Trump: Putin's Justification to Invade Ukraine Is 'Genius' and 'Savvy'
By: Bryan Metzger, John Haltiwanger (Business Insider)

Trump conclusively proves his loyalty to Putin.
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Former President Donald Trump praised Vladimir Putin in a podcast interview on Tuesday, describing the Russian president's justification for invading Ukraine as "savvy" and "genius."
In an appearance on the "Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show," Trump said Putin's recognition of the independence of the Ukrainian breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk — two-thirds of which are controlled by Ukraine and are not recognized by most other nations but backed by Russia — was a smart move.
"I went in yesterday, and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," Trump said when asked about the news. "I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's going to go in and be a peacekeeper."
Trump baselessly claimed that the reason the Russian president chose to invade Ukraine now — rather than during his own presidency — was that he had a better relationship with Putin than President Joe Biden did.
"I knew Putin very well. I got along with him great. He liked me. I liked him," Trump said. "I mean, you know, he's a tough cookie, got a lot of the great charm and a lot of pride. But the way he — and he loves his country, you know? He loves his country."
Trump's assertion that Putin moved to invade Ukraine because Trump was no longer in office ignored that Russia was fueling a war against Ukrainian forces in the Donbas throughout his time in the White House. Moreover, Trump was impeached in 2019, in part, for withholding about $400 million in military aid from Ukraine as it contended with this conflict against Kremlin-backed rebels. The war has killed over 13,000 people and displaced 1.5 million.
Trump froze the congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine as he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch investigations into Biden and his son Hunter over baseless allegations of corruption. He also wanted Zelensky to pursue an inquiry into a bogus conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 presidential election.
Asked what went wrong with respect to Ukraine, Trump on Tuesday repeated his long-standing and false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.
"Well, what went wrong was a rigged election and what went wrong is a candidate that shouldn't be there and a man that has no concept of what he's doing," Trump said, later adding that an invasion "never would have happened with us — had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened."
Trump also tied the escalating tensions in Ukraine to long-standing conservative grievances about immigration, saying that the US should employ military force akin to that used by Russia to ensure the US-Mexico border was secure.
"We could use that on our southern border. That's the strongest peace force I've ever seen. There were more army tanks than I've ever seen," Trump said. "They're going to keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here's a guy who's very savvy. … I know him very well — very, very well."
And when asked whether he was concerned about the US becoming militarily involved in a conflict in Ukraine — which the US has resisted — Trump again brought up the US-Mexico border.
"I'd rather see them send soldiers to our southern border," he said, referring to US troops. "I don't like the idea he's sending a small number of troops."
Trump also said the US had not responded forcefully enough to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
"It's a joke compared to what the other side does. You know, he sends 3,000 troops. I heard this morning, 3,000 troops. What's that going to do except get in trouble?" Trump said. "No, I would like to see our southern border protected, and they are handling Ukraine so badly."
Additionally, Trump said he used to discuss Ukraine with Putin when he was president, adding that the Russian leader "always wanted" to invade the neighboring country.
"I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, 'You can't do it. You're not going to do it.' But I could see that he wanted it. I used to ask him. We used to talk about it at length," Trump said.
Throughout his presidency, Trump's dynamic with Putin was controversial and often led to domestic criticism. At a time when Putin increasingly behaved like an authoritarian leader and US-Russia relations were reaching their worst point since the Cold War, Trump repeatedly praised and defended him.
In perhaps the most infamous example of this, Trump appeared to side with Putin over the US intelligence community on the subject of Russian election interference when the two leaders met in Helsinki in 2018. After facing bipartisan criticism over this in Washington, Trump walked back his statements and said he misspoke. But he's continued to shower Putin with flattery in the years since.
With Russia engaging in what Biden described as the "beginning of an invasion of Ukraine," Trump is once again praising the Russian president, while bashing an American one.
Fiona Hill, who served as the top Russia advisor on the National Security Council under the Trump administration, on Sunday told CNN that Trump paved the way for Putin to invade Ukraine.
Hill, who was a key witness in Trump's first impeachment, said that Trump's self-centered approach to geopolitics sent a message to Putin that Ukraine was a "playground."
"There's no Team America for Trump," Hill said. "Not once did I see him do anything to put America first, not once, not for a single second."
Bill Taylor, a former US ambassador to Ukraine who also testified in Trump's first impeachment, on Sunday told MSNBC's Chuck Todd that he believed Putin was moving against Ukraine now because the Russian leader was "running out of time."
Putin "thought he had more time when President Trump was in office. But he's running out of time," Taylor said.
"Ukraine's moving inevitably, inexorably, to Europe, away from Russia because of all his actions, among other things," he added. "So I think he's running out of time in that way. Also, this is probably the peak strength of his military. His economy is not in good shape, and it's going to go down from here."

Trump's supporters should hang their heads in shame.
Not only will they not, they will high 5 him for his remarks.
Definitely deplorable!
They hate democracy and America. Sad.
They are all about having power and control.
I think the more he talks, the more people are alienated.
He's on the same Bell curve with Rudy ...
I think that may be the case, except for his hardcore cultists.
