"They Are Destroying Masculinity": Man Gets Triggered By Boys' T-Shirts At Target, Complains About Rainbows And Wokeness - BuzzLoving.com
By: Milla
A man went viral after somewhat creepily browsing through boy's T-shirts at his local Target.
The man, wearing a pinkish shirt with signs for a man and a woman, first confirmed twice he was in the boys' section of "his local Target."
He picked up a white tee and said, "Dinosaurs are cool, right," and exclaimed, "There's a big rainbow behind."
Continuing, he pointed out at the blue tee with a cloud, "Hula hooping with a rainbow."
He then asks, "What's this," adding, "Trucks are cool, right?" He asks more, "Why are we picking up a rainbow? Why is this boys' clothing today?"
Still, he was not done.
"Like baby shark? Bye, bye," the man said as he showed a pastel tee with a shark and rainbow colors in the background.
He then said, "There's masculinity. That's what they're doing. To destroying masculinity."
The man urged parents to "stand up against this wokeness." He specifically called people to stand up as "leaders and fathers."
Many wondered why this man was not shopping while in the children's section.
Man claims "wokeness" in Target's boys section is "destroying masculinity" after discovering various shirts with rainbows including one with a cloud hula hooping a rainbow and a tropical themed shark shirt. pic.twitter.com/7F1euqDQLA
— PatriotTakes (@patriottakes) April 2, 2023
One person wrote, "Totally like my Dad. Keep talking that way, and he might end up with a gay son like me."
Someone shared, "What an insecure idiot. Bet dollars to donuts he's one of those who can't define the true meaning of 'woke.' Is he implying that rainbows are emasculating?? How so? What's the connection?? Explain this one to me. I'm all ears."
Interestingly enough, the rainbow appears in the Bible multiple times, as one verse says, "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant."
It signalizes the connection between a man and a God.
Additionally, as one person responded to the tweet, "Rainbows are magical."
Boys and girls cannot be masculine or feminine. They are children, and they enjoy bold colors and loud prints. Preteens and teens are a different story, but the man was in a section that said kids and toddlers.
Besides, true masculinity comes from within. It is not limited to someone's fashion choices.
Rainbows are natural phenomena, and they appear in numerous folklore stories. This multicolored circular arc is an optic illusion caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets.
Several Twitter responses were on point, with one saying, "I guess we should outlaw rainbows in the sky as well?"
Another shared, "Of course, he messes up the table of shirts and leaves it for someone else to clean up."
What do you think about this clip? Is this an example of homophobia and toxic masculinity, or is this just a person willing to go through kids' clothes for likes?
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He got roasted...
Someone needs to post a story how Target and their employees are being threatened and harassed by customers regarding June being gay pride month and promoting products like the T-shirts this asshole is whining about for kids and any products that promote diversity and inclusion and it's getting fucking insane with these assholes threatening and harassing and assaulting people for promoting diversity and inclusion and this is being doing by the RIGHT WING WHACKJOBS yet dems/liberals/progressives are always being touted as the hateful and intolerant ones
I would but I can't seem to do anything on my laptop - other than comment - I saw a story about this I think on yahoo the other day
Could you imagine working there...
Here comes another one...
sounds like he's not very secure in his masculinity
As Bugs Bunny would quip "What a MAROON".
Vid of him at link.
Why can't he just let parents take care of their kids the way they want to? Some parents want children who don't hate everyone different from them and get along with most people in the world.
Besides...what's a grown ass man doing in the boys' section of Target? Trolling?
I do think I could do without having to hear that baby shark song...
Or scoping out a new conquest.
yeah...that's more where I was going with that
I kinda figured, but some people like it spelled out completely.
Elvis wore pink...
and gold lame
I also wear pink but call it salmon or rosé.
It’d take a lot more than a t-shirt to deprive me of my masculinity. If yours is that fragile, you probably didn’t have that much to begin with.
Being an insecure idiot is a vast understatement.
I tried to weigh rainbow the other day... turns out it was pretty light.
I saw a picture the other day, I think it was on twitter. Said, found the end of the rainbow. And the pic was the end of the rainbow on the ground.
I saw what you did there
It took me a minute...I am slow. Haha