Silent
link   author  Rainbow Warrior    12 years ago

Hi Tex,

The Idle No More Movement is separate from the American Indian Movement, but similar. I won't go into the details of the differences, but confirm that it is still about the rights of indigenous people as members of sovereign nations within occupied lands. INM started in Canada because the newly elected rightwing government of Stephen Harper has been breaking treaties, stealing land, allowing and committing ecological genocide for tar sands mining andcontributing to the systematic environmental degradation of not just North America, but the whole damnplanet, our sacred Mother Earth.

INM has gone global and is inclusive of everyone and anyone that wants to get into the non-violent fight (we deploy only civil disobedience) to save and protect M E from more damage and create a world for those that follow us 7 generations down the road, and we hope willlook back andpraise us as good ancestors.

Many First Nations have propheciesabout where we are in time and circumstance right now, the destruction and damage being done to the planet and the coming together of all peoples tochange the path wehave been going down to self destruction.I take my screen name from thiswisdom...

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Rainbow Warrior:

Thanks. I've been keeping my eyes peeled for activity in my neck o the woods. I will gladly lend my gimpy old self in support if something rolls around.

Apparently the business kooks want no part of healing the planet. If we at the bottom don't rise up and resist our children and grand children are going to have a rough row to hoe.

later gator