'Dictators like to ban artists': DeSantis compared to Fidel Castro at heated Miami meeting

Angry throngs turned out to Miami-Dade School Board meeting Wednesday to attack Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' policies as the country tried to figure out how to handle right-wing activists challenging books, reported the Miami Herald on Thursday.
Some who attended the meeting even compared DeSantis to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
Among those in attendance were people with Cuban heritage – who highlighted what they said were similarities behind DeSantis' policies and those of Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro.
"'Democracy is difficult. It’s messy. That’s why dictators like to ban artists. That’s why they like to ban art, because it is complicated and it makes us feel for other human beings,' said Carmen Pelaez, an acclaimed Cuban-American playwright in South Florida. '
"As far as I know, there are two people that have tried to ban the story of Celia Cruz: Fidel Castro and Ron DeSantis.'" She was referencing "Celia Cruz: Queen of Salsa," one of the many books that was reviewed under DeSantis' new law.'"
Legislation signed by DeSantis makes it far easier for individuals to challenge books. DeSantis, who is seeking the GOP nomination for president in 2024 in competition with former President Donald Trump , has pushed back on criticism, claiming that no books have technically been "banned" in Florida — but this overlooks that hundreds of books have still been removed from school shelves in a sort of limbo while they are "reviewed."
This comes amid a number of other controversial cultural policies DeSantis has passed, including a law that makes it almost impossible to even mention sexual orientation in schools, and stacking the leadership of the New College of Florida with right-wing ideologues to suppress liberal thought on the faculty.
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School board meetings have become the new ''protest arena'' against DeSantis policies.
"Legislation signed by DeSantis makes it far easier for individuals to challenge books.
So, what's wrong with that? Is it not a Constitutional free speech right for anyone to protest and challenge school boards and government authorities?
Yes, it is and now those ''school boards'' and policies are being challenged by people that actually believe in free speech.
and it's about damn time
... at least it makes it easier to rid libraries of the thumper instruction manual for incest and pedophilia.
Be careful what you wish for. There is a VERY good reason that for decades parents were ignored when it came to the actual material being taught in schools. Parents are fucking idiots and don't know their ass from a hole in the ground on 99% of the subjects taught in schools.
For example, I just had a new trainee struggle with dividing 34 by 2 in his head. And if it takes you more than a couple seconds to figure it out you are not fit to educate my kids. 99% of parents will be thinking about it for at least 10-15 seconds.
My issue is letting every fucking retard within shouting distance have a say in what my kid are taught.
How could a book about salsa dancing offend anyone?
All dictators don't like art. Hitler and his propaganda chief had specific rules on plays, music, and art
I suppose that bigoted assholes can find something about salsa dancing that is offensive.
And here it is:
Successfully portray the struggles and triumphs of the Afro-Latina and there you have it, Trout.
I just can't.....
Why don't these people just take their vouchers and go to some Christian academy and leave everyone else alone...
Because they can't! They are compelled to force every one to think and live like they do
Exactly, Trout.
rwnj forced indoctrination.
I am reminded off Hypatia's demise at the hands of 'loving' Christians who tore the flesh from her bones with shells and broken tiles while she was still alive.
I just googled her. Fascinating woman. Tragic end
If I'm reading that right, the Christians destroyed the Library of Alexandria?
Yes, Cesar did and there is some dispute if it was intentional or a mistake/accident.
I need to read into that. Sounds interesting. I always thought the library burned down.
I'm going with intentional. There was too much knowledge in that library competing for souls
It did right after she was slain.
... the early Christians were as bad as ISIS.
OOOO you're not allowed to say that! We're only allowed to bash Christians/s
... worse.
All that lost knowledge kills me. It almost seems like some people would have others dumb, if not illiterate in order to control them.
What I have been watching lately:
Warriors, Queens, and Intellectuals: 36 Great Women before 1400
It's a close call.
ISIS did some pretty bad shit. There were beautiful Buddhas carved into the mountainsides in Afghanistan and they destroyed them or was that the Taliban/Al Queda/Daesh? All one in the same to me
I'll look for that tho it did say it may not be available in my location
I don't have prime but got the same message.
That's too bad, the episode on Sorghaghtani Beki a Christian woman who ran Genghis Khan's empire is an eye opener.
I'll check it just said "may" not be available
You are better off than me then. Why would something like that not be available..Strange.
We're in the South. Hallux is in Canada, Nova Scotia I think. They have different shows for different areas. Maybe Prime doesn't think we're sophisticated enough in the South to appreciate an intellectual show about intellectual women
It's the same as the Christian Spanish Conquistadors did to the codices of the Maya, Aztec and the Mixtec, huge libraries with advanced books of all these cultures were destroyed very very few survived I think only four of the Maya codices and less than a dozen overall.
I thought it mostly varied by country, not regions within a country?
Disappointed, because it sounds like an interesting watch.
I think you're right.
So Amazon thinks that Canada is more sophisticated than the whole of the US.
We are ........................... n't
I don't believe that is entirely correct. The library was burned, allegedly accidentally, by Julius Caesar during a civil war in 48 B.C., which was before Christianity. Subsequently, what was left of the library was destroyed in 391 A.D. by order of a bishop of Alexandria, but at that point there were no longer any books and it was mainly a meeting place for Neoplatonic scholars. Neoplatonism was a school of thought based on the teachings of Plato in the Roman Empire from the 3rd to 5th centuries A.D.
Way to read the room
There was a trilogy on Kahn and it was excellent. If I remember correctly she is Christian. Genghis never tried to make the people he conquered change religions he let them be what they were or wanted.
The author was Conn Iggulden and it's called the Conquer Series, historical fiction.