White House defends Biden's decision to skip year-end press conference | Washington Examiner
By: Washington Examiner

Of course they did................

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defended President Joe Biden's decision not to hold a year-end press conference on Thursday, citing Biden's decision to field a handful of questions while traveling to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Wednesday.
The president held a bilateral press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in mid-December, but he has held significantly fewer formal press conferences than his direct predecessors.
Jean-Pierre was pressed on the decision during Thursday's press briefing not to end the year with an expanded question-and-answer session with Biden. Jean-Pierre discounted the idea that the president doesn't want to defend his legislative record.
"I think anytime the president travels and is in front of the American people, he does that. He did that in Wisconsin, where he talked about Bidenomics," she told reporters. "He talked about small businesses and how that's a pillar of Bidenomics and investing in America. So, you heard him do that directly to the American people."
Jean-Pierre claimed that the White House makes "an effort to do a press conference as often as possible, whether it's here at home or abroad."
Still, asked why Biden, who only had one call with a foreign leader on his public schedule on Thursday, couldn't "make time" for a press conference.
"He made time yesterday to talk to the press yesterday. He did," she countered. "He talked to them. We made time to make sure that he gave a statement about what was happening in Venezuela, about the hostage exchange, the swap that you all saw that was very successful, a time to do that. He stood in front of the press pool, in front of me, and made that statement and took some questions."
No Trump, memes, fascist references. NT rules apply

Oh this, being the winter solstice, must be the beginning of the "campaign from the basement" season leading up to the election.
I see a renewal of Biden's 2020 basement campaign coming. In the past few weeks, I've seen CDC commercials suddenly (newly) urging all Americans (including infants, toddlers, and children) to get their "new" Covid boosters and to remember that wearing masks will protect everyone and "save lives".
I also see another mandatory (but unvetted) vote by mail for everyone for 2024 again.
citing Biden's decision to field a handful of questions while traveling to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Wednesday.
Lol. He's in such bad shape. Can't wait to hear his excuses why he won't debate or take questions from independent media during the campaign.
Reading the article and obeying Red Box Rules will answer your question.
Or even reading what I wrote and replied to. [deleted]
Didn't read the article title again?
I read it but Sean may not have. And apparently, according to Just Jim, asking a clarifying question is off topic. So whatever.
You broke the Red Box Rule. Whatever indeed...............
Should I have phrased it, "are you talking about the current POTUS or the previous POTUS?" You tell me, would that have also break the Red Box Rule?
“…when a proper name, such as "Biden," is employed…
…any comment that follows is thoughtfully considered.
What does one do with ‘Brandon’? Any comment that follows is immediately dismissible.
They never figured out how to spell Obama either.
More likely it was the WH staff that made the decision. They probably told Joey he could have ice cream instead.
Why hold a press conference when all they have to give is bad news anyway?
I believe it is possible that the Dems are trying to keep Biden propped up as a "competent" nominee for 2024 past the time that they could possibly be criticized for not having an open primary and allowing the public to choose their 2024 candidate.
The DNC will choose the candidate of their choice and voters will be expected to support them even if they absolutely hate them and would have never voted for them in a primary.
In essence, at this time, we are seeing a dog and pony show meant to fend off any serious debate about Biden's mental (possibly physical) capabilities to be POTUS until the 2024 election.
Pretty sure you nailed it.