
Manners for Every One

By:  Trout Giggles  •  one month ago  •  123 comments

Manners for Every One

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Try using these social etiquette rules. You might make someone's day


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Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1  author  Trout Giggles    one month ago

A major pet peeve of mine are people who don't use the "right" door. There is a "wrong" door and a "right" door. If you coming to a double door use the door on your right hand side.  And to the people coming from the opposite direction....I opened this door for me not you. Learn your manners!

Professor Guide
1.1  evilone  replied to  Trout Giggles @1    one month ago
A major pet peeve of mine...

Mine is people who don't use turn signals. It drives me crazy.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  Kavika   replied to  evilone @1.1    one month ago

My 1984 Wego (that is the 4 door version of the Yugo) did not come with turn signals, sooooo I will try not to drive in front of you evilone. 

Professor Quiet
1.1.2  Freefaller  replied to  Kavika @1.1.1    one month ago
My 1984 Wego (that is the 4 door version of the Yugo) did not come with turn signals, sooooo I will try not to drive in front of you evilone. 

No need for that you can still open the window and use the proper arm signals to indicate your intentions (like we did when we used to ride bicycles)

Professor Principal
1.1.3  TᵢG  replied to  evilone @1.1    one month ago

Mine is people who leave multiple car lengths of space when we have a line of people trying to make a left turn before the signal times out.

Professor Expert
1.1.4  Krishna  replied to  evilone @1.1    one month ago
A major pet peeve of mine...
Mine is people who don't use turn signals. It drives me crazy.

My pet peeve is the extreme rudeness-- in fact nastiness. personal attacks-- that so frequently accompanaes conversations on line. 

A while back I went to dinner with a group of friends. As we were talking I realized that we didn't have to appoint a "moderator" to keep people from engaging in personal attacks (the thing that's necessary online).

 I don't know if people tend to be less respectful of others when they meet offline-- or maybe they're different types of people...?

Professor Principal
1.1.5  devangelical  replied to  Krishna @1.1.4    one month ago

wtf? most of the conversations I have with my friends only consist of personal attacks ...

Professor Expert
1.1.6  Krishna  replied to  devangelical @1.1.5    one month ago
wtf? most of the conversations I have with my friends only consist of personal attacks ...

Personal attacks on each other-- or all of them agreeing on all getting together and agreeing to attack one person from outside of the group?

Professor Principal
1.2  Kavika   replied to  Trout Giggles @1    one month ago

But I’m left handed, soooo you can see your being very mean to me, Trout.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.2.1  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Kavika @1.2    one month ago

You don't drive on the left hand side of the road...or do you?

Professor Principal
1.2.2  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.2.1    one month ago

he will when he goes to oz ...

Professor Principal
1.2.3  Kavika   replied to  Trout Giggles @1.2.1    one month ago

Sometimes I do.

Professor Principal
1.2.4  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.2.1    one month ago

after my concussion from a head on collision 21 years ago, I spent another 20 months sometimes having a difficult time remembering which side of the road to drive on, while I was sober ...

Professor Quiet
1.2.5  shona1  replied to  devangelical @1.2.4    one month ago

Morning... keep telling you mob you drive on the wrong side even when sober..

Geez you lot always make everything longer using two words when one would suffice..

Turn signal??? So you mean an indicator..yeesh...

Professor Principal
1.2.6  JohnRussell  replied to  shona1 @1.2.5    one month ago
you lot always make everything longer using two words when one would suffice.. Turn signal??? So you mean an indicator.

Yeah, but you use more syllables. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.2.7  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  shona1 @1.2.5    one month ago

turn signal = 3 syllables

indicator = 4 syllables

Who's making everything longer?

Professor Principal
1.2.8  devangelical  replied to  shona1 @1.2.5    one month ago

... says the person from a country that adds the letter U to any word that has an O in it.

Professor Expert
1.2.9  sandy-2021492  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.2.7    one month ago

I say "blinker".

Professor Quiet
1.2.10  shona1  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.2.9    one month ago

Yep we say that one too..

