Biden Losing Support in Key Demographics - Why?

Latest USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll: -
Trump now leads Biden with Hispanic voters (39%-34%). -
Trump also now leads Biden with voters under 35 (37%-33%). -
Support for Biden in the Black community has plummeted from 87% to 63%.
The survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, resulted in Trump having 39% of support with Hispanic voters over Biden's 34%, and leading with voters under 35 at 37% to Biden's 33%.
The results are a stark difference from the 2020 race, where Biden led in support from both demographics, which helped him to go on and win the race.
Black voters also seem to be abandoning Biden, as he only managed 63% support in the survey, while in 2020 he carried 83%.
Some critics point to disappointment from the Hispanic community regarding Biden's border control and immigration policies . Others have attributed his waning support from young people to his failure to forgive student loans , his approach to the Israel-Gaza conflict , and his inattention to climate change .
Trump's support with Hispanics comes as a surprise to many, as he has a long history of sharing insulting rhetoric aimed at immigrants, most recently coming under fire for saying that they are "poisoning the blood of our country,"
Read the whole article at - Donald Trump and Joe Biden see tables turned with surprising new poll (
I have a question for you. Did Donald Trump try to steal the 2020 election?
I don’t know if he truly felt that he could steal it or if the intent was more about getting donations to pay legal bills and be set for a 24 campaign.
Is that why he said on Jan 6 "if Mike does the right thing we'll be president again"?
I can’t explain his ramblings.
Not sure how your comment ties into the seed of Biden is losing support and Trump is picking up more support. Trump's actions after losing the 2020 election really don't have any bearing on why Biden is losing support among several demographics.
I want to know which Republicans here think Trump tried to steal the election. If he did it shouldnt matter to voters what Bidens poll numbers are.
Bidens numbers are sinking like a big ole anchor is attached to them.
Looks like biden support is running for the hills
Why do you try to hijack any discussion you enter with irrelevant rambling? I have said time and again that neither Trump or Biden should be president. The 2020 election is over, the 2024 election is coming soon and the current polling numbers is the subject. So a direct question to you "Why are Biden's numbers in these groups that he dominated in 2020 dropped significantly?"
How is it possible to steal a rigged election? Maybe that explains Biden's weakness in the polls.
, resulted in Trump having 39% of support with Hispanic voters over Biden's 34%. Black voters also seem to be abandoning Biden,
I find this impossible to believe. The progressives here have told us time and time again that Trump only appeals to white racists...
As Joe said they must not really be black if they don't support him. Expect the left to start accusing them of being uncle toms
Hi Robert,
Nice to see you. How have you been?
I tend not to believe polls. They have been unreliable lately. I see no reason why those demographics would vote for Trump albeit they might not vote at all, either.
I'm with you on this. I think it's more likely that we do not see the huge voter numbers this year. IMO if Biden and Trump are the two nominees on the ticket I suspect a lot of voters will just stay home. But of course the uber-partisans will shout loudly that the numbers will be the same or even larger. We shall see in November.
I agree with your point you make, but would a third option interest any of them?
Possibly, but I think a third party needs to gain better traction and the two-party system that we currently have needs to release some of their strangle-hold over politics. For example, it's almost impossible for a third party to get on a debate state with the nominees of the two parties during the general election campaigning.
So long as the two-party system maintains it's control over politics, I don't think that many will vote for a third party mostly because the third party has little oxygen in the campaign.
Excellent points but it has to start somewhere, why not with the No Labels ticket on the ballot in all 50 states
I think we should remove party designation from all ballots. No D's and no R's. just candidates.
Good point so long as we are not limited to two candidates
There is a third option-- R.F. Kennedy Jr.
I am giving things another try
It is nice to hear from you again as well - I hope all is well with you and yours.
The point you made "unreliable polls" was part of the point I was trying to get discussed to no avail. Certain folks took the same non sequitur approach to discussion when I tried for a discussion on the inclusion of the No Labels candidates on the ballots - it went a little better.
I am getting too old to shout with a bucket on my head (which is what arguing with idiots equates to) and while willing to listen to any side of any topic will not be discounted or dismissed by supposed experts. I look forward to your input on any post I make.
Perhaps the independents polled that express dissatisfaction with Biden are secret Biden supporters but are embarrassed to so.
Or the polling was done poorly and the samples are just bad.
Or the polling is correct and those groups actually are turning away from Biden for Trump
I don't believe in most political reporting!
Biden is perceived as weak because there are "pockets" of lack in governance that are sustained-though promised to be sewn-up or 'shut.' 1. The dreamers seem to have ceased marching and dreaming. They just are not present anywhere that I can view them in public (including my tv). 2. The immigration fiasco at the border is caused by being "out of ideas" as nothing works there so far for so long. 3. Black Americans lack police reform. . .though thankfully the police shooting of unarmed males, especially black males. . .has 'stalled.' I remember the senate "effort" that was Booker and Scott - then was not either of the two (black men passing legislation about some people familiar to them both! 4. And apparently having a "senior" administrator in the presidential seat does not cede him or her any ability to make congress persons and senators seek their better "angels.
Therefore, the government continues to 'endure' what apparently are permanent hardships, dilemmas, and oh yeah. . . Trump is 'left' running amok and mocking 'everybody' he can bully and we are all frustrated and feel insufficient to stop what could be an upcoming country fragmentation into its second civil war.
As for me, I am 'loosely' mad at Biden, who for all his years in government. . .did not see as much of this problem/issues coming down the line as I could and I don't have a staff of professionals giving me the 'best' insights about the citizenry as he has daily at his request.
That being said (above) I watched two republican town halls just this evening. And they PROMISED ad nauseum to 'repair all the breaches' of good policy and good governance for the people - but, of course, they don't consider minorities and marginalized people to be "the people."
So, we're stuck with a fist full of worthless, tasteless, colorless promises, promises, promises. . . coming up yet again too. Only to watch congress and the senate or the courts let all the citizenry down with disappointment in ensuing years.
I happen to believe those poll numbers. As to the "why": it just might be that all Americans have the same concerns over inflation, public safety and good schools or maybe the Obama coalition was simply not transferable. However, until I see the discontent reflected in actual voting, I have to dismiss the polling.
Fair points - the polling will be verified or dismissed by the voters at the polls