Trump fumes over US flag flying at half-staff during his inauguration
By: Joey Garrison (USA TODAY)
WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump lashed out Friday over plans for the U.S. flag to be flown at half-staff during his upcoming inauguration to honor the late President Jimmy Carter ‒ but the White House said it isn't reconsidering the order.
U.S. flags have been flying at half-staff at all federal properties including the Capitol since Dec. 29, when President Joe Biden ordered the measure of respect following Carter's death for 30 days ‒ the prescribed federal timeframe for lowering flags after a president's death since 1954.
Trump will be sworn in as the 47th president on Jan. 20, which falls within the 30-day window.
"The Democrats are all 'giddy' about our magnificent American Flag potentially being at 'half mast' during my Inauguration," Trump said in a post on Truth Social, incorrectly using the term that refers to flags being flown halfway up the mast on a ship, not a flag pole. "They think it's so great, and are so happy about it because, in actuality, they don't love our Country, they only think about themselves."
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Biden won't consider reversing or revaluating the flag order.
Trump went on to slam Democratic leadership in his social media post.
"Look at what they've done to our once GREAT America over the past four years - It's a total mess!" Trump said. "In any event, because of the death of President Jimmy Carter, the Flag may, for the first time ever during an Inauguration of a future President, be at half mast. Nobody wants to see this, and no American can be happy about it. Let's see how it plays out."
Carter, who died last week at 100 years old, is set to lie in state at the Capitol Rotunda from Jan. 7 to Jan. 9. Services honoring Carter will begin this weekend in his native Georgia. Trump has said he plans to attend Carter's state funeral at the National Cathedral in Washington on Jan. 9.
Although a longtime critic of Carter ‒ who previously mocked the one-term, Democratic commander-in-chief as the nation's worst president ‒ Trump called Carter a "truly good man" who will be missed following his death.
Biden has said he plans to attend Trump's inauguration, committing to an orderly transfer of power, despite Trump skipping Biden's 2021 inauguration after Trump fought to overturn his 2020 election loss.
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Trump: "ME, ME, ME, ME, ME!!!!!"
Wouldn't you say he has the right to voice an opinion for an event supposed to be his day?
Um, no, it's a day for the whole country.
I would say he has the responsibility to shut the fuck up. No other president would make such an embarrassing statement.
Should Jimmy Carter have to settle for 25 instead of 30 days of honor JUST to make Trump happy? It is beyond ridiculous.
Why? Is it his birthday?
I think it's hilarious when trump thinks he can change whatever he finds inconvenient to his ego, and then especially when his traditional american values supporters immediately chime in like a church chorus defending him.
100%. He has the right to be a self-centered, narcissistic douchebag. No one has suggested otherwise. All decent people also have the right to judge him as a piece of shit for it.
Additionally, it’s not “his day.”
The asshole always has a right to voice his opinion.
The question is not whether he is allowed to spew his rhetoric but the character of someone who would be so petty, so narcissistic and so disrespectful of a former PotUS who —in direct contrast to Trump; the other extreme even— was a decent human being.
What drives people like you to continually try to defend this scoundrel?
I wouldn't give a squirt of warm piss for trump's opinion.
JImmy Carter wasnt killed and flying flags at half staff is an honor given to prominent people in this country who die or people who were otherwise victims of a notable tragedy.
Trump doesnt give a shit about any of that. He objects to the flag being at half staff when he is inaugurated because he thinks the "optics" will indicate some people being in mourning over his ascendancy back to the presidency.
He is a big baby, which MAGAs seem to admire about him.
This is a total invention that has no bearing on what Trump wrote.
Here, 1st, read this:
He is clearly whining that because of the (natural, not murder) death of Carter, flags will be at half staff during his inauguration. Just what one would expect from this petty narcissist.
Yet again we see Trump supporters inventing a ridiculous alternate reality in order to try to defend the clown they put in the presidency.
Faux obtuseness (yet again).
Should those mourning Jimmy Carter have to settle for 25 instead of 30 days of honor ...
Pretending to not understand a point by going strictly literal and not using common sense is counterproductive. It does not serve as a rebuttal, adds no value to the discussion, and makes the author look foolish.
They dont care about that, because they are not capable of self-reflection. The truth is that the right wing creation of alternate realities has worked for them, and it will probably only escalate now. The media will simply not hold them to account.
I think they know all too well how bad Trump is but are stuck defending this scoundrel since he is the president of their party.