Completely expected. Trump made no illusion as to who and what he prefers. Approximately a third of the US agrees with him----so----there it is, there you have it. Question is whether he'll be able to ride the 'Putin Horse' back into the WH.
His constant and effusive praise for Putin made that clear.
He use to talk at length to Putin about him wanting Ukraine.
He is so full of shit.
That is an indisputable fact.
And speaking of poop, Nugent has his pants full of it.
I know this off topic. is true.
And Trump has shit for brains. Also true.
Trump knows that the right wing rank and file is totally bamboozled and under his thumb. There is no political ramification within the Republican Party for him acting and talking like a traitor.
Could it be that the republican party has adopted the status that democracy is unworkable, inconvenient and a hindrance to the accumulation of wealth?
The breaking news is the assessment that a major attack by Russia on Ukraine is imminent.
The U.S. military assesses the first 1 or 2 hours will involve rocket and missile attacks on the Ukrainian military, air defenses, bridges and other infrastructure followed by troops and tanks.
The U.N. Security Council is in an energency meeting now.
This is a very serious problem.
Update: Putin just told the Russian people he has authorized a military operation.
Wonder if the US and NATO allies will use air power to-------------give pause to Putin's autocracy?
Not likely unless Russia attacks a NATO country.
Hedge that bet.
If you're referring to putting more military assets into the eastern NATO countries, some of that has happened already and much more should be done immediately.
We need to flood the Baltic states and Poland, with military weaponry, including aircraft, etc.
No. I meant air support, drones, AWAC locating Russian units in Ukraine and delivering the support of firepower.
Just had a thought too. What is Israel's stance on this? Will they help or hinder another democracy under threat from an autocracy?
This too. Could the Western Powers see an opening/opportunity to take out the government in Belarus? If it were me, I would.
Someone needs to shove a SCUD missile right up Trump's boyfriend's ass.
Or take his money. Any assets of Putin's and his Croney Oligarchs in the grasp of US to be forfeited.
Steps have been taken world wide to freeze the major assets of Putin and the Russian rich. Watch how fast Putin's rich friends turn on him when forced to buy discount vodka at Wal Mart.
Sanctions are not enough. F 18s. Those are the sanctions.
New update: NBC News is reporting the sounds of bombing in Kyiv.
Runs on Russian banks is also happening. Limits on how much someone can withdraw in effect but some banks have closed as they don't have the cash on hand. Lines at ATM's are around the block,
Trump is Putin's propaganda tool regarding Ukraine. Russian TV is running a loop of lame brained Trump praising Putin to justify his invasion of Ukraine!
Two Words - Pee Tape. Also, Putin holds the proof Trump offered him the bribe of a half billion dollar penthouse while he was running for President!
If you are going to make things up, at least make them plausible. Apparently, a couple of your pals fell for it, but do you imagine any rational person believes Trump would, or even could, give away a 500 million dollar penthouse? Just think about how idiotic that is on every level. I suppose that's better than claiming it was a BILLION dollar penthouse like you were last week, but c'mon man. At least try and ground your lies in the realm of the possible.
Considering the way trump inflates his property values it was probably a $500,000 penthouse.
How big a bribe is it okay Trump offers Putin?
first prove he offered a bribe
If you believe it false, then why won't Trump go under oath and prove it with whatever documents that are available.
alse, then why won't Trump go under oath and prove it with whatever documents that are available.
Is that how you think things work in America, [deleted]
Huh? What? What are you protecting?
'Stormy Who'. Oh yeah, and that McDougal girl for starters.
Trump won't be happy until Putin's body count from this matches his from the CV.
We could take out a lot of Russians with one bomb but it might start a war with China. After all, it is not just Russians living on Billionaires' Row in New York!
While we all know Donald has no filter and says things better left unsaid, from a purely technical aspect Putin's strategy is obviously effective, even though the U.S. telegraphed it in advance. It is obvious Putin is getting what he wanted as long as Ukraine is all he wanted.
I am not going to speak about Putins sanity but showing the world you are unpredictable and maybe somewhat unstable is not a bad strategy in keeping people from acting against you when you are doing something like invading your neighbor. I can't imagine where he could have gotten an idea like that.
I'm surprised that you don't know...because after all there have been numerous times that concept has been implemented in modern times.
And in ancient history.
(Heck there are even instances of employing that tactic even in The Bible!
And even in Eastern books.
(And I'm sure I've left out numerous other examples).
Trump: Putin's Justification To Invade Ukraine Is 'Genius' And 'Savvy'
But if in fact that is the case-- its not nearly as 'Genius' And 'Savvy' as some the moves both Hitler and Stalin used when they conquered and annexed other countries by force!
"I went in yesterday, and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.'
Is the television screen genius, or is it the watcher who is genius? Trump is such a doofus.
Russia's greatest American cheerleader though is Fucker Carlson. So much so, that he is now being shown on Russian state television.
Trump being a Russian/Communistic sympathizer will go over like a fart in church with his deep South base. They are hard core "better dead than red" people. Having their orange god sucking up to Putin won't fare well if he does God forbid run again.
hummm.... but don't the talking points on Fox News tells them what to think?