
Trump, MAGA Allies Freak Out Over Biden Leaving Race, Endorsing Harris

Via:  Devangelical  •  3 months ago  •  81 comments

By:   Nikki McCann Ramirez (Rolling Stone)

Trump, MAGA Allies Freak Out Over Biden Leaving Race, Endorsing Harris
Donald Trump and many of his prominent allies reacted with anger, and accusations of a coup, to news that President Biden will exit the 2024 race.

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S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The former president is falling apart at the prospect of facing Kamala Harris instead of the president

Joe Biden's exit from the 2024 campaign and the rise of Vice President Kamala Harris as the leading contender for the Democratic ticket has provoked a nuclear-level meltdown from the right — especially from Donald Trump.

"It's not over! Tomorrow Crooked Joe Biden's going to wake up and forget that he dropped out of the race today!" the former president wrote on Truth Social late Sunday night, hours after Biden announced he would be suspending his campaign in an open letter on social media.

In a series of Truth Social posts, Trump also complained that he had been unfairly forced to spend money campaigning against Biden, and even suggested that "the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud" now that he wouldn't be running against the president.

Trump even hinted that he may back out of the scheduled presidential debate in September, unless major changes are made in his favor. "My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September," he wrote. "Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC."

Trump's musings became more unhinged as the night went on. In another post, he suggested that Biden was faking a recent Covid-19 diagnosis. The rant extended into the early hours of Monday morning, when Trump accused Democrats of having stolen the nomination from Biden. "They stole the race from Biden after he won it in the primaries — A First! These people are the real THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!" He wrote.

Similar meltdowns took place across Republican politics and media. On Fox News, former Trump White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller was apoplectic about the campaign shakeup.

"They held a primary!" Miller squealed at a pitch that likely perked the ears of every dog in a 10 mile radius. "They had ballots! They filled out circles that went to the voting booths! They spent money on advertisements, and — as President Trump said — the Republican Party spent tens of millions of dollars running against Joe Biden."

"Now they just woke up one morning and said 'never mind we are canceling our entire primary. We're getting rid of our candidate, and we're pretending the election has never even happened and we're gonna let donors handpick a new nominee,'" Miller continued at a full blown yell.

One of the reasons Harris does make sense as a pick to lead the ticket is precisely because millions of Democrats voted for the presumptive Biden-Harris ticket in the Democratic primaries — not that Miller cares for the nuance.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told CNN on Sunday that Democrats could face legal challenges in attempting to replace Biden on the 2024 ticket. "I think they've got legal hurdles in some of these states and it'll be litigated, I expect, on the ground there."

Fox News host Sean Hannity was literally grasping at straws in his reaction to the news, accusing Vice President Harris of wanting to "ban plastic straws."

"I love my plastic straws. I hate paper straws," Hannity told viewers. The host also suggested that the reason voters "detest" Harris is because of her laugh.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) demanded "proof of life from Joe Biden today by 5:00 pm," on Monday. "He needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he's aware that he dropped out. Hiding is completely unacceptable."

Conservative influencers ran with the suggestion that Biden dropping out of the race amounted to an effective coup.

"We are witnessing a third-world-style coup engineered by oligarchs as we speak, and it isn't going to be pretty. Stay calm, folks. It's about to get crazy," Harmeet Dhillon, the California Republican National Committeewoman and prominent Trump ally, wrote on X.

The serial harassment account Libs of TikTok wrote on X that "the people who called us a threat to Democracy for years just ran a coup against the sitting President." Biden will continue to serve the rest of his term, and while an incumbent president dropping out of the race is rare, it is neither unprecedented or illegal.

But even as Trump's sycophants rage at the prospect of running against a younger, more agile candidate, there are at least a few voices within Republican circles who are unconvinced that the will of Democratic voters was unceremoniously cast aside with Biden's decision. "If almost 80 percent of Democrats polled say they wanted another nominee in the last four weeks, I do not think they feel disenfranchised," Fox News host Dana Perino said Monday morning.

