Trump darkly warns of 'potential death and destruction' if he is charged in Stormy Daniels hush money probe
By: Oliver O'Connell (The Independent)
Trump issues a terroristic threat against America.
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Former president Donald Trump continues to lash out on social media as a decision whether to indict him on charges related to the Stormy Daniels hush money case is pushed into next week.
In a dark late-night Truth Social post attacking Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Mr. Trump warned of "potential death and destruction" should charges be brought against him.
No stranger to apocalyptic language, his posts protesting his innocence have taken on a darker tone with violent rhetoric, on top of his calls for supporters to protest should an indictment be announced.
In his latest tirade, the former president rhetorically asked what kind of person would charge him with a crime "when it is known by all that NO crime has been committed".
He answered himself, and without mentioning DA Bragg by name said: "Only a degenerate psychopath that truely [sic] hates the USA!"
The full post reads: "What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?
"Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truely hates the USA!"
Earlier, Mr Trump sparked outrage when he posted an image in which he appeared to be wielding a baseball bat beside DA Bragg's head.
Attorney Ron Filipkowski noted on Twitter: "If Trump had already been arrested, and was out on bond, the posts he is making now would be grounds for his bond to be revoked and incarcerated until his trial.
"Once he is arrested, any judge will make threatening posts against prosecutors, judge and jury a violation of release."
He added: "In short, this isn't going to stop and is only going to get worse until someone finally holds him accountable, if that ever happens."
Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine reacted to the post by saying that the city "will not be caught off guard" by Mr Trump's "clear call for violent insurrection", adding that the former president has "lost the element of surprise".
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In the most recent message to his militant supporters, Trump again sanctioned acts of violence against the United States.
meh, he's old enough to know he should be eating some vegetables with that bucket of extra crispy so he wouldn't have to camp on the golden shitter with his smartphone for 2 hours every night...
to the topic, trump sure strives to be the nightmare client of any defense attorney. he's his own hostile witness...
I can't imagine having the guy as a client. It would be horrendous.
So, any supposing about why Trump is not 'blacklisted' by attorneys? Are attorneys so desperate for 'business'?
I've read reports that many reputable attorneys have refused to represent Trump. The attorneys who do agree to represent him probably want the publicity. They must think it will help their business. I think they're crazy. As we've seen, he has a penchant for turning his attorneys into co-conspirators.
apparently, without some of them even realizing it...
A trade-off! A trade-off?
A huge mistake no matter how you look at it.
I understand all the reasoning regarding our historic reticence to prosecute our former Presidents for any illegalities that may have occurred during their administrations, but Donald Trump destroyed all legal prescidiences. His malfeasances (plural) undo all of that...
If, and when, he does finally have to answer for his criminal misconduct, it will be a long time coming.
Hopefully, no one was hurt or killed by his rhetoric which is very dangerous.
It is very dangerous. Someone sent a death threat to Bragg.
Ashli Babbitt is dead and a few good law enforcement officers too! Trump has been and remains a 'clear and present danger' literally.
I agree.
This 'creature,' this human beast is the head of other human beasts who never apologizes or stand down from attacking the systems of this country and its world has really much smarter people twisting in the wind regarding himself. I will say this for Trump, he is smart about never getting caught red-handed.
You've got that exactly right, CB.
Trump 'darkly' warns....................... Sounds like the dude needs less 'Man Tan'.