Professor Quiet
1.2.11  shona1  replied to  devangelical @1.2.8    one month ago

Huh... that's because we were dragged up proper to speak and spell the Queen's English...

And we do it so well..

Professor Principal
1.2.12  devangelical  replied to  shona1 @1.2.11    one month ago

the dags here are outlawing everything that has the word queen in it ...

Professor Quiet
1.2.13  shona1  replied to  devangelical @1.2.12    one month ago

Time to migrate...the Kiwi's would love you..oh and no snakes there and they speak funny... you would love it..

Professor Principal
1.2.14  devangelical  replied to  shona1 @1.2.13    one month ago

we had a kiwi exchange student in my high school 50+ years ago. I recall she wasn't very impressed with much here. knowing what I know about non-american girls now, I might have had a go at her if I'd shared any classes with her, but my brain was either under the influence or suffering periodic blood supply issues due to over active glans at the time.

Professor Quiet
1.2.15  shona1  replied to  devangelical @1.2.14    one month ago

I was impressed with the Grand Canyon..

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.2.16  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.2.9    one month ago

me, too

Professor Expert
1.2.17  Krishna  replied to  devangelical @1.2.4    one month ago
sometimes having a difficult time remembering which side of the road to drive on, while I was sober ...

Then why not split the difference-- and drive down the middle?

Professor Principal
1.2.18  devangelical  replied to  Krishna @1.2.17    one month ago

that's what I usually did, until I came up on opposing traffic, then I knew which side ...

Professor Expert
1.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  Trout Giggles @1    one month ago

Mine is people who stand in doorways or aisles at the grocery store, chatting.  They block traffic going all ways.  If I stop for a loaf of bread on the way home from work, I'm in a race with the dog's bladder.  MOVE!

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.1  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3    one month ago

Me, too! The inconsiderate clods where I work take up the whole hallway or the whole doorway and won't get their fat asses out of the way

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.3.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3    one month ago

How about that asshole who is leaving the space in the full parking lot, but takes the time to adjust their mirror, change the station on the radio, program their gps, adjust the temperature, and check their makeup while you wait for them.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.3  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.3.2    one month ago

That's why I park in the back of the parking lot. What I can't stand are people who leave their grocery buggies in the parking space instead of walking it to the corral....which is less than 3 steps away!

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.4  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3    one month ago
aisles at the grocery store, chatting. 

You should see the commissary on LOP* day.

LOP = Little Old People my mom came up with that one

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.3.5  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.3.3    one month ago

I would gladly take the open space in the back, if it was open.  I’m talking about the parking lot that has no open spaces and you’re already late for an appointment.  I also hate that jerk at the drive up atm that needs to do all that shit on top of counting their cash twice before moving their damn car.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.6  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.3.5    one month ago

Yeah, I see what you mean.

My pet peeve with the ATM is the person who wants to do all their banking right there instead of using the people window or going inside

Professor Principal
1.3.7  devangelical  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3    one month ago

you'd go postal in salt lake city at the grocery stores. every mother within a 10 mile radius would be in there with their brood of 9 home schooled kids during the weekdays clogging the aisles. but on sunday mornings, the store is virtually vacant ...

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.3.8  Split Personality  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.3.4    one month ago

Pay day always amazed me, especially at Alameda CA. 

Professor Quiet
1.3.9  shona1  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.3.5    one month ago

Morning...you have drive up ATMs??

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.10  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Split Personality @1.3.8    one month ago

Reese AFB is very small and the last base where I did a lot of grocery shopping on base.

The LOPS come out for their medical appts on LOP payday (military retiree, social security) and then go to the hoe down at the commissary. I hated going there if I had to get something for lunch

correction was very small. It doesn't exist any more

Professor Quiet
1.3.11  shona1  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3    one month ago

Morning..ahh yes and when they are standing there gazing at the shelves..

They put the shopping trolley out at arm's length blocking the aisle and just stand looking...

