Atheism Is Religion

Atheism Is Religion

Via: XXJefferson51  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  4 Comments  •  7 years ago

Almost all atheists claim that, because (supposedly) there is no God, their own worldview is not a religion. Many of them would argue that they have a “nonbelief.” One of the definitions of...

No doubt, Golden State will hear the gospel from Graham

Via: XXJefferson51  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  3 Comments  •  7 years ago

Franklin Graham will launch an evangelistic crusade across the state of California later this month. The evangelist will begin his ten-city tour through the Golden State on May 20. The one-day...

A March for Science? More a March for Meek Conformity

Via: XXJefferson51  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  4 Comments  •  7 years ago

The great ways to celebrate the spirit of science are legion. It’s just that marching like a military regiment isn’t one of them. The 2nd annual March for Science is Saturday in Washington D.C....


Via: XXJefferson51  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  3 Comments  •  7 years ago

THE 4TH COMMANDMENT A recent conversation with Bill Keith, national president of Business Men’s Fellowship USA, highlights the question about whether Christians should observe the Jewish...

Where Do They Get Their ‘Facts’ From?

Via: XXJefferson51  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  5 Comments  •  7 years ago

I make a point of reading writers I disagree with. I do it to keep my mind open to the world around me, to discover my own errors of perspective, and to understand other people better. Listening is...

North Korea leads world in persecuting the Church

Via: XXJefferson51  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  2 Comments  •  7 years ago

An annual list ranking the 50 countries where Christians face the most brutal persecution has been released and North Korea is again at the top. The totalitarian regime is ranked number one on the...

The Hope of Christ: The Reason We Can Have a Merry Christmas

Via: XXJefferson51  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  2 Comments  •  8 years ago

“The only way you’re going to have a ‘Merry Christmas,’ — a joy-filled Christmas — is to experience the Reason for the season,” Stream founder James Robison said this morning in a Facebook post....
Hal A. Lujah

Why are Millennials Leaving Christianity? Fox News Has No Idea.

Via: Hal A. Lujah  •  Evangelical Christian Conservative issues, beliefs, and news  •  0 Comments  •  8 years ago

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