Hillary Clinton has been arranging charter flights out of Afghanistan for at-risk women, reports say
By: Yahoo

Read full articleHarriet Sinclair August 24, 2021, 5:12 PM·2 min read
Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, who previously warned of the "huge consequences" of withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan, has now reportedly attempted to charter flights out of the country for the country's at-risk women.
Ms Clinton and her team have been trying to aid potential Taliban targets in leaving the country, which swiftly fell to the militant group in mid August following the withdrawal of US troops, The New York Times reported.
As the Taliban took over the country's major cities, dramatic scenes saw thousands of people surrounding Kabul airport in an attempt to escape life under the group's rule.
And as it soon became clear that evacuating people would be a gargantuan task, some private individuals decided to donate money to charter flights out of the country.
"Last week, the evacuation options to get women's rights activists out came largely from an informal network of powerful, connected, some very wealthy people, some trying to literally charter private jets to evacuate women thought to be Taliban targets," Marie Clarke, the vice-president of global programmes at Women for Women International, told The Guardian .
With NO fanfare, Hillary Clinton has been organising flights, for endangered women & kids, out of Afghanistan
Meanwhile, Sanders, Trump & their stans, continue to focus their efforts on white (working class) menhttps://t.co/Rd1B9jCCOFpic.twitter.com/CEzRzIhOip — T. Fisher King (@T_FisherKing) August 22, 2021
In addition to having a hand in attempting to rescue at-risk women from Afghanistan, Ms Clinton also spoke with Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, about the escalating crisis.
"I also spoke last night with former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton," Mr Trudeau said on Tuesday, according to the Washington Examiner , adding that she "shares our concern for Afghan women and girls" and "urged Canada to continue our work".
Story continues
The former presidential hopeful earlier this year warned about the humanitarian consequences of a withdrawal from Afghanistan following a two-decades long war that cost the US more than $822bn.
"This is what we call a wicked problem. There are consequences both foreseen and unintended of staying and of leaving," she told CNN in May, adding that the US was facing "two huge consequences" of withdrawal - the threat from the Taliban and the number of refugees the situation would likely create.
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trmp is totally on topic especially if you want to compare him to Ms Hillary and how he ain't doin' nuttin' to help folks out
Hillary Clinton Has Been Arranging Charter Flights Out Of Afghanistan For At-Risk Women, Reports Say
Trump would like to keep Afghan women from making it to America. "Travel ban" you know.
Unless they were extremely attractive and would allow him to grope them with his tiny hands.
I am glad someone is thinking of the women there.
Trump is an ass
Trump is a jerk
Trump sucks big old donkey dicks...
Had to get that out.
Trump better also, or he's gonna choke, fate willin
I am afraid that is going to be the next big thing. People complaining about all the refugees.
I read an article that said the taliban told women to stay indoors as they could not trust their soldiers around them...
Oh right wing media started doing this days ago.
Yeah...they bitch about how Biden did such a poor job and just wailing about all those poor people that helped us being left behind...but they don't want them on our shores
I wonder if they are asking for reimbursement as our State Department reportedly was/is?
I didn't see anything in the seed where government transport is being used by Hillary. If you have a link that says she is, I'd love to see it
Whooops I was asking a question. There is no link.
What I was saying is that our GovCo is charging. Your article says others are footing the bill for the charters. I wasn't implying that she was using GovCo planes.
It's all good
This is true for a military transport or government provided charters.
This "story" actually is a week old. Trudeau and Clinton talked on the 17th.
Not much else available on the net as of yet.
Good for Hillary.
Wonder if this is gonna be paid for with the $13.3B the Clinton's got as donations for the 2010 Haiti earthquake - that hasn't been distributed yet?
Is this comment necessary?
yes, it's officially a but what about thread now.
Yes it was/is. The funding for the ac/flights ain't coming out of an alley and there is absolutely no mention of where the funding for the ac is coming from in the thread/link.
So, through the lack of information, I asked a very viable question. Is Clinton using some of the monies donated to the Haiti earthquake of 2010 to pay for the ac/flights?
Well, being the champion, you might possibly be able to recognize those style of comments.
it's more probable, the CLOSED Trump Charity is raising monies, or, perhaps, all thos Trump donors who forgot to check the box so monies wouldn't be withdrawn automatically are footing the bills.
Comparing Hillary and Trump is a LOSER, like Trump, Putins pick for dic lick, and promoter of pseudo cures and for his claim Covid was a another Democratic hit job, while taking monies from our military for a useless wall MEXICO is payin for, don't you remember.... as yes, this pullout is a mess, as we SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ATTEMPTING NATION BUILDING HERE OR IRAQ, but thanx DICK Cheney, and fck him, along with Trump who would be hyping the Hell outta anything he did swell, while Hillary just did the right thing, something 45 couldn't, EVER !
So apparently Clinton is trying to help people.
As for Trump---well he's whining, grifting, whining, golfing, grifting and whining some more.