So one of two things happens...I ask them to move please and if they don't I put my foot on the bottom of the trolley and shove it back into them..

As I walk past I just say "up yours" and keep going... can't stand obnoxious people who seem to think they can do what they like and stuff everyone else...

Professor Expert
1.3.12  sandy-2021492  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.3.2    one month ago

That doesn't bother me, but I also live in a small town where the parking lots are hardly ever full.

Professor Expert
1.3.13  sandy-2021492  replied to  shona1 @1.3.9    one month ago

We do.  I'd say we have more drive-up ATMs than otherwise, at least where I live.  And TBH, I feel safer that way. I feel like walk-up ATMs are mugging waiting to happen. 

Professor Expert
1.3.14  sandy-2021492  replied to  shona1 @1.3.11    one month ago

The ones who really need a smack are the ones who park their carts (trolleys) diagonally across the aisle.  Now nobody can pass them in either direction.

Professor Principal
1.3.15  devangelical  replied to  shona1 @1.3.9    one month ago
Morning...you have drive up ATMs??

in the US we don't have to get out of our cars for anything now ...

Professor Expert
1.3.16  sandy-2021492  replied to  devangelical @1.3.15    one month ago

When I was on vacation in Scotland a while back, a cashier at Tesco with a very strong accent was ribbing us a bit.  "No wonder you Americans are so fat.  You even have drive-through chemists (pharmacies)."

Professor Participates
1.3.17  Snuffy  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3.16    one month ago
You even have drive-through chemists."

We have something else that Scots don't have. We also have drive-through liquor stores. Not sure why people think they are good ideas, but hey, we have them...  

Professor Expert
1.3.18  sandy-2021492  replied to  Snuffy @1.3.17    one month ago

Yeah, the logic regarding a drive-through liquor store is...lacking.

Professor Principal
1.3.19  JBB  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3.18    one month ago

There were roadside to go daquari and margarita stands alongside Texas highways untill not that long ago. (1980s?) It was okay to drink and drive as long as you were not drunk. Texas did not change it until they were going to lose federal highway $$$...

Professor Quiet
1.3.20  shona1  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3.18    one month ago

Ahhh yes we have drive in bottle-o shops but not ATMs or chemists..

And if cause the usual take away foods, Macca's🤢, KFC etc...

Professor Principal
1.3.21  devangelical  replied to  shona1 @1.3.11    one month ago
can't stand obnoxious people who seem to think they can do what they like and stuff everyone else...

that's who we'll be fighting against here in the next civil war ...

Professor Principal
1.3.22  devangelical  replied to  JBB @1.3.19    one month ago

I've got texans in my extended family that still carry 6 pack coolers around like it was a man-purse ...

PhD Guide
1.3.23  Thomas  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.3.3    one month ago
grocery buggies

You mean shopping cart.... :)

Professor Quiet
1.3.24  shona1  replied to  Thomas @1.3.23    one month ago

Shopping trolley...

Professor Principal
1.3.25  devangelical  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.3.18    one month ago
Yeah, the logic regarding a drive-through liquor store is...lacking.

you can't go into a convenience store in texas during their extended summer without walking by an iced tub of single beer cans in it next to the register. there was a liquor store called the beer barn that you actually drove thru in the tourist town my mom lived in, until a hurricane made it go airborne one year.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.26  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Thomas @1.3.23    one month ago

buggies where I come from

Professor Expert
1.3.27  Krishna  replied to  devangelical @1.3.25    one month ago
until a hurricane made it go airborne one year.

It didn't actually go airborne-- it only looked that way after drinking all that beer!

Professor Principal
1.3.28  devangelical  replied to  Krishna @1.3.27    one month ago

it wasn't a long flight ...

Professor Principal
1.4  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @1    one month ago

I've whittled that list down to about a dozen that I follow ...

Senior Expert
2  George    one month ago

I would add to #14/C1, never shake someone's hand sitting down, stand your ass up if you can.

Number 18/C2,  No is a complete sentence, nobody owes you an explanation.

