A resurrection in faith-based films
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
5 years ago
There was no red carpet at Lake St Louis in Missouri, but for the filmmakers promoting a movie about the power of prayer, it's a place that provides a reason to believe. The new movie...
We Know Jesus Rose Because We Know How He Was Buried
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
5 years ago
Rob Schwarzwalder The conclusion can’t be avoided: the historic person Jesus of Nazareth was dead, buried, and made alive. Only an event of supernatural origin could account for his...
Good Friday: Its Message for Christian Culture Warriors
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
6 years ago
Today is Good Friday. It is the great day of equalizing — a much-needed message in these days of culture wars. For everyone on both sides of this cultural conflict is convinced the other side is...
Discrimination against Christians, Jews surges
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
6 years ago
Discrimination against Jews and Christians has surged in the United States in the last few years, even as reported attacks against Muslims and gays has gone down slightly. That’s according...
Franklin Graham to Buttigieg: 'We don't define sin, God does'
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
6 years ago
He also promised he would support a federal “equality act,” which, according to the bill now in Congress, would threaten constitutionally protected rights of Christians. Graham said Buttigieg is...
The Compelling Man: Is Jesus Evidence That Christianity is True?
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
6 years ago
Clarke Dixon Who is Jesus and why should we care? Some would say that we should consider Jesus apart from any religious ideas, without asking the “God question.” Let us do so for a moment....
David and Goliath: The Center for Medical Progress’ David Daleiden Keeps Fighting the Abortion Giant
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
6 years ago
David Daleiden is up against abortion giants in a lawsuit designed to silence him and keep “damning” videos from us. Yet, he’s still picking up stones. As an investigative journalist, The Center...
Science and God
Via: XXJefferson51
Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news
6 years ago
An award-winning scientist recently told the world that science and religion are not incompatible. The Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports (3/19/19), “The annual Templeton Prize, which...