The Blame Game
I find it tiresome and annoying that many people do not want to discuss issues or postulate possible solutions and pathways to change regardless of the subject offered in an original article or a seeded article from the media. Instead most threads degenerate to blaming someone for what happened rather than talking about what needs to be done (other than getting the bums (right or left) out of government or the corporations).
The most active articles and the least informative are those which are intended to illicit anger, hate, labeling and name calling. Polarization of opposing views opinions, rather than a debate in search of common ground and learning seems to be the deciding factor in what is posted in order to garner mob mentality commentary.
The Republicans are to blame. The Democrats caused this mess and are making it worst. If you disagree with my point of view, you must be a racist, or a Nazi, or a misogynist or anti-gay etc.
Opinions that support an authors position are accepted whether supported by facts or not, but those that disagree with the author are communist propaganda, or right wing nut ideology depending on the article.
If you do not agree with President Obama you are a racist, if you agree with President Obama you are a left wing socialist leaning redistributionist and you are supportive of some things liberal and some things conservative you are in denial and are really a closet right wing nut job in hiding.
When the House leadership refuses to vote on a Senate bill or offer a contrasting bill on the same issue it is obstructionist behavior which holds the nation hostage, but when the Senate leadership refuses to bring House passed bills to the floor of the Senate it is prudent and proper governing.
Unions have been and are the salvation of the middle class and the nation. No wait a minute, all the problems in our society and economy have been caused by the unions pricing U.S. labor to such a level as to make it unpalatable to businesses. Anyone who believes that unions have served a useful and vital purpose in the evolution of our society and country and that those unions also have inherent problems and are causes of some economic problems are summarily dismissed as being uniformed and anti-union.
Icould go on and on, but I shall not
The bottom line, I feel that any question or issue can be vigorously and passionately debated in a civil manner, without calling anyone names, without applying labels or personally attacking those with whom we disagree.
Disagreement without disagreeability
It could work
So true, lol.
And what's funny is that this article proves the point . IMO this is an important topic, and would have the potential to lead to an interesting and productive discussion. But-- before I posted this comment, I noticed it had not attracted many comments (actually that's quite an understatement-- there were exactly zero comments!!!
Post an article about how Obama (Peace Be Upon Him
) is the greatest thing since sliced cheese-- and there will be tons of comments agreeing or disagreeing. Post an article claiming that Obama's "done more to ruin America than anyone since President Gamaliel Harding
(PBUH as well)-- and you get the same result.
But post an article that requires a bit more intelligent thinkig than the above, and you hear the sound of crickets..... (now why would that be?
I do not discount the fact that on some issues it is the fault of the Republicans and on others it is that President Obama and the Democrats screwed the pooch but get past that and see the issue as more than an item to beat your opponent over the head with, talk about solutions and paths forward
Thanks for the feedback
Good points, Robert!
Thanks for the feedback
Perhaps things will change, but l am not holding my breath
Just trying to inject civil, aggressive debate and see who likes it
I've been preaching that for years. Few listen