Professor Quiet
2.1  Ozzwald  replied to  George @2    one month ago
I would add to #14/C1, never shake someone's hand sitting down, stand your ass up if you can.

That's old timey manners.  Back when men were expected to always stand when a woman approaches, when walking always walk on the left of your companion, and ALWAYS open the door for the woman.

Had a youngish girl following me last time I went to the local mall.  When I got to the front doors I opened the door and waited for her.  She just stood there looking confused as to why I didn't just enter, I had to wave my arm before she got the idea that I was holding the door open for her.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.1  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1    one month ago

I'll hold doors for everyone if it's a single door.

Professor Quiet
2.1.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.1    one month ago
I'll hold doors for everyone if it's a single door.

Chivalry isn't dead, but it is on life support.

Professor Quiet
2.1.3  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.1    one month ago

I'm old fashioned in that I was raised to open and hold doors open for ladies, the elderly, and small children. The other day I was walking into a local gas station when a young man with a man bun behind me indignantly asked why I did not do that for him and told me how rude I was. I looked him in the eye and told him who I open doors for and that he did not fall into that category and that he looked young and healthy enough to open the door for himself! He stood there with his mouth open then compared me to a particular body part. I just chuckled and went about my business. 

Professor Principal
2.1.4  devangelical  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @2.1.3    one month ago
He stood there with his mouth open then compared me to a particular body part


Professor Principal
2.1.5  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.1    one month ago

I'm especially disgusted by those women that pass thru a door I'm keeping open for them without making eye contact or saying anything. it almost makes me want to use my hand to hold it open ...

Professor Expert
2.1.6  sandy-2021492  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @2.1.3    one month ago

Then there's the extreme end of the chivalry spectrum.  Our town's post office has stairs going to the main entrance.  One day when I was coming out, there was an older man who had trouble walking coming in, so I held the door for him.  Another man behind him didn't have mobility issues, but did have his arm full of packages.  I held the door for him, too.  Just then, an acquaintance who is a bit of a control freak walked by and jumped my case for holding the door for men.  He told me that THEY should have held the door for ME, and I should have waited until they did.

In his world, even little old men using the handrail to haul themselves up the steps, or men with their arms full of Christmas packages don't get the door held for them, because they're penis-equipped.  I, on the other hand, must remain imprisoned inside the post office until a man opens the door to let me out.

Because that's the intention of chivalry.

He's kinda lucky that all I did was walk away, instead of pointing out the absurdity.

Professor Quiet
2.1.7  shona1  replied to  devangelical @2.1.5    one month ago

That's when I usually say ungrateful ignoramus loudly..and then let the door go hoping it whacks them...

Reckon I would go well in customer relations...

Professor Expert
2.1.8  sandy-2021492  replied to  shona1 @2.1.7    one month ago

Anybody who holds the door open for me gets a smile and a thank you.  I don't understand anybody who wouldn't do the same.

PhD Guide
2.1.9  Thomas  replied to  sandy-2021492 @2.1.8    one month ago

I just hold the door for anyone. Seems like the polite thing to do.

Professor Expert
2.1.10  sandy-2021492  replied to  Thomas @2.1.9    one month ago


Professor Quiet
2.1.11  shona1  replied to  sandy-2021492 @2.1.10    one month ago

And here too...

Junior Quiet
2.1.12  Freewill  replied to  sandy-2021492 @2.1.8    one month ago

Indeed.  Same here.

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    one month ago

How quaint !

charger 383
Professor Silent
4  charger 383    one month ago

none of those things take much effort and following them makes things better for everyone

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
4.1  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  charger 383 @4    one month ago


Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5  Jeremy Retired in NC    one month ago

#11/C1.  Almost every time I go into certain stores somebody has music playing on their phone speaker as they shop.  Sorry, but we all don't like the same music.  I'm pretty sure many wouldn't like to hear me playing Behemoth or Agnostic Front.

#21/C1.  That is something that has become a serious problem.  Being late can cost a person something important.

