Conservative Radio Host Dies of Covid After Claiming Vaccines Were Tested on Aborted Fetuses
By: Ken Meyer (MSN)
A right-wing radio host has died from the coronavirus after leading a campaign against masks and vaccines.
Bob Enyart, pastor of the Denver Bible Church, passed away on Monday after contracting Covid earlier in the month. The news was confirmed by Fred Williams, who hosted the Real Science Radio Show along with Enyart.
"It comes with an extremely heavy heart that my close friend and co-host of Real Science Radio has lost his battle with Covid," Williams said. "Bob Enyart was one of the smartest, and without question the wisest person I've known. All the while being exceedingly kind and humble, and always, always willing to listen and discuss anything you wanted."
Over the course of the pandemic, Enyart said he and his wife refused to get vaccinated, falsely claiming on his website that the vaccines were tested "on the cells of aborted babies." Enyart also waged legal battles against mask mandates and social distancing guidelines while downplaying the seriousness of the pandemic. The Denver Post notes that before the pandemic, Enyart was known as an anti-abortion activist and provocateur who used to have a bit on his old TV show where he'd mock people who died of AIDS by reading out their names while Queen's Another One Bites the Dust played in the background.
Enyart's death marks the latest in a series of conservative radio hosts who died from Covid after slamming vaccines and otherwise downplaying the seriousness of the disease. Marc Bernier, a Florida radio host who called himself "Mr. Anti-Vax" died of Covid at the end of August, following the deaths of othervaccine-skeptic radio hosts.
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Proof that what you sow, so shall you reap?
What goes around comes back around?
I'm not gonna feel bad about mocking him. Doesn't sound like he was a very compassionate Christian
I have no sympathy for stupidity.
It seems like each crackpot is more crackpotttier than the last
I heard about this on the local rwnj am radio station this morning. he got popped on a child abuse beef way back when too. apparently there's a story out there that lists religious radio conservatives that have succumbed so far.
The passing of Norm McDonald is sadder and more newsworthy.
Wow. That's 2 anti-vax manure spreaders dead from covid just today. Not getting vaccinated is as bad as smoking.
No big loss there.
Stupid is as stupid does....
Real Science Radio? Really?
I'm thinking he didn't pay too much attention to the science
He probably equates religion with science, as some apparently do.
A devout follower of Ken Hamm was he
Why am I not surprised?
I'm joking around. I don't know if he was or not but if you have a radio show called Real Science Radio and it's sponsored by some Christian fundy group, I bet there's a Creation Science textbook lying around
No doubt. But then, some seem to view Bible stories as "science."
he was fully thumped.
If he wasn't before he surely is now.
I don't wish harm on anybody, but it seems like a lot of the right wing talking head radio hosts are having COVID issues themselves.
And of course you know that there is a reason there aren't any left wing talking head radio hosts having Covid issues right?
Because there aren't any of any consequence. They would have a hell of a hard time finding sponsors.
There aren't any at all because of the Fairness Doctrine...which Reagan did away with.
... along with media accountability.
That should not stop them whatsoever. Fairness Doctrine would have forced the equal air time. If they are worth a damn there should be one to combat every conservative one without GovCo getting involved.
Really? What about the dreaded msm? Of course, it's really hard to compete with the right wing writers. Especially now that they've figured out that it doesn't even have to be believable to be believed now.
Holy Cow!
Unfortunately, we have no local progressive radio station or radio host
Thanks for the list. And as you say, pod casting which means one has to be familiar with and look. Oh and is Ms. Maddow on radio too?
Don't know or care.
per KFF
The majority of unvaccinated Americans are white, Republicans with below average incomes
some college and 77% have health insurance.
So it stands to reason that more of them are at risk than the vaccinated.
Like some of our more extreme members, past and present, have opined
NPR is a left wing mouthpiece. It's all about context I guess.
LOL x 2
He's meeting his maker.
Well, at least he died free, right? And stupid.
Before this piece of shit committed suicide, I wonder how many other people he murdered by scaring them away from a vaccine or spreading the germ himself.
You bring up a significant point: those who spread misinformation and/or lies about the vaccine (or covid) are preying on people's ignorance and fear, which might cause them to delay getting or refuse to get the vaccine, which leaves them vulnerable to infection and subsequent spread and possible mutation of the virus.
That's what gets me about these assholes knowingly spreading ignorance. As far as I'm concerned that's murder one
None of my kids would have survived, lol
Another dipshit bites the dust.
His co-host calls him "without question the wisest person I've known". If that's the case, think about the crowd they hang around with. Dumb, dumber and dumbest.