Lauren Boebert's Cameo page vanishes as ethics questions swirl |
By: Kelly McClure
I wonder what name she uses for her onlyfans site ...
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co) popped up on Cameo last weekend, charging $250 for personalized videos of herself imparting advice and "pep talks" to curious users of the popular website finding themselves with money to burn before the holidays. But her time on the site was brief.
Following in the footsteps of Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who became active on the site last week, and George Santos (R-N.Y.), who created a profile after being booted from Congress, Boebert's presence was especially notable as it marked the first time a sitting member of Congress utilized the platform to make a little extra cash. It turns out that's likely what also led to her profile being yanked just days later.
On Tuesday morning, it appears as though Boebert quietly deleted her Cameo profile following murmurings that it possibly violated House rules, The Hill reports, since Boebert, unlike Gaetz and Santos, is still in Congress.
As the outlet highlights:
"While Ethics Committee rules say that members may earn up to $31,815 per year outside of their congressional salary, there are limitations on how they may do so. One of the rules in the code of conduct dictates House members 'may not accept an honorarium for a speech, a writing for publication, or other similar activity,' with a speech being defined as an 'address, oration, talk, lecture, or other form of oral presentation, whether delivered in person, transmitted electronically, recorded, or broadcast over the media.'"
Neither Boebert's office nor Cameo have commented on the ethics questions surrounding Boebert's profile, as of yet.
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$250 for a cameo appearance, huh? I thought the going rate was dinner and drinks, 2 theater tickets, where she can inspect the workout equipment, then a brisk walk back to the boutique hotel after getting thrown out of an off broadway musical, or $500 ...
Gaetz is selling his video Happy Birthdays and Congratulations for 500 a pop. Boebert just wants to get it on the grift.
elected maga can now grift away, as long as they don't get caught and kick a piece of the action up to the don ...
She is a piece of work
... close
It’s best that I don’t comment on that comment.
Is Johnson going to make her a Committee chair? He can't do that for Marjorie Taylor Goon without giving something to this idiot.