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Professor Principal
1  seeder  devangelical    3 months ago

the future prospect of a convicted felon debating a seasoned prosecutor has maga very nervous...

Professor Principal
1.1  seeder  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @1    3 months ago

commercial runs from 2:55 - 5:10 if you want to ff>> thru it...

Professor Principal
2  seeder  devangelical    3 months ago

Sparty On
Professor Principal
2.1  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @2    3 months ago


Sparty On
Professor Principal
2.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  Sparty On @2.1    3 months ago


Professor Principal
2.1.2  seeder  devangelical  replied to  Sparty On @2.1.1    3 months ago

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @2.1.2    3 months ago

purple heart?

Professor Principal
2.1.5  seeder  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.4    3 months ago

I couldn't find a purple helmet online...

Professor Principal
3  Gsquared    3 months ago
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo) demanded proof of life from Joe Biden today by 5:00 pm... Hiding is completely unacceptable.

You have to give Boebert credit.  She never hides her abject stupidity.

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @3    3 months ago

she really didn't strike me as a dedicated wife and mother in my brief interactions with her while she was working the drive up window at the mc d's in rifle colorado 15 or so years ago, but that was before she got her teeth fixed and a boob job. maybe she bumped her head too many times on hubby's pickup truck steering wheel...

Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    3 months ago

The right has freaked out even more than I thought they would.  They're just not very bright. 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
4.1  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4    3 months ago


Professor Principal
4.2  seeder  devangelical  replied to  JohnRussell @4    3 months ago

the trump campaign's response is more than likely being hobbled by the 4th reich's dictator in waiting...

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    3 months ago

$50 million in less than 24 hours... Of course trump is freaking out. 

Professor Guide
5.1  MrFrost  replied to  MrFrost @5    3 months ago

Correction, $92 million. 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  MrFrost @5.1    3 months ago

Nothing new there. Democrats usually out raise Republicans.[]

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.1.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sparty On @5.1.1    3 months ago

The sudden turbo charging of Democrat small dollar political donations puts to rest the silly Republican notion that Democrats have been disenfranchised by Biden dropping out.  

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.1.2    3 months ago


Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.4  Sparty On  replied to  Sparty On @5.1.1    3 months ago


Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.5  Sparty On  replied to  MrFrost @5.1    3 months ago


Professor Guide
6  MrFrost    3 months ago
Donald Trump and many of his prominent allies reacted with anger, and accusations of a coup

This from the guy that literally tried to overthrow the US Government to protect his pathetic ego. 

Professor Guide
7  MrFrost    3 months ago

Of course the right thinks it's a coup attempt, giving up power voluntarily is inconceivable to them. 

Professor Guide
8  MrFrost    3 months ago


That's what a coup looks like. 

Sophomore Quiet
9  Igknorantzruls    3 months ago

i read an article earlier where the "dog that finally caught up with that car" comparison was invoked, and applicable no doubt. 

All we've heard from Trump and the not right right have been about feeble lost senile Joe, and he knows not where he is or where we shall go.

And now that Joe shall not be the easy target the GOP was hoping and armed for, we again see that their agenda never seems to be good and pure.

After actually getting what they claimed they wanted, Slo Joe to go, wouldn't you know, now their claiming he doesn't know he left, they need p[roof to show , and money back for attacking the wrong candidate.

 It is far more difficult rationalize with an over rationing of lies as to why they had no other choice but to voter for Trump, or neither candidate, but as we shall see in short order, It was never about crooker senile Joe, it was all about attacking any and all to again place the miscreant maniacal one, back in charge again, to m,ake US All Sewer Grate Again ... , 

Professor Guide
9.1  MrFrost  replied to  Igknorantzruls @9    3 months ago
All we've heard from Trump and the not right right have been about feeble lost senile Joe

Damn right Iggy. Now trump is old feeble one. 

Professor Principal
9.1.1  seeder  devangelical  replied to  MrFrost @9.1    3 months ago

the campaign ads will almost write themselves...

Professor Principal
10  CB    3 months ago
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) demanded "proof of life from Joe Biden today by 5:00 pm," on Monday. "He needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he's aware that he dropped out. Hiding is completely unacceptable."

