
Tagged: merrick garland

A.G. Merrick Garland Resisted Investigating Trump's Connection to January 6: Washington Post

A.G. Merrick Garland Resisted Investigating Trump's Connection to January 6: Washington Post

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  15 Comments  •  2 years ago

Defending Parental Rights in Education | Opinion

Defending Parental Rights in Education | Opinion

Via:   •  The Deplorables  •  2 Comments  •  4 years ago

Pierce v. Society of Sisters : "The child is not the mere creature of the State."
Garland’s Bannon Indictment: A Self-Defeating Act of Politicized Prosecution

Garland’s Bannon Indictment: A Self-Defeating Act of Politicized Prosecution

Via:   •  We the People  •  117 Comments  •  4 years ago

A ttorney General Merrick Garland   waxed self-reverential  after  indicting Trump confidant Steve Bannon  last week. “Since my first day in office,” he droned, “I have promised Justice...
The Wrong People in the Wrong Positions at the Wrong Time.

The Wrong People in the Wrong Positions at the Wrong Time.

By:   •  We the People  •  18 Comments  •  4 years ago

The Senate is now considering some of president Biden's radical cabinet selections. Some of them are obvious in their ideological beliefs, others like Biden himself are disguised as moderates....