Mark Meadows Spread Trump's Voter Fraud Claims. Now His Voting Record Is Under Scrutiny. - The New York Times
By: Reid J. Epstein (nytimes)

Another example of blatant Republican hypocrisy.
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Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff who helped former President Donald J. Trump spread false claims of voter fraud in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election, is facing questions about his own voting record, following a report that he registered to vote from a North Carolina mobile home where he did not live.
There's no indication that Mr. Meadows, a former congressman from North Carolina, ever resided — or even spent the night — at the rural mountain home, according to The New Yorker, which first reported on the residence that Mr. Meadows listed on his 2020 voter registration.
While it's not unusual for politicians to maintain residency in their home states, even as they spend most of their time in Washington, Mr. Meadows's arrangement stood out for its timing and details. Mr. Meadows claimed the modest mobile home with a rusted roof as his residence at the same time that he was running day-to-day operations at the White House and was frequently warning of the possibility of voter fraud.
Neither Mr. Meadows nor his wife, Debra, responded to calls or messages Tuesday. Mr. Meadows's spokesman, Ben Williamson, also did not respond to calls or messages.
North Carolina voter registration records show that Mr. Meadows and his wife registered to vote at the three-bedroom mobile home in Scaly Mountain, N.C., six weeks before the 2020 election. Records show that he voted absentee by mail from that address and that Ms. Meadows voted early, in person.
Mr. Meadows's exact connection to the home is unclear. He never owned it. On a voter registration application submitted on Sept. 19, 2020, Mr. Meadows stated that he intended to move in the following day.
North Carolina law requires that a voter live at their address for 30 days before the election in which they are voting. It is a felony to file a fraudulent voter registration application, though prosecutions are rare and typically do not lead to jail sentences.
Only a registered voter from Macon County, which includes Scaly Mountain along the Georgia border, can file a challenge to Mr. Meadows's voter registration. Patrick Gannon, a spokesman for the North Carolina Board of Elections, said Tuesday that there have been no voter challenges filed against Mr. Meadows.
Before and after the 2020 election, Mr. Meadows was among the foremost amplifiers of Mr. Trump's false claims of election fraud. During an August 2020 interview on CNN, he warned of fraud in voting by mail and said people are able to register to vote in multiple places at once, leading to fraud.
"Anytime you move, you'll change your driver's license, but you don't call up and say, 'Hey, by the way, I'm re-registering,'" Mr. Meadows said.
Voters are not required to notify a state's election officials about a move. Mr. Meadows, in fact, is currently registered in both North Carolina and Virginia.
Virginia voter registration forms obtained by The New York Times show that nearly a year after registering at the mountain mobile home, on Sept. 13 and Sept. 15, 2021, Mr. Meadows and Ms. Meadows registered to vote at a condominium in the Old Town neighborhood of suburban Alexandria, Va. Property records show that Mr. and Ms. Meadows purchased the unit in July 2017.
Both Mr. Meadows and Ms. Meadows voted early in person in Virginia's heated election for governor in 2021, Virginia election records show. In that contest, Glenn Youngkin became the first Republican elected governor of Virginia in 12 years.
In the weeks after the 2020 election, Mr. Meadows served as a revolving door between Mr. Trump and an array of lawyers, supporters and conspiracy theorists who aimed to overturn the election results to keep Mr. Trump in the White House. He introduced Mr. Trump to Mark Martin, a former North Carolina Supreme Court justice who told the then-president, falsely, that Vice President Mike Pence could stop the congressional certification of the Electoral College results.
In January 2021, Mr. Meadows facilitated the call between Mr. Trump and Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, in which Mr. Trump asked Mr. Raffensperger to "find 11,780 votes" to overturn President Biden's victory in the state.
During Mr. Trump's presidency, several members of his White House inner circle, including Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, and Steve Bannon, an on-again-off-again adviser, were registered to vote in two states. There was no evidence that any of them voted twice in the same election.
At the time he registered to vote in Scaly Mountain, Mr. Meadows was said to be considering running for the Senate seat to be vacated after the 2022 election by Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina. Shortly after the 2020 election, Mr. Meadows said he would not run for the Senate.
The owner of the home when Mr. Meadows registered there told The New Yorker that Ms. Meadows reserved it for two months sometime in the past few years, but stayed at the home for just one or two nights. Mr. Meadows never visited, the former homeowner, who asked that her name not be used, told the magazine.
The former homeowner did not respond to messages. The current owner, who bought the property in 2021, also did not respond to messages.
A neighbor, Tammy Talley, told the magazine that she is a friend of the couple's and that Ms. Meadows and her adult children stayed at the home on at least one occasion. A message left at Ms. Talley's home was not returned Tuesday.
Two weeks after Mr. Meadows registered to vote at the Scaly Mountain address, his wife submitted an absentee ballot request on his behalf. Mr. Meadows's absentee ballot request was first reported by WRAL-TV in Raleigh, N.C.
Before he registered to vote at the Scaly Mountain home, Mr. Meadows had voted in 2018 from a home in Transylvania County, N.C., and in 2016 from Asheville, N.C., according to North Carolina records.

"Compare this case with that of Crystal Mason , the Texas resident who was sentenced to five years in prison for submitting an illegal provisional ballot in 2016 while on supervised release for a felony conviction. Ms. Mason, who is Black, maintains that she did not know she was unable to vote and that a poll worker handed her the provisional ballot even though she was not on the state’s voter rolls. “It was to make an example out of me,” Ms. Mason told the American Civil Liberties Union of her prosecution."
Will Meadows be prosecuted? He likely should be, but don't count on it.
voter fraud by a republican, how shocking... /s
Not really...
So, he doesn't own it, never lived there, but was registered to vote there and in Virginia?
Lock him up!
prominent republicans get to vote twice, dontcha know...
It sounds fraudulent to me.
Lock him up!
Republicans want voter ID. Okay. Mine is a "REAL ID" drivers license with my address (place of residence) on it. If he has a drivers license what does it say?
Lock'em up.
Lock him up!
`is there ANYONE that Trump surrounds himself with, NOT a hypocritical LYING Criminal....?
More do as I say, not as I do from the Republican Party.
Mark's excuse, ''I'm confused and I don't know where I am.''
Skid Mark Meadows is proof of voter fraud..from the R's.
Mark Meadows has always been a lowlife. When he first ran for Congress in 2012 , one of his campaign promises was that he would send Barack Obama back to Africa.