Adam Kinzinger Rejects Kevin McCarthy's 1/6 Committee Threat
By: KenMeyer (Mediaite)

gee, what are trump loyalists so afraid of?

Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) emphatically rejected House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's threat to any Republican who participates on the select committee to investigate the storming of the U.S Capitol.
Kinzinger spoke to reporters on Thursday after he was one of the few GOPers who broke party lines and voted to approve House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's push for a select panel investigation of January 6th. Following the vote to form the 1/6 committee, reportsemerged that McCarthy privately spoke to a group of House Republicans, and he allegedly warned them he'd strip them of their congressional committee assignments if they allow Pelosi to appoint them to participate.
Kinzinger has repeatedly condemned the events of January 6th and spoken in favor of investigating the events of that day. Asked for his response to McCarthy's threat, Politico reports that Kinzinger took digs at his own party while making it clear he really doesn't care.
"Who gives a sh*t?" Kinzinger said. "I do think the threat of removing committees is ironic, because you won't go after the space lasers and white supremacist people but those who tell the truth."
Kinzinger's comment references his frustration with McCarthy's refusal to censure lawmakers Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) for their objectionable actions and conduct. Greene has been widely mocked for believing conspiracy theories about "Jewish space lasers," and Gosar has drawn scrutiny even from his own family lately for repeatedly affiliating himself with white nationalists and Holocaust deniers.
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what GOP civil war? where?
McCarthy is definitely afraid of something. In other news, I heard Liz Cheney was offered a seat on the committee and has accepted
Yeah, 2 or 3 of his House members might be found complicit?
Let me see...Large Marge...Lauren Boebert...Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan...himself?
There are lots of back bench no namers you never heard of in the gop from red states...
Louis Gohmert without the name rcognition.
I can think of one or two from my own state....Rick Crawford and Tom Cotton
Pelosi named Cheney to the committee.
I'm glad she did
I double dog dare McCarthy to pull Kinzinger's committee appointments.
Perfect, I would love to see Jellyfish McCarthy try and pull Kinzinger's committee assignments.
I hope more true representatives step up to the plate.
Kinzinger is too conservative to switch and become a Democrat so he is out in the wilderness until and unless the Republican Party changes. Its too bad, he's too young to get that treatment. Maybe he'll run for governor of Illinois in a few years and have a decent shot.