My 1998 Brochure to Teenage Smokers (cover and page 1)
Ive got choices and I choose to light one up.
Ive read the media hype.
Get a life and stop trying to fix mine.
_ ____________________________________(cover)________________________________________
Medical consequences of nicotine will appear in later years. Present day consequences appear in the form of what is missing rather than what is damaged. Lets browse through channels in the top menu:
Swimming Football Basketball
School Play Health Club Language Club
Yearbook School Band Prom Planning Committee
Is this a preview of my life, always missing out
on activities that get into the yearbook?
_____________________________________________(Page 1)________________________
Sorry -- my only snafu was the cigarette butt on the ground (on cover page) somehow whited-out and only got the graphic of the filter.
Gotta ask, do you have teens? I have twin 18 year old girls.
No kids. Have your girls tried smoking?
Smart girls. They avoid the acetaldehyde.
Do you notice on my cover page how it resembles the "sssmokin" from Jim Carrey in The Mask? It was directed at those teens in 1998 who saw that movie a million times when they were 8yrs old and are now teens.