A leader is sick and recuperating. And this kind of badgering and taunting is going on from the field of play. Totally unprofessional. Totally sub-par. We should demand more from our politicians. Really. A new generation of kids are watching the 'adults in the room' and those adults are lacking.

Sophomore Quiet
10.1  Igknorantzruls  replied to  CB @10    3 months ago
. A new generation of kids are watching the 'adults in the room' and those adults are lacking.

The A Dolts are simply expressing who they are and have always been. An embarrassment to US and what this country stands for and was founded upon. Web can only hope that these new generations learn from the mess that is certain to be incurred when support is thrown behind the unfurled 

Professor Guide
11  Tacos!    3 months ago

Geezus, what a bunch of psychotic pussies. If your only hope to get your candidate elected was to run him against the sleepy old man, that doesn’t say much about his value to the country.

Junior Expert
11.1  George  replied to  Tacos! @11    3 months ago


Professor Guide
11.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  George @11.1    3 months ago

Omg. Stfu. I didn’t defend anything. Congratulations. You win the “Stupidest Take of the Day” award.  jrSmiley_24_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
12  JohnRussell    3 months ago

I saw an article yesterday that had a headline about the Trump campaign peaking too soon.  I think thats about it at this point. They thought it was all over and its not. 

Of course after having believed they were a shoe-in, if they lose they will say it wasnt fair and try and raise hell again. That is their go to move at this point. 

Professor Principal
12.1  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @12    3 months ago

Trump called Harris "dumb as a rock" on his social media today.  He cant get past a 11 year old vocabulary and mentality. 

Junior Expert
12.1.1  George  replied to  JohnRussell @12.1    3 months ago


Professor Principal
12.2  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @12    3 months ago

Harris gave her first speech as a presidential candidate a few minutes ago. It was nice to see a calm, reasonable, articulate candidate as opposed to the hot sick mess on the other side. People are very much underestimating Kamala Harris. 

Professor Principal
12.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @12.2    3 months ago

Bidens campaign manager has been offered the same position with Harris and she accepted. 

Junior Expert
13  George    3 months ago


Professor Principal
13.1  TᵢG  replied to  George @13    3 months ago

Since you asked that question, I will take that to mean that you truly do not understand what Biden meant.

Biden meant that electing Trump would harm our democracy.

Now, given that, Biden came to the conclusion that he was likely to lose the election and thus give Trump the presidency.   By dropping out and endorsing Harris, Biden would be supporting his position by helping put forth a D nominee that he believes could beat Trump.

In short, defeating Trump = mitigating harm to our democracy.

Alternatively, Trump = a threat to our democracy.

Professor Principal
13.1.1  seeder  devangelical  replied to  TᵢG @13.1    3 months ago

... oops.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  TᵢG @13.1    3 months ago
Now, given that, Biden came to the conclusion that he was likely to lose the election and thus give Trump the presidency. 

Yes, recent Dem polling of swing states was very clear.  Losing to Trump along with the House and the Senate would overshadow any first term legacy.

Professor Principal
13.1.3  CB  replied to  TᵢG @13.1    3 months ago

It is high time that the Trumpists and GOP be charged with. . . something. Activities by politicians designed to pit half or even a fraction of the country against itself. . .should be chargeable under a legal stature. At some point dangerous rhetoric and political posturings setting the productivity of the populace and its people 'teeth on edge' should be a case for government to act!

Freedom of speech does not allow for talk of treason and attempts to subvert this nation's positive outlook, or words to that effect.

It is time to rein those individuals and groups -whomsoever they are-that are doing these activities in before they cause serious death and destruction to our republic!

Professor Participates
13.1.4  Snuffy  replied to  CB @13.1.3    3 months ago
Activities by politicians designed to pit half or even a fraction of the country against itself. . .should be chargeable under a legal stature.

I do believe that the courts have ruled several times that political speech is protected under the 1st Amendment, even speech that one might find objectionable. 