#13/C2.  You have a loud speakerphone conversation, you apparently want everybody's involvement in the conversation, I'm joining.  Don't get mad.

#18/C2.  It's amazing how many people can't deal with being told "No".

Professor Principal
5.1  devangelical  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5    one month ago
It's amazing how many people can't deal with being told "No"


Professor Expert
5.2  Krishna  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5    one month ago
#18/C2.  It's amazing how many people can't deal with being told "No".


In fact, look how often it occurs here on NT (Mostly in political discussions).

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
6  Right Down the Center    one month ago

After reading number 1 I doubt anyone could get a perfect score.  Good list though,

Professor Guide
7  Tacos!    one month ago

“Text before calling” is not one I see a lot. I don’t even see how it’s necessary. If I’m busy, I’m not going to answer the phone; and if it’s important, you can leave a message. No big deal.

Waiting for people to exit an elevator or public transport before boarding isn’t just good manners, it should be common sense. 

“Signal when changing lanes” should be “signal before changing lanes.” If you’re going to cut me off and then signal after you start doing it, you might as well give me the finger, too. It’s so dishonest to cover yourself by pretending to do the right thing when you’re not.

Professor Quiet
7.1  Freefaller  replied to  Tacos! @7    one month ago

Is it just me or are others noticing that it's becoming more common for drivers to turn on their signals as they're turning instead of some distance before the turn.  It's like they believe the signal actually turns their vehicle instead of serving as a warning device for other traffic

Professor Principal
7.1.1  devangelical  replied to  Freefaller @7.1    one month ago

it's almost like an afterthought ...

driving in LA 40 years ago, I learned quickly that whenever the turn signals came on in a vehicle on the highway that was barely ahead of you, in a lane on either side of you, you best get off the gas because they were coming over at 70 mph, even in bumper to bumper traffic ...

Professor Quiet
7.1.2  shona1  replied to  Freefaller @7.1    one month ago

Yep it's the same here...they seem to think you should be a mind reader..

Same if they are turning into a one way street and they don't put their indicator on..I usually comment you wanker going straight ahead are you..🙄

Professor Guide
7.1.3  Tacos!  replied to  Freefaller @7.1    one month ago

I’ve seen it on LA freeways for years. And I get it. There’s a strategy.

Everyone on the freeway is aggressively tailgating. It’s hard to change lanes. And being the greedy douchebags that so many of them are, if you signal before moving in front of someone, 9 times out of 10, they hit the gas to close the gap, shutting you out.

So instead, drivers just cut in and hit the turn signal as they’re crossing the line. I think they do this just in case they get rear-ended, and they can say, “but my turn signal was on!”

Professor Principal
7.1.4  devangelical  replied to  Tacos! @7.1.3    one month ago

"california drivers" had been a 50+ year old derogatory cliche' I grew up hearing in colorado, but in all candor with the influx of people moving to colorado the last 50 years, it's probably worse in denver now. when I drove professionally I experienced very aggressive drivers in the northeast US, but some drivers in texas have had me on the brink of road rage more than once. I gave up driving tractor trailer rigs 15 years ago because too many people seemed more than willing to commit automotive suicide around me on the road. some drivers are apparently unaware of the physics involved in avoiding morons and attempting to stop 35+ tons doing the speed limit ...

Professor Expert
7.1.5  sandy-2021492  replied to  Tacos! @7.1.3    one month ago

I only drove in LA rush hour once, and I was really glad it was a rental car.

I was travelling with my sister, and she refused to drive.  Since it was a rental, I wasn't worried about the car, and wasn't really worried that either of us would get hurt in a crash, since we didn't make it over 25 mph until well out of city limits.  Not even on the interstate.

Professor Principal
7.1.6  devangelical  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.1.5    one month ago

that reminds me of another LA phenom I experienced driving there 40+ years ago. after morning rush hour I was driving with a friend I had just helped move out there, between the beach and the next thing I wanted to see before I flew out, and we decided to grab an early lunch at a fast food joint. no problem getting our food a bit before noon, but as soon as we left the parking lot, it was almost gridlock on the main drag we were on. just as soon as the lunch hour was over, that traffic dissipated as quickly as it had appeared an hour before ...

