
Tagged: electric vehicles

Just 34% approve of Biden's handling of the economy as he hits the road to talk up 'Bidenomics' | AP News

Just 34% approve of Biden's handling of the economy as he hits the road to talk up 'Bidenomics' | AP News

Via:   •  We the People  •  13 Comments  •  2 years ago

O.O.T. Out--------Of----------Touch
Cheap Chinese Electric Cars About to Upend the US Vehicle Market

Cheap Chinese Electric Cars About to Upend the US Vehicle Market

Via:   •  News Viners  •  1 Comments  •  2 years ago

The old fashioned industrial economics of Maynard Keynes still works.  Earn market share with quality and price.  Chinese auto makers won't become bankers to sell their products.  They'll focus on...
Cheapest Electric Cars You Can Buy in 2023 From Kia, Chevy, Toyota

Cheapest Electric Cars You Can Buy in 2023 From Kia, Chevy, Toyota

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  33 Comments  •  2 years ago

Current politics kinda bores me. Same old - same old. So I'll be posting other stuff that does interest me. Like electric vehicles.
Congress hijacks 'environmental justice' to help the wealthy, not the poor

Congress hijacks 'environmental justice' to help the wealthy, not the poor

Via:   •  News Viners  •  185 Comments  •  4 years ago

Increasing the cost of whatever consumers buy is simply a tax on consumers.  Tax credits for electric vehicles disproportionately favor the affluent at the top of the income scale.  However, the...