The FBI became a political Entity in July, Not October.
“Americans now look at the FBI and see a political entity, not a nonpartisan entity — and that has huge ramifications for the FBI and for all of us,” said Matt Miller, former chief spokesman for the Justice Department and a Clinton supporter. “It sows disbelief in our system of government and is hugely toxic.”
That's a quote from a Washington Post article about the FBI and a recent release of the investigation into Bill Clinton and the pardon of Marc Rich. Well. Allow me to pontificate.
That statement, uttered in connection with events of the past few days, could easily refer to the announcement of FBI Director Comey that there would not be an indictment of Hillary Clinton following the initial investigation of her email fiasco. The simple fact is, Justice died that day, and the FBI became the laughing stock of the free world. Indeed, the Bill Clinton/Lynch meeting on the tarmac that preceded that announcement did more to solidify in the minds of many Americans that the Justice Department was anything if not biased. THAT has sown disbelief in our system of government, and is hugely toxic.
Several insiders have let it be known that the FBI went into turmoil following that announcement. So much so that Comey was blatantly ignored in the hallways of FBI headquarters. CLEARLY, within the FBI organization, agents and mid level supervisors felt that the actions of Director Comey and AG Lynch smacked too much of political partisanship.
The bottom line is, she broke the law. She violated security protocols and rules, and Comey let her walk. THIS is where the FBI, and the Justice Department showed themselves as a political entity.
When an investigation clearly uncovered violations of Federal Law, but no indictment was made, the Left praised the FBI, and Comey for "doing his job". But now that more evidence has been uncovered and the investigation reopened, it's political bias.
Let's hope that the ensuing investigation rights the wrong that clearly tarnished the FBI's reputation. Failure to do so will forever show the FBI and Justice Department as political pawns.
The SEC can Only level a Fine, no matter the Malfeasance
& the Malfeasance at the raw and bloody end of the former administration (HISTORICALLY known for their political/philosophical Biases) of George W. Bush (obviously
Still gets a pass by some)
The President pardons - it is part of the job & many have made some interesting choices & it is not really a - discussion!
Hillary Clinton is not Bill and the Bias of a Party that Pouts about hummmpff "race" has got to be kidding when they feign any freaking thing, let alone on behalf of the a FBI for not actively participating in political Witch Hunts - July - the second bite at the judicially disturbing apple (never mind the politicking)
is not beneath the Juggernaut of Purity - period! Secret meetings, obstruction, changed job description & outright sedition (incitement & defamatory) really!
So Please tell me how the FBI, Republicans ('angry' not 'angry') or any one since last Friday forgot the conversation that was Actually focused on the viability of the man Republicans front - being Sane, let alone Qualified for the Presidency!
Predator looks good on - no ones Resume! Pffft
The FBI, CIA & the Republican party has existed since Strom crossed allegiances & aisle's
- on principles oddly in the 21st century being espoused by Congress's since January, 2009.
Wasted tax dollars for a witch hunt that nets Nothing because the former President's pardons are sacrosanct - Ask
Rove, Libby or the EPA fines of the Koch brothers' (who just happened to poison a town of what Repub's would call " minority" or "unsavory" is All ya'll)
I loathe a bigot, coward, duplicitous, indifferent, ignart individual, yet Hypocrites really chaff.
Perhaps it is their "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude!
Casino Jack, Valerie Plame & her husband Joseph Wilson & the War that didn't have to happen, the lame FBI higher ups that branded John O'Neill (see the "Man who Knew on PBS) " too much of a maverick" when he was determined to follow the al quada money & whoever "this Osama Bin Laden was!?" John was heroic up to the last working in NYC - in the very place he told the FBI was vulnerable when they unBiased him out of his much loved job as an agent!
& ornery that I am saved the best for last
J. Edgar Hoover the most dastardly FBI had to offer talk about your Apolitico lacking in 'all' biaes - (political or otherwise)
* there I did it with a straight face & you gotta Drink!
Just saw a commercial slander, libel but not a peep regarding the Little girl raped as a child, him
Wonder what the FBI's position on sexual predators of children is - Mr. Issa, Speaker Ryan Mr. Issa is that a Witch Dr.'s costume!?😮😵🐑