Professor Quiet
7.1.7  Freefaller  replied to  Tacos! @7.1.3    one month ago
So instead, drivers just cut in and hit the turn signal as they’re crossing the line. I think they do this just in case they get rear-ended, and they can say, “but my turn signal was on!”

Sure I can kinda see that (might have even done it myself in years past), but I was actually referring to drivers who do that at right and left turns where there are stop signs or lights.  Oh well just a pet peeve of mine, well that and rolling through stop signs

Professor Principal
7.1.8  Gsquared  replied to  devangelical @7.1.4    one month ago
"california drivers"

It's the people driving cars with out-of-state license plates who seem to be the worst drivers around here.

Professor Principal
7.1.9  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @7.1.8    one month ago

same here. I used to text pictures of upside down cars with texas plates here in denver to my mom in texas when she lived there. she split her childhood between erie penn and denver colo and jokes about the driving prowess of southerners in the snow and ice here has always been very comical for her.

Professor Expert
7.1.10  sandy-2021492  replied to  devangelical @7.1.6    one month ago

That would be enough to make me brown bag my lunch every day.

Professor Quiet
7.1.11  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Tacos! @7.1.3    one month ago

Have the same kinds of issues down here on the AZ/Mexico border, but most of the cars involved have Sonora Mexico plates on them. I am not saying that all drivers from Mexico are bad drivers because there are good ones. Biggest problem is the refusal to do speed limits. In many cases the problem is kilometers per hour versus miles per hour. Mexico is on the metric system and drives using k/hrs and that is ingrained especially among the older population. The problem is the younger drivers who grew up under different rules of the road in Mexico and go out of their way to be rude and obnoxious knowing they can just scoot right back across the border back into Mexico. The worst are those whose parents are cartel connected and/or Mexican consular staff here on this side of the border. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.1.12  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Gsquared @7.1.8    one month ago

Here in Arkansas I become cautious around drivers with Kentucky and Mississippi license plates. Tennessee license plates also require caution

Professor Expert
7.1.13  sandy-2021492  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.1.12    one month ago

Ohio drivers were so bad we called them "Fuckeyes" when I was growing up.  Left lane campers, every one of them.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.1.14  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.1.13    one month ago

that's funny

Professor Quiet
7.1.15  shona1  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.1.14    one month ago

Morning...I just treat all drivers  like they have half a brain...that way I am not surprised when they do something stupid or unexpected...

Professor Principal
7.2  Gsquared  replied to  Tacos! @7    one month ago

What about people making New York left turns, when you're stopped for a red light and as soon as it turns green, the car opposite pulls a fast left turn in front of you.  We call those New York left turns.

Professor Principal
7.2.1  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @7.2    one month ago

I've seen it, but I never heard that term for it before ... LOL ...

Professor Principal
7.2.2  Gsquared  replied to  devangelical @7.2.1    one month ago

That's what we've always called it.

Professor Expert
7.2.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  devangelical @7.2.1    one month ago
I've seen it, but I never heard that term for it before


Professor Principal
7.2.4  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @7.2.2    one month ago

they call slow rolling thru a stop sign a california stop here ...

Professor Principal
7.2.5  Gsquared  replied to  devangelical @7.2.4    one month ago

We call it idiocy.

Professor Principal
7.2.6  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @7.2.5    one month ago

it's even called that in CO driver's testing manuals ...

Professor Principal
7.2.7  Gsquared  replied to  devangelical @7.2.6    one month ago

That's pretty stupid.

Professor Principal
7.2.8  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @7.2.7    one month ago

bear in mind that CO was a red state shit hole back when that term originated ...

PhD Guide
7.2.9  Thomas  replied to  Gsquared @7.2    one month ago
What about people making New York left turns, when you're stopped for a red light and as soon as it turns green, the car opposite pulls a fast left turn in front of you.  We call those New York left turns.

