Durbin: Perhaps Biden 'Went a Little Too Far in His Rhetoric' in Push for Voting Bill
By: jeff-poor (Breitbart)

Jeff Poor 12 Jan 2022
Wednesday on CNN's "The Lead," Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) discussed President Joe Biden's speech in Atlanta a day earlier promoting congressional Democrats voting legislation.
In the speech, Biden suggested opponents were akin to former Democrat Alabama Gov. George Wallace, a self-declared segregationist at the height of his popularity.
"Do you want to be … on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?" Biden said.
According to Durbin, Biden's comparison was him going a "little too far" with his rhetoric.
"It is stark, and I will concede that point," Durbin said.
"Perhaps the president went a little too far in his rhetoric," he later added. "Some of us do, but the fundamental principles and values at stake are very, very similar."

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