Trump thinks the September 18 rally in support of Capitol-riot suspects is a setup designed to make him look bad, report says
By: Tom Porter (Business Insider)
attendees would not be allowed to wear clothing in support of Trump or Biden
nazi, confederate, and gadsden flags are welcome, as well as related attire, sheets and hoods are optional...
Former President Donald Trump is staying away from the September 18 Washington, DC, rally in support of Capitol-riot suspects because he thinks it's a setup to damage his reputation, sources told The New York Times.
Trump has in the past spoken in support of his fans who attacked the US Capitol on January 6 in a bid to stop Joe Biden's certification as president.
But sources told The Times that he wouldn't be going anywhere near Washington on Saturday and would instead spend the day at his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey.
"Mr. Trump views the planned protest as a setup that the news media will use against him regardless of the outcome," The Times said, citing people familiar with his thinking.
The Saturday rally was organized by Matt Braynard, a former data official for the Trump campaign, and is being held in support of those who have been jailed or have faced other punishments in relation to the Capitol riot.
Earlier this week, Braynard said attendees would not be allowed to wear clothing in support of Trump or Biden, adding that the event was not about the election or the candidates.
Trump is not the only Republican keeping his distance. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Madison Cawthorn, who were scheduled to speak at the event, both canceled their appearances, Politico reported.
The event had raised fears of a repeat of the violence on January 6, with intelligence officials saying that several far-right groups, such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, were expected to attend.
Amid the security concerns, police officers have reerected a security fence around the perimeter of the Capitol that was originally put there in the wake of the insurrection.
Trump appears not to be the only one concerned that the event was a setup, with NBC News reporting on Wednesday that hard-line Trump supporters and right-wing extremists on social media were riddled with paranoia that the event could be a decoy used to entrap them.
The Department for Homeland Security said about 700 people were expected to attend the event.
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uh... what's left?
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I guess this 'rally' is not going as expected...
The high rollers don't even trust their own followers...
half the Q nuts want him clipped...
Wow...lots of paranoia and fear with these people.
I guess there won't be a "rally"...more like a pity party
too bad some of these factions didn't hate each other enough to...... .....huh.
meh, it's probably too late to launch some psy-ops to pit them against each other and create a melee. too bad.
...pull each other's hair?
dear oath keepers,
antifa will attempt to infiltrate the rally disguised as proud boys. they will be armed.
- a concerned patriot
That I don't understand but they're allowed all their other paraphernalia
I guess the optics were bad last time...
from what ive been seeing about this its going to be a big dud. dont expect much
That is a drop in the bucket. You cant even get a good photo op out of that number.
A gaggle of goofs.