Problem is if one politician is charged then all politicians need to be charged. The political speech to bitch about the other side has been with us for a very long time, or have you forgotten all about the basket of deplorables.

Professor Principal
13.1.5  CB  replied to  Snuffy @13.1.4    3 months ago


Professor Principal
14  CB    3 months ago
I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other.

-Abraham Lincoln, “A House Divided” Speech, 1858

Our extremes, on both sides, do not serve the republic well. Best to return to 'safe harbor' - the Middle and the Moderate where proper and peaceful results and outcomes exist for our national community

We located the demon amongst the people; it was not hiding in the midst of us.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
14.1  Mark in Wyoming   replied to  CB @14    3 months ago

( starts singing the state farm ins commercial jingle though slightly changed)

Like a good neighbor , stay over therejrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
15  CB    3 months ago

As political strategist James Carville rightly stated (it turns out): 'Give the people somebody they want as a candidate." In this case, past the baton.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
16  Trout Giggles    3 months ago


What are they afraid of?

Professor Principal
16.1  TᵢG  replied to  Trout Giggles @16    3 months ago

Looks like the Ds have coalesced behind Kamala in record time.   That is a major factor for winning the election ... especially given the short runway.    Trump should be worried, he is unfit running against a candidate who is.

Professor Principal
16.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @16.1    3 months ago

Neither Biden or Trump convinced a majority.  Harris has the opportunity to recalibrate the scale and the Republicans are freaking out about it. 

Professor Principal
16.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @16.1.1    3 months ago

And she has the option to pick a VP and shore up an appealing ticket.   Meanwhile the GOP is stuck with Trump and Vance (yes man).

The border is going to be the biggest legitimate issue Trump can raise.   However a VP like Mike Kelly would help substantially in this regard.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
16.1.3  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @16.1.1    3 months ago
Republicans are freaking out about it

Of course they are, unlike many here, they and savvy Dems knew that Trump had a very good chance of beating Biden, taking the Senate and keeping the House..  Those tasks, at least for now, look harder.

Professor Principal
16.1.4  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @16.1.2    3 months ago

There is a basic unknown about the coming election - how many of the "undecideds" will vote against Trump simply because of "Jan 6". If we could know that number we could know the outcome of the election. 

I have seen videos of people , who say they are Republicans, or former republicans , who say they will vote against trump solely on the basis of him trying to overthrow the government on Jan 6.  They are mostly older, patriotic people who were pro Trump before that. 

Professor Principal
16.1.5  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @16.1.4    3 months ago
I have seen videos of people , who say they are Republicans, or former republicans , who say they will vote against trump solely on the basis of him trying to overthrow the government on Jan 6.

Rightly so.   That is one of my great disappointments with the electorate.   Trump should have been rejected outright at primary time.

Professor Principal
17  TᵢG    3 months ago

After two speeches from Harris, I am encouraged that she has the campaign skills to beat Trump.

Harris is speaking in a manner indistinguishable from former successful presidential candidates.     She is energetic, disciplined, stays on point, and delivers a positive message.   She needs to establish a solid platform and communicate same but that is certainly doable.   

At this point, my opinion is that Biden's horrible debate performance was the best thing to happen to the D party in this race.

Professor Principal
17.1  seeder  devangelical  replied to  TᵢG @17    3 months ago

as mentally impaired as maga wanted everyone to believe about joe, at least he had the good sense to step aside...

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
17.1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  devangelical @17.1    3 months ago
at least he had to good sense to step aside...

Exactly, all folks had to do was ask, once.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
17.1.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @17.1.1    3 months ago

Ask hell they probably told him he already did. 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @17    3 months ago

Funny that her own constituents in Cali disagreed with that in 2020.

Think she improved that much doing nothing as VP the last four years?

Professor Principal
17.2.1  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @17.2    3 months ago

What I think is that Trump supporters are going to repeat lines such as 'ho' and 'word salad' regardless of reality.

Professor Principal
17.2.2  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @17.2.1    3 months ago
Trump supporters are going to repeat lines such as 'ho' and 'word salad'

That is the extent of some of their vocabularies. 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2.3  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @17.2.1    3 months ago

Some will, most won’t.    One thing I can assure you.    The assault on Harris will be nothing like the assault has been on Trump the last five years.

