Rancher who led armed occupation of federal refuge announces run for Idaho governor
By: Mychael Schnell (TheHill)

Ammon Bundy, a leader of the 2016 armed occupation at a federal refuge, has announced his candidacy for governor of Idaho.
Bundy, in a video posted on Saturday, said he is running for governor because he is "sick and tired of all of this political garbage just like you are."
"I'm tired of our freedoms being taken from us, and I'm tired of the corruption that is rampant in our state government," he added.
Bundy, who is running as a Republican, will join the GOP primary to challenge Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R).
Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin (R) announced her candidacy last month, after she and Little spent more than a year sparring over pandemic measures, including emergency declarations and lockdowns.
Republicans Jeff Cotton, Chris Hammon, Edward Humphreys, Lisa Marie and Cody Usabel have also filed paperwork to enter the governor's race, according to CNN.
Bundy, in his announcement video, said Idaho has a "great opportunity" to "preserve our rights and freedom" and "thrive by expanding and upholding the principles of liberty and prosperity."
"God has given us these blessings, and I believe with his help Idaho can become that beautiful and shining city that is set on a hill that serves as an example for the rest of the country and for all the world to see," he added.
Bundy's official announcement comes after he filed to run for governor last month.
Bundy gained national recognition in 2016 after he and others were arrested for occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days.
The group was charged with conspiracy to impede federal officers and possession of firearms in a federal facility. They were eventually acquitted.
Bundy's family is also known for a 2014 standoff at a ranch belonging to Cliven Bundy, Ammon Bundy's father.
Bundy also said he is running for governor to "bring that same vigor and willingness to stand for what is right to the state of Idaho."
He also took direct swipes at President Biden , accusing him and “those in the deep state that control him” of having plans to take away gun rights, freedom of religion and parental rights and to “further violate the Constitution in unimaginable ways, even more than they’ve already done.”
"The federal government under Joe Biden and the existing establishment will continue their onslaught against the people, and we simply can't afford to have leadership in our state back down and comply with federal tyranny," he added.
Bundy in March was arrested in Idaho for refusing to wear a mask when entering a courthouse, which caused him to miss his own trial, resulting in a charge of failure to appear.
He was facing charges related to refusing to leave the Idaho state legislature last year after a hearing he was scheduled to attend was moved.
Last August, Bundy was banned from entering the Idaho Capitol for a year following two arrests, according to the Idaho Statesman.

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