In result, we see truly ridiculous 'defenses' that are so bad as to be cringe-worthy. The 'defenses' are embarrassing to even read sometimes. Trump supporters seem to think that what works for Trump works for them too. Just invent whatever narrative serves your needs and push it. Lie, double-down, lie some more. Just keep saying the same thing and people will eventually accept it.
Works for Trump. I suspect they believe it will work for them too.
It is sickening to observe such a lack of integrity in our nation.
I think they all graduated from the Dr Goebbels School of Propaganda
He has the right to spew his ridiculous opinion just as we have the right to call him and arrogant ego-maniac. And a whiny pissy baby
maybe trump should shove the staff left above the flag up his ass, then nobody would notice ...
Is Alito going to fly his flag upside down again? It's the new maga way.
hopefully, it'll be wrapped around his ankles if he does ...
the orange menace didn't even make the last inauguration. fuck that POS ...
Nothing he says surprises me. But when he's particularly disgusting, we need to take note.
Decent people honor the dead.
Oh, wait... "decent people".
That explains it.
More whining from the whiner in chief (soon to be). If my kids when they were 3 and 4 year olds whined as much as Trump does at 78 years old they would have a bit of an ass tanning.
If Trump cares that much about the half staff flag let him petition to have the inauguration postponed for a week.
trump has a transactional based psyche, maybe he'll make a deal. tell him that every day off the carter half-staff period now, is 2 days off his in the future. better yet, tell trump it's $1 billion per day to the carter foundation to shorten the time and make trump lean on his new foreign billionaire friends for the check ... /s, as if.
In other ignorant tweets, the President Elect declared that he wanted the Panama Canal back, one way or another, because it
was the most expensive project in American history.
Another misstatement?
It was the most expensive project of a decade ending in 1914 for sure, since eclipsed by hundreds of public works, military
spending and the godfather of all American public projects, the Interstate Highway System.
The Panama Canal cost the US approximately $375 Million. ( Plus 10 Million to Panama and $40 Million to the original French company) often quoted as a total of $500 Million)
The Interstate Highway System has cost over $425 Billion.
Panama recently finished the 2016 Expansion Project at a cost of $5.25 Billion.
At the time of the original Canal treaty in 1903 Panama was a part of Columbia and that country's Congress had refused $10
million to lease the land necessary for the canal. As a result, no surprise here, the US Government recognized the local
Panamanian government as an independent country, ignoring the claims of Columbia. In 1921, the Thompson- Urrutia Treaty
paid Columbia $25 Million to officially recognize the unusual birth of the Republic of Panama.
Has he ever said anything that isn't?
Now he is threatening to tariff Denmark into giving up Greenland
and to "conquer" Canada through economic means
Why does all of this sound like Putin and Gazprom?
3rd reich foreign policy ...
He's a showman. He's making noise.
He neither knows nor cares about the consequences of his words. The media are full of "Trump" and that is all that matters.
that cat is running short on his 9 lives ...
Trump will give them ten cents on the dollar, take it or leave it. Then we invade.
Funny thing about invading Panama.
There are reports that "we" meaning the US Army blasted the tops off of mountains to create landing zones for camps cleared with Agent Orange and
Kerosene laced with dioxins to control mosquitoes.
As of 2022, The Pact Act made it easier for any vets who had served in Vietnam, Thailand, Loas or Canada or India to get Agent orange, cancer related care but specifically not Panama because the US Army won't admit the widespread unrestricted use of dioxin to fight malaria or Agent orange to keep the rainforests at bay around camps, outposts and the canal zone.
Only in America.
I have an uncle suffering from the effects of agent orange now after doing 3 tours in vietnam.
Apparently, Trump is intent on establishing a new age of American imperialism.
The comparison to Lebensraum is apt.
Hitler and Trump both suggest it is for national security. If we invade Panama it would likely kick off an insurgency and destabilize that country. It wouldnt be the first time we did that in Central America.
If Trump thinks there should be a large US military base on Greenland or that we need some of their minerals why doesnt he just negotiate with them? Probably because he wont look "strong" if he goes that route.
Or in the Middle East.
Or in Africa.
Or in South America.
I don't think we've done it in Antarctica... yet.
Of course this would piss trump off, everyone knows that.[✘]
Only those with sever CDS are still bringing her up. What's your point as to where she was? Home perhaps?
looks like the maga skateboard running texas has shortened the half staff period for carter at the request of the orange menace.
I think he only wants to violate federal law for the day, then we can back to mourning Carter.
It will be of interest to see who lowers the flag all together and who raises it.
As far as I know, our Post offices and military installations aren't on Greg's payroll.
More meaningless GOP legislation...
exhibitions of fealty by devoted cult members and the cowardly have been plentiful so far ...