Ex-Gay is Here to Stay
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
Michael Brown For 11 years, the Truth Wins Out website aggressively attacked those who claimed to be ex-gay, along with individuals and organizations that supported ex-gays. Last month, Wayne...
An Invitation to Pursue God With All Our Minds
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
“Love the Lord your God with … all your mind” — Jesus The Command to Love Jesus commands us to love God with all of who we are — our hearts, souls and minds (Matt. 22:37). One might find this, as...
Coming Soon: A New First-Rate Faith-Friendly Film
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
There’s an exciting new film I’m involved in promoting. I wanted to share the news about it with Stream readers. It’s called Because of Gracia. Here’s what The Hollywood Reporter said about it: An...
Why the Left Loves Islam — And an Even Stranger Contradiction
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
Tom Gilson For all the craziness in the world, there isn’t much that can match the sheer lunacy of liberals standing for both homosexuality and Islam at the same time. Islamic law calls for death...
Christian printer wins free-speech case
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
judge banging gavelFRANKFORT, Ky. (May 12, 2017) — A divided Kentucky appeals court panel has ruled that a Lexington business did not discriminate against an organization by refusing to print...
9 Very Hopeful Signs for American Churches
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
Home Church & Ministries U.S. World Politics Entertainment Living Opinion 9 Very Hopeful Signs for American Churches By THOM S. RAINER May 10, 2017 | 8:10 AM The views expressed by...
The pagan roots of Easter
Via: Hal A. Lujah
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2010/apr/03/easter-pagan-symbolism Easter is a pagan festival. If Easter isn't really about Jesus, then what is it about?...
Children's fairytale book normalizes the abnormal
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
8 years ago
The picture book for youngsters is entitled Promised Land. In the story, a young prince and a farm boy have a few adventures; at the end of the book, a picture shows the two kissing on the lips....