Usually because the doughhead sitting across from you is not paying attention to the light. 

Professor Expert
7.3  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @7    one month ago
“Text before calling” is not one I see a lot. I don’t even see how it’s necessary. If I’m busy, I’m not going to answer the phone; and if it’s important, you can leave a message. No big deal.

That's a generational thing.Younger people (Gen Z mostly) do it. Probably because they always have their phone with them, and grew up texting-- a lot!

I have some Gen Z friends-- and I've gotten into the habit. I always text and ask if its a good time to call. 

(Some people really appreciate it...others don't care).

Professor Principal
7.3.1  devangelical  replied to  Krishna @7.3    one month ago

I had to learn how to text years ago, otherwise I'd never hear from 2 of my kids ...

Junior Quiet
8  Freewill    one month ago
17.   Don't leave hair in the shower drain.

Or on the soap!

I taught my daughter this when she moved away for college by snapping a picture of her hair that I pulled from a nearly stopped drain in the shower that she had used for years without cleaning it.  It was at least a 30" long, 1" diameter mass of slimy hair that I captioned "The Grudge".   Not sure if she learned from it, but she did reply to my Facebook post with, "EEEWWWWWWW!"

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  Freewill @8    one month ago

I had a friend in high school who cut her hair short because her dad wanted all of his daughters to have short hair. Why? The shower drain...lol

Professor Expert
8.1.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  Trout Giggles @8.1    one month ago

To be fair, I'm growing my hair out a bit, and cleaning the shower drain is a PITA.  Almost enough to go back to chin length again.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1.2  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  sandy-2021492 @8.1.1    one month ago

Mr Giggles has longer hair than I do and it's constantly falling everywhere. Fortunately, I don't have to clean his shower

Professor Principal
8.1.3  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @8.1.2    one month ago

I cut my hair back in '79 for a better job. now everyone of the fucktards that hated longhairs then, has it now ...

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1.4  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @8.1.3    one month ago

Mr G kept his within regulations when he wore the uniform. It was barely within regs, When he retired he stopped getting his hair cut and shaving. He gets profiled quite often by our town's bigoted cops, too

Professor Guide
8.1.5  evilone  replied to  Trout Giggles @8.1.4    one month ago

My hair is probably shorter than I kept it while I was in uniform, though now I also have the short beard... I've been thinking I'm wasting $20 every month to get it cut and I should just get a new clipper set and do the whole thing with a #2 guard myself.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
8.1.6  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  evilone @8.1.5    one month ago

I’ve been buzzing my own head for the last 35 years.  That’s a lot of money saved, and I look damn good.

Professor Quiet
8.1.7  Freefaller  replied to  evilone @8.1.5    one month ago

Kinda the opposite here my hair is a little longer than when I was serving but I can't let it get too long or it gets curly and then goes all birds nest on me

Junior Quiet
9  Freewill    one month ago

Manners Maketh Man

" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen><"]

Professor Principal
9.1  TᵢG  replied to  Freewill @9    one month ago

Cool clip.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.1.1  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  TᵢG @9.1    one month ago

everybody needs a bullet proof umbrella with nifty gadgets

Professor Principal
9.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  Trout Giggles @9.1.1    one month ago

Cool stuff.  I wish I could get the movies ... not available on my services.   Not going to pay extra for them.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.1.3  author  Trout Giggles  replied to  TᵢG @9.1.2    one month ago

I only saw the first one and really liked it. I haven't seen them on any of mine, either

Professor Principal
9.1.4  devangelical  replied to  TᵢG @9.1.2    one month ago

I've seen them on the free movie apps ...

Professor Guide
9.1.5  evilone  replied to  TᵢG @9.1.2    one month ago
I wish I could get the movies ... not available on my services.   Not going to pay extra for them.

I do pay for too many streaming services, but I also watch a lot of stuff. I also have an extensive BluRay collection including Kingsman: The Secret Service.

I don't go to the theater anywhere as much as I did pre-pandemic. 


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