Where is hs left hand?
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Two Bibles?
the bottom book is mein kampf ...
Are you sure it’s not the Anarchists Cookbook?
He likes government where he gets to decide all the rules
the 2nd book I ever bought for myself ...
One thing is for sure, it is nowhere near Melania.
Ok...6 comments and nobody has stated the obvious. One more chance before I spoil the ending
it's not on the bible, so that whatever evil he does during his term the thumpers can't hold it against him ...
That's brilliant! I didn't think he had it in him
Would have been kinda fun though to watch the smoke curling up from between his fingers while reciting the oath of office.
I think that Bible would have instantly ignited and then there would have been a 3 alarm fire in the Rotunda
Yes, Trump did not place his hand on the Bibles to take the oath. So?
It's not like he was the first to do [✘]
he was probably afraid of becoming a scorched spot on the carpet if he did ...
I'm sure Nerm is making a snarky comment there in #4 about he doesn't have to have his hand on the Bible. That's not what I'm concerned about.
He brings 2 Bibles to the inauguration, proclaims his Christianity to every body who doesn't give a fuck, and then doesn't place his hand on those Bibles. And then to claim "so help me God" Then why bring them? Definition of hypocrisy
I would never swear an oath to God with my hand on a Bible. But I'm an atheist. He even sold Bibles with his signature. Pure blasphemy (I'm a recovering Catholic so I reserve the right to say things like that)
maga thumpers equate trump to geezus as their new savior, and trump will claim he never swore his oath of office later on ...
Satan is the God of the Underworld.
Plus, he may have been swearing to Elon the god (goober of deception).
He was picking a wedgie.
1. Hand in his pocket with fingers crossed hoping that he won’t be struck deaf and dumb for lying to God.
2. Hand in his pocket playing pocket pool.
Your choice.
I don't know where trump's hand is, but barron is right behind him looking down at it ...
On Melania's ass?
she was gassy from breakfast, and her hands were full, so trump stiffened his thumb ...
We're getting flagged for this....
gee, go figure. yeah, I wasn't paying attention yesterday and got my melania butt plug joke ticketed up above ...