1/3 of Republicans: Trump to Be Reinstated POTUS This Year
By: TommyXtopher (Mediaite)

1 in 3, huh? so many trumpsters here, but only one on record so far endorsing the big lie. why is that?

Nearly a third of Republicans believe that former President Donald Trump will be "reinstated" to the presidency this year, even as the fantastical August 13 "deadline" for that event approaches with no sign of its fruition.
It has been more than two months since the political media world was set abuzz when The New York Times'Maggie Habermanfirst reported that Trump was telling confidants that he believes he'll be reinstated to the presidency in August, reporting that was later confirmed by other outlets — and fed by delusions floated by Trump allies like MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and attorney Sidney Powell.
And Trump himself appeared to confirm this in June when he told a crowd in North Carolina that "we're gonna take back the White House, and sooner than you think."
According to Lindell, the date of Trump's miraculous ascension was to be August 13 — two days from now. And even though there have been a flood of fact-checks that show this to be a legal and constitutional impossibility, and intense coverage of that fact, a stubbornly large percentage of Republicans are immune to that truth.
A Politico/Morning Consult poll published Wednesday asked respondents "How likely do you think it is that former President Donald Trump will be reinstated as U.S. President this year, if at all?"
Among Republicans, 29 percent said it is either "very likely" (19%) or "somewhat likely" (10%) that Trump will be reinstated. That belief was even stronger among Republican women, 32 percent of whom see Trump's reinstatement this year as likely.
And there's an illustrative correlation between those Republican voters who believe Trump will be reinstated and the nearly identical 27 percent of "not fully vaccinated" people who say it is "very likely" (16%) or "somewhat likely" (11%) that Trump will be reinstated.
Lindell has since backed off of the August 13 timeline, but continues to spew election conspiracies to anyone who will broadcast them.
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approach the altar trumpsters. devangelical will hear your confession, and then the NT congregation will mock and ridicule you as your penance.
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Maybe if they tap their ruby slippers together while chanting, there's no place like home...
There are definitely some delusional suckers running around!