'More dangerous than food stamps': Republican furious that low-income housing wasn't targeted in debt deal
By: Brandon Gage, Alternet
Right-wing Republican members of the United States House of Representatives have drummed up an extensive list of excuses about why they oppose the deal struck by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) and President Joe Biden to raise the debt ceiling.
The latest example came from Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-Wisconsin) late Tuesday afternoon when Grothman groused that the bill is too lenient toward economically disadvantaged Americans.
"They left low-income housing untouched. I think as far as discouraging work and discouraging marriage, I think low-income housing is even a more dangerous program than, uh, than the food stamps," Grothman asserted.
"So I'm including low-income housing in the mix of having work requirements. The amendment is drafted, just includes Section Eight housing, which is an error on my part because there are other low-income housings as well. But that's what we have before us," Grothman continued.
"I would appreciate if you'd let that to the floor because I don't think our team fought on the low-income housing front at all."
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But by all means, we have enough money to build a new space force base...
What is republicans deal about marriage? Do they think that's the be all and end all to the world's problems?
As long as it is between a christian man and a christian woman, yes....
The socio-economic statistics support them. Poverty rates, child welfare figures, health, longevity... all the numbers indicate marriage is something to be encouraged.
That said, I'm not familiar with the numbers on public housing and marriage, and I'm not sure what the causation/correlation ideas would be anyway.
I actually agree with that if one wants to have children. I don't encourage or discourage marriage either way. I do believe children are better off in a 2 parent home. Mostly
For many years, I opposed gay marriage for this reason. Then another poster (this goes way back to that other forum) pointed me to a stack of data showing that children of single-sex marriages do just as well as "classic" ones.
I changed my opinion. Yup... that IS possible... if your mind is open.
Hey! Marriage is essential for managing inheritance... wealth, land, ....
Marriage was an institution long before "romance" was invented.
Some one needs to kick Grothman in the gooch. Poor people are "moochers", but the donor class are "job creators" even when they create no jobs. Let's start taking subsidies from big pharma and big energy.
I'm surprised Democrats aren't outraged that Veterans Benefits were threatened. Oh wait, not I'm not.
Mr. Glenn Grothman would undoubtedly be interested in Toronto's solution:
Toronto’s affordable housing plan revealed to be stapling hammocks to the sides of new condos
This is the same dipshit that complained that there were not enough straight white male judges...
That's two stupid comments in two days, one more and he'll have the trifecta of stupidity.
He also had complaints from his own state about racist comments.
no complaints from republicans undoubtedly ...
I just read another article where lying McCarthy has now said that they are going to start working on cuts and Social Security and Medicare were going to be on the block...
But, but we have millions for a Earth bound space base and they want defence spending increased....
cool. for republicans that's the political equivalent of sucking on a 12 gauge...
I guess this idiot wants there to be more homeless people.
Some people can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Many more cant and never will be able to. There will always be poor people and always be people who are paid "slave wages". That is the way of the capitalist world. Suck it up dickhead.
This guy is out of his mind, if he had a mind, which he obviously doesn't.
Another Republican thought leader...