Syed Zainul Abedin

Bangladesh : Fertile Land of Freelancing - By Syed Ahmed Zaki and Dr.Syed Md. Zainul Abedin

By:  Syed Zainul Abedin  •   •  12 years ago  •  0 comments

Bangladesh : Fertile Land of Freelancing - By Syed Ahmed Zaki and Dr.Syed Md. Zainul Abedin

Thousands of youths arrived from across the whole country to learn about new opportunities at the Digital World Summit held during 6-8 December 2012 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC)located in Dhaka,the capital of Bangladesh.The summit incorporated many events that might help all classes of people interested in digital technologies.The events of the summit were based on the following agenda.

Agenda of Digital World 2012:

  1. Growing Regional Business Opportunities
  2. Role of the IT Industry (Software, IT enable service, Hardware, Network & Free lancing/Outsourcing) in Sustainable Development
  3. Revenues from telecommunications to shift from voice to data
  4. The Field of Influence of Mobility to Expand
  5. Mobility, Also the Driving Force in the Health Industry
  6. Tendering Period for Emergency Communication system to Start
  7. Examination of Banking with Technology in Bangladesh
  8. Social Media to be Included to Business Processes
  9. How to transform Into a Smart City with digital lifestyle
  10. Cyber Crimes/Security
  11. Bangladesh competitive IT Industry
  12. Matchmaking/twinning meetings
  13. Software as Craft


Among all the agenda freelancing was found as one of the most attractive subjects favored by the youths.

The second day of the summit, 7 December,2012 was specially earmarked for the events on freelancing though events of the first day alsoconsidered this issue as deemed necessary.

We attended the workshop entitled,Freelance Outsourcing:Future Ahead held in Carnival Hall ofBangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) during 10.00am-12 noon on7 December,2012.The excitement and enthusiasm

of the innumerable youths turned the hall as a place of festival.Therewere no room left in the hall.There were females,males,young and old all were eager to hear from the high officials of the renowned freelancing companies

of the world.

The workshop began when high officials from world renowned freelancing companies,dignitaries and organizers took theirseatson the spaciousdais.The high officials of freelancing companies were Matt Cooper,Vice President of Operations,Odesk.com,Kjetil J.Olsen,Vice President(Europe),Elance.com,David Harrison,Vice President of Engineering,

Freelancer.com and Jesson Sev Hoy,Chief Operating Officer,99 Designs.com

Architect Yafes Osman, Honble State Minister for Science and Information & Communication Technology, Govt. of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh andSajeeb Ahmed Wazed Joy,ICT Specialist also graced the workshop.

Fahim Mashroor,President,Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services(BASIS) acted as the facilitator of the workshop with talented manner.

The high officials of the world renowned freelancing companies presented precious information about the participation

of Bangladeshi freelancers and income earned by them.They expressed their satisfaction over the quality of work of Bangladeshi freelancers andadvisedthem to improvetheirefficiency through constant efforts.They hoped to expand their activities in Bangladesh considering the potential and opportunities prevailing in this country.

Architect Yafes Osman, Honble State Minister for Science and Information & Communication Technology, Govt. of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh presented a pleasant rhyme(sora) encouraging the youths of Bangladesh in the digital arena referring the scaling of The Everest by two female and two male male youths of Bangladesh recently.

Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed Joy, ICT Specialisthighlypraised theperformanceof Bangladeshi freelancers.He described the support of theGovt. of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in facilitating employment of youths through digital activities like freelancing,arranging remittance of money as payments through paypal and other payment options and enhancing connectivity of internet.

Many youths attending the workshop raised pertinent questions and problems related tofreelancingconnectivity and payments.Officials of the freelancing companies,Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed Joy andFahim Mashroor replied to their questions

and hoped that the all problems will be solved in phases.

Finally,the workshop was concluded with the enhanced enthusiasm of transforming Bangladesh as the Fertile Land of Freelancing.


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