Not a chance ….

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2.4  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @17.2.2    3 months ago

True, ran into a well spoken liberal at trivia the other night.    Supposedly he had several degrees from McGill.    Believable as he did okay at trivia.    Problem is he lives in a tent in the woods.

Funny how that can work ….

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
17.2.5  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  TᵢG @17.2.1    3 months ago

Open your eyes. It IS reality 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
17.2.6  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Sparty On @17.2.4    3 months ago
Problem is he lives in a tent in the woods.

A modern Henry David Thoreau.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2.7  Sparty On  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @17.2.6    3 months ago

Possibly ….. in his mind at least I’m sure

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
17.2.8  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @17.2.2    3 months ago
That is the extent of some of their vocabularies

Of course, most are “trash”.

Junior Expert
17.2.9  George  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @17.2.8    3 months ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
17.2.10  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  George @17.2.9    3 months ago


Professor Principal
17.2.11  TᵢG  replied to  Sparty On @17.2.3    3 months ago
The assault on Harris will be nothing like the assault has been on Trump the last five years.

Nor should it be.   Trump is an abysmal character, a traitor, and a scoundrel — the only PotUS in US history to try to steal an election through fraud, coercion, lying and incitement.   Trump has brought the criticism on himself.

Professor Principal
17.2.12  TᵢG  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @17.2.5    3 months ago

Sure Jim, it is 'reality' that Harris is a whore and is incapable of speaking at a level better than 'word salad'.    800

Don't let empirical evidence stand in the way of that fantasy.

When one believes a partisan fantasy is reality there is no reasoning with the individual.

Professor Principal
17.2.13  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @17.2.11    3 months ago
Trump is an abysmal character, a traitor, and a scoundrel — the only PotUS in US history to try to steal an election through fraud, coercion, lying and incitement. 

Why nitpick?  /s

Sophomore Quiet
17.2.14  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Sparty On @17.2.4    3 months ago
 Problem is he lives in a tent in the woods. Funny how that can work ….

I ain't nearly asz thorough as ole Henry, but I did, for a time, most certainly spent every weekend living in my local playground/woods, and wouldn't have traded it for anyplace. Wherever I rolled off my ole 4X4 quad, is where I slept, rain, ice & snow, wind, whatever. I truly did not ngive a flying fck, but, only for I could yet fly....

there You fellas go, have fun

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2.15  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @17.2.11    3 months ago

Opinions do vary.    Greatly in this case.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2.16  Sparty On  replied to  Igknorantzruls @17.2.14    3 months ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
17.2.17  Trout Giggles  replied to  TᵢG @17.2.1    3 months ago

And what hypocrites they will be especially after all the times they came down on NT'ers who called Melania a whore

Professor Principal
17.2.18  seeder  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @17.2.17    3 months ago

to be fair, melania probably didn't know she was blowing her way into the white house at the time ...

Sophomore Quiet
17.2.19  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Sparty On @17.2.16    3 months ago

are you Megan things up ? I stated MY playground.

Professor Principal
17.2.20  seeder  devangelical  replied to  Igknorantzruls @17.2.19    3 months ago

so sad when somebody can't even comprehend the lucid commentary you write...

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2.21  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @17.2.20    3 months ago


Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.2.22  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @17.2.20    3 months ago


Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
17.3  Mark in Wyoming   replied to  TᵢG @17    3 months ago

I doubt she will be allowed to stray from the already formulated party platform/ policies  , she may be allowed to change priorities of the platform/ policies  , but not change what was started at the beginning of the campaign .

 basically in my view this is what has happened , it is simply the repackaging of the same product , like changing aunt gemima mix to pearl river mil mix . nothing about the product but the packaging , and one people realize that its the same product  , its the same place it always was . The only difference now is to wait and see who the running mate is and i think that could be all important  but it will still be basically the same policy and ticket type as was offered at the start .

but what do I know? 

i know im not voting